I installed Kphone/SI v1.0.2 on my Pdaxii13 Akita from
https://www.oesf.org/forums/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=153281 and installed it to /mnt/card/. It registers with sipphone.com, I can dial out (and the other line picks up) but it's radio silence on the other end and on my end all I hear is scratchy noise.
Anyone else experience this?
EDIT : The preferences screen is larger than the Z's viewing area. Is there a sample config file that someone can provide I can use?
EDIT2 : I'll have to try it again while plugged in via hard wire. I was using it via wireless at home and I read that the added latency of the wireless connection well screws up things.
EDIT3 : So I plugged in via hard wire and I got the same static.
EDIT4: I confirmed that I can record through my left earbud via KhdRecord and I can playback the recording via XMMS in the right earbud.
EDIT5 : Calling sipphone.com's test #'s and such I can hear perfectly fine. That's odd, I just can't call outside lines.
EDIT6 : I found ~/.qt/kphonesirc and it seems to have all the right stuff in there. The software seg faults when saving the preferences screen (but it does save changes to kphonesirc). The software also seg faults when terminating a call. Both of these are expected from other posts on the forum.
EDIT7 : Success! I grabbed Like I mentioned in EDIT6, I found the config file in ~/.qt/kphonesirc. I kept reading and reading more and more posts on OESF Forums as well as random other web pages about running Kphone 4.2 and 4.0series on other Linux mobile devices and the kicker for the scratchy noise is attributed to the codec that was selected.
Kphone/SI has 5 available codecs, ulaw, alaw, gsm, ilbc, and speex. By default, Kphone/SI tries to use them in that order unless you disable it by using a -1 in the config dialog box (or the config file). I disbled speex, ilbc, alaw, and ulaw as I read some of them are very resource intensive codecs. Enabling them one by one, I found my optimal settings are gsm as "0", alaw as "1", and the rest disabled via "-1". Now I make calls out to landlines and mobile lines no problem.
The only slight problem is that even at max volume (via Xmixer), using my headphones (right earbud for speaker and left earbud for mic) as a mic results in a pretty low microphone volume. I'm not sure how to boost it up other than putting it just about between my lips
Also, I didn't have any problem with using my router (I did have to open up the Z to the world unfirewalled), but I did put in the STUN and proxy servers just to be safe
In addition, I didn't have any problems using it over my wireless connection.
At any rate, that's my experience with Kphone/SI on my Z.