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Messages - portalgod

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Zaurus - pdaXrom / Usb Gps
« on: May 11, 2007, 01:25:32 am »
I'll try the newer software that xjqian posted about and maybe iut will be easier to use.
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ahh yes, that newer software runs a lot better. thank you.
Now have to try and figure out a way to get/convert a map of Manitoba and Winnipeg, as there's only a general map of North America on the roadmap website that's useful to us Canadians.
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I'm having some trouble getting roadmap to display maps properly.   I downloaded the newer software xjqian suggested and ipkg installed it.   It installed and I can go to /mnt/sd/usr/bin/ and run roadmap.   It first complained about not opening usdir.rdm, I downloaded the latest map files from and dropped them in /usr/share/roadmap/ (which is a symlink to /mnt/sd/usr/share/roadmap).   The map shows up as a bunch of black shapes on a white background.   No streets shown.   I can click and scroll around, but i suscpect I either don't have the right colors selected or it is not being rendered properly.

Any idears?

I know gpsd is runnign and my reciever is hooked up properly.   using roadgps shows which satellites I have a fix via.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / 4gb Sd
« on: May 10, 2007, 06:07:15 pm »
I'm using 4 GB MMC in SD slot without any problems. Never ever had any problems at all with it, and I do copy a lot of files there all the time.
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What kernel/pdaXrom  version you are using?
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I've been using a Transcend 4GB SD on my Akita since day 1.   I used it on Cacko with Tetsu's kernel patch although the package manager would never want to install to it.  I had to ipkg install and ipkg-link all the packages I installed, but it installed perfectly every time.   I had it formatted both vfat and ext2 and different times and both worked equally well.

On Pdaxii13 I had it as a single 4GB partition and it worked seamlessly (only had it formatted ext2, not vfat).  The package manager installed to it no problem.   Then I re partitioned and put on two 2GB parittions, one ext2 and one vfat.   Still works fine and package manager works seamlessly again.

Note: I just got my 4GB Transcend CF card and I've got it a single 4GB partition formatted ext2.   No problems on Pdaxii13.

C1000/3x00 Hardware / How To Identify Usb Host Cable?
« on: May 10, 2007, 02:13:14 pm »
I have Zaurus C1000 and i need USB host cable. I can buy this USB cable pack from Sweex, but i don't know it contains USB host cable?

Is USB host cable = cable with USB mini 5 pin connector?

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The USB host adapter is mini 4 pin type A male to 4 pin type A female. I'm not sure if this includes the right adapter, as the image is far too small to make out the adapter. It likely does, but I cannot be positive.
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Just as a confirmation, i bought the 6:1 kit from Walgreens and the connectors work like a charm.  Unfortunately now I've got a 6 foot USB Host cable, where I need to plug in my 6ft cable USB GPS.   I walk around with a Z in one hand and 12 feet of wire in the other

C1000/3x00 Hardware / Fighting The Usb Mini-a Shortage...
« on: May 09, 2007, 05:50:21 pm »
So I'm a bit confused here.   So if I wanted to connect my Z to my desktop to sync I use a mini-B<->male A?   and if I want to host a usb device on my Z i.e. memory stick to Z, I use a mini-A<->female A?

Is that right?   Or should I never be using a mini-B on the Z.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Dual Booting Pdaxrom And Angstrom?
« on: May 09, 2007, 11:21:18 am »
...(as a matter of fact on my C860 I have r198 in nand and a higly modified r121 in MMC and use just u-boot to select whic one to boot).
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Would it be possible to do the same and boot from the microdrive instead ? (I'm looking for a solution to run r198 from microdrive) ?

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Since nobody really answered, I'll do it myself :
It was (is) already possible - no special kernel needed.
(thanks louigi600 !!!)  

Having a lot of fun,
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I'd be game for dual booting Angstrom and Pdaxii13

X/Qt / Gpsdrive On X/qt-debian
« on: May 07, 2007, 01:39:27 pm »
you probably want to try this instead

I tested the app and it seems to work, but I don't have a GPS unit to test with. Anyone wanna give it a try? This is the X/Qt version for Sharp/Cacko natively without Debian/PocketWorkstation
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Is the pre3 package for cacko only, or have you compiled a version for pdaxrom?
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[a href=\"][/url]
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I must be missing something.   I think I've got the right packages installed (i.e. the pkg from the beta3 feed, and the pcre package), but I'm still getting this error :

GLib-ERROR **: gmem.c:141:g_malloc(): failed to allocate 2272000 bytes

Am I missing something?  Is GPSDrive that mem intensive?   I've got no swap space currently allocated.

UPDATE: Hmm, I restarted X and now it works

X/Qt / Gpsdrive On X/qt-debian
« on: May 07, 2007, 11:08:53 am »
you probably want to try this instead

I tested the app and it seems to work, but I don't have a GPS unit to test with. Anyone wanna give it a try? This is the X/Qt version for Sharp/Cacko natively without Debian/PocketWorkstation
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Is the pre3 package for cacko only, or have you compiled a version for pdaxrom?

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Which Wpa-compatible Card To Buy?
« on: April 27, 2007, 02:53:04 pm »

I am quite happy with my D-Link DCF-660W. It is quite old, I already used it together with my previous router which supported only WEP.
When I got my new router I thought I would have to buy a new card for my Z or try to da a firmware-upgrade, but it worked right away.   

I just had to set up wpa_supplicant.

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I've got the Planex GW-CF11X CF Wi-fi card.   It is the center card in the picture above this post.  

I followed the directions on [a href=\"][/url] (search the page for wpa) but on Pdaxii13 on an Sl-C1000.    

A few tips on setting up wpa in Pdaxii13 are:
1) There is no /etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.opts file.   It's wireless.opts.  
2) The line "WPA=" doesn't exist by default in any wireless scheme, you have to add it.  
3) Make sure to grab the wpa-supplicant and readline ipks from  If not, you'll never find /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf and the associated utilities as referenced.

Software / Kdepim Synchronization With Web
« on: April 16, 2007, 09:58:31 am »
I havent tested either PHP calendar, but this looks like a free, simple, .ics web display php script alternative.   From a quick look, it looks like the same procedure would work with the phpicalendar script.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / System Status Display And Gps Questions
« on: April 12, 2007, 11:01:55 pm »
F.Y.I   I also had the seg fault on 0.18 so I installed 0.17 from here :

Runs fine now.

C1000/3x00 Hardware / Cf Vs Sd Vs Nand
« on: April 11, 2007, 12:28:37 am »
This msg has been retracted.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Pdaxii13 On Nand
« on: April 05, 2007, 09:57:16 am »
Hrmm, so here's an odd one.   Fresh install of pdaxii13 akita base on my sl-c1000.   Boot into X, everything fine and dandy.  

Installed atd to SD.

Using the card applet monitor to eject the card, it reports "You can now eject the card" or whatever the message is.

However if I dropped to console and umount'ed it, it complains that it is busy.

Well of course it is, atd is still being run from the SD

How does the applet allow me to eject?

Maybe a bug?   Anyone else notice or try this?

Off Topic forum / Online Backup + Web Hosting
« on: April 04, 2007, 12:34:38 pm »
So I figured maybe someone knows one :

Here are my needs :

1) Weekly 150MB backup from my office to an offsite storage location (some rsync or equivalent)

2) Less than a handful of domains (all diskspace tallying up to maybe couple hundred megs right now) that need web hosting.

3) SMTP/POP access needed for each domain (tally in maybe 100MB disk space needed or so;  This implies the need for just 1 static IP)

4) Definately needs to be 24/7 99.9% uptime.

5) Doesn't need to be triple-redundant OC-36 data pipes, but something decent, at minimum 1/2 T1 to T1 speed to serve, and can be down to a 1/4 T1 to download (to service my offsite databackup from office).

6) Maybe some shell access for random other low diskspace / low bandwidth applications.  (this one is optional)

And of course

7) as cheap as possible

Anyone know of such a service/company?

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Pdaxii13 On Nand
« on: April 04, 2007, 03:39:22 am »
Is X in pdaxrom the full blown X compilation, or does it take advantage of some kind of reduced functionality / reduced footprint binary compilation such as a "Tiny X" as described here : ?

I guess maybe my idea of speed increase (which I got from reading several posts in these forums) is moot given the resources X eats up.  Probably running apps from the command line may be faster.  Perhaps I'll have to do some tests and post my app initialization times.

Thanks anyhow

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Pdaxii13 On Nand
« on: April 02, 2007, 04:48:24 pm »
I've just moved to Pdaxii13 Akita on my SL-C1000.  I had Cacko before.   Somehow I expected an interface speed increase going from the Qtopia desktop on Cacko to Pdaxrom desktops.

I notice a signifiant lag in starting applications on Pdaxii13 and have seen a previous posting on this thread with the same verbiage.

Is this becuase I'm using the default matchbox desktop manager with the default window manager?   Maybe if I switch to a lighterweight icewm or so with Rox I may see a visible speed increase?


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