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Messages - portalgod

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Zaurus - pdaXrom / Icewm - The Ultimate Configuration
« on: May 25, 2007, 09:30:36 am »
just for anyone that is interested to compile their own icewm, i have created patches with my fixes for both icewm 1.2.30 and 1.2.26 sources.
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How does Ice compare to xfce or fluxbox in terms of memory usage?  I haven't seen a conclusive comparison.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Kphone working for PC to phone calls
« on: May 25, 2007, 03:38:04 am »
I got speaq working on my C860 Sharp ROM so I expect it will work just as well with Cacko. Might be a good alternative for you. Search the forums for speaq.

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I've got Kphone/Si on my SL-C1000 running pdaxii13.  I've got some earbud headphones in and I use the right earbud as the speaker and the left earbud as the microphone.  

However, the party that I've called complains about an echo where they hear themselves louder than they hear me.

The call is fine, I can talk indefinately, the software works, my account at is fine.  

Anyone else experience the other side echo'ing?   I've read that reducing my volume would reduce the echo but I dont' buy that.  I'm using ear buds so there is no way that my mic is picking up the sound from in my ear.  

I although thought about crosscoupling between the earbud headphone wiring, but I've got nothing else to try it out with.

Anyone got any idears how to minimize or eliminate the echo?

Florida / Miami-Dade? SHow of hands, please?
« on: May 24, 2007, 12:27:07 pm »
I used to live in Broward County (1948 - 2000),  does that count??
Might as well - G. Most of the folks in Broward today seem to have moved there from Miami-Dade after Andrew - LOL. And most of west Broward has been well & truly "Kendallized" so ...... its all SE Florida, just one big, long urban strip. Kinda like in the cyberpunk sf stories.

I'm an FSU alumna.  Go, Seminoles!
You & my friend Paul would mix it up then - LOL. HE is a UF alumnus & a rabid Gator fan. Now, me - I did attend UM for a while at first but matriculated from good old MDCC then from FIU. First full class of 1974. Team? WHAT team? LOL.

Heh, I'm a lady so I guess from my weak Latin skills,  it's "alumna".  
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Your Latin is probably better then mine. I don't even know the plural for Zaurus (Zaurii?).
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FIU C/O 2003' baby!

General Discussion / Sl-c1000 Portability
« on: May 24, 2007, 03:52:50 am »
I use a nintendo ds case...Icarry my wallet phone and z in it, looks like a purse though, but no one really questions a guy with a purse when he's 230lbs and 5'1" so dont have musch problems with that.
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I also use a Ninento DS case I picked up for $5 at a local electronics store.  It carries my SL-C1000, multiple memory cards, CF Wifi, CF Lan, CF Card Reader, SD Card Reader, Headphones, USB Host cable.

I'll post some pics when I can take some.

General Discussion / Zaurus And I On Vacation
« on: May 18, 2007, 02:28:29 pm »
Good stuff Good stuff!   I think i've got all of those on my Z now.   The only thing I'm missing now is e-books (I have to download a few) and some MP3s.

Gimme more gimme more!

General Discussion / Zaurus And I On Vacation
« on: May 16, 2007, 03:26:22 pm »
I've got my Universal plug and my USB host cable to connect peripherals.  I forgot about mem card readers tho  

I'll have to look into the power extender.  That would be pretty nice to have.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Usb Gps
« on: May 16, 2007, 01:46:48 am »
Thanks for taking the time to share all the info. I'll get back into my GPS in fall and will appreciate all the info you posted.
Sorry for not helping more.
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No prob.  I'll prolly screw it up later, so I'll use that last post as a howto (I'll eventually generate howto's on my homepage for everything I've tinkered with).

Have you found that GPSDrive somehow plots your position off by a few dozen meters?   I put the long/lat that GPSDrive Status window reports into some online map programs (mapquest, google) and it accurately plots my position.   However using the maps from [a href=\"][/url] seems to be off a bit.  

Furthermore, it is only off in the X direction (if you use the convention X is horizontal, Y is vertical).   For example, If I have 148th street running east to west intersecting 104th avenue running north to south, If I'm on the NW corner, GPS drive will correctly place me just north of 148th street, but about 100ft WEST of 104th avenue.   If I drive all over the place, driving horizontally on the map tracks me perfectly, however anytime I'm runnign north to south gpsdrive plots me about 100ft WEST of whatever road I"m on.  It's weird.

EDIT: I'm going to try and fudge the location a bit by adjusting the longitude value of the map I specified and see if I can shift the image to match a known location.

EDIT2: Yeppers. If you fudge the long value in map_koord.txt by around 0.0001, you can shift the image about 10 to 15 feet.    So I just lined it up to a known position, and voila!    Problem is, if you have mapped out a large area, and have a boat load of tiled map files, you have to fudge each one by the same amount.   Maybe one day I'll write a bash script to do it for me    for now, I can do it by hand.

EDIT3: I had to play some more with map_koord.txt so here's my perl script to adjust it for me.   Drop it in your .gpsdrive folder, and run it with ./ lat_adj long_adj > tempfile .   Then overwrite map_koord.txt by tempfile.   The variables lat_adj and long_adj are doubles, so you can enter 1.243 or -14.148 or anything else

General Discussion / Zaurus And I On Vacation
« on: May 16, 2007, 12:40:50 am »
For reasons outside of vacation, I had to reflash my Z lately and wipe it clean.    In a week I'm heading on a European Vacation for a month.    Thus far I've got my GPS software installed (GPSDrive), my voip software installed (Kphone/SI), Firefox, and an email client.

Other suggestions?

What are YOUR necessity software when you're on vacation?

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Usb Gps
« on: May 15, 2007, 12:54:22 pm »
I'll try the newer software that xjqian posted about and maybe iut will be easier to use.
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ahh yes, that newer software runs a lot better. thank you.
Now have to try and figure out a way to get/convert a map of Manitoba and Winnipeg, as there's only a general map of North America on the roadmap website that's useful to us Canadians.
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I'm having some trouble getting roadmap to display maps properly.   I downloaded the newer software xjqian suggested and ipkg installed it.   It installed and I can go to /mnt/sd/usr/bin/ and run roadmap.   It first complained about not opening usdir.rdm, I downloaded the latest map files from and dropped them in /usr/share/roadmap/ (which is a symlink to /mnt/sd/usr/share/roadmap).   The map shows up as a bunch of black shapes on a white background.   No streets shown.   I can click and scroll around, but i suscpect I either don't have the right colors selected or it is not being rendered properly.

Any idears?

I know gpsd is runnign and my reciever is hooked up properly.   using roadgps shows which satellites I have a fix via.
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I'm not sure what was going wrong but I suspect it's all the screwing around I did with the window managers and libraries on my old install of pdaxii13.  

I did a full backup, a wipe of the OS and memory cards, and started fresh.

I did a fresh install of the newest pdaxii13 and installed gpsdrive, roadnav, and roadmap.

Like the last install of pdaxii13, the UT-41 was picked up right away as the Prolific PL2303 on /dev/ttyUSB0.  

I installed gpsd v2.22-1 from the pdaxrom Beta3 feed.  Since dmesg showed the Ut-41 on /dev/ttyUSB0, I immediately tried gpsd -f /dev/ttyUSB0.   Telnet'ing to localhost:2947, once connected hit enter and you should see gpsd respond with "GPSD" in all caps.  Then if you type r and hit enter you should see your GPS start spitting out lots of lines of data at you.  Get out of telnet by using the escape characters '^]'.   If gpsd does not spit anything out at you after typing r and enter, somethign went wrong.  Check dmesg to see if the UT-41 got claimed by a driver.  If it did, try and determine what device node it appears on.  i.e. /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyUSB1, /dev/somethingelse.

Once gpsd was up and running, I fired up GPSDrive v2.10pre3 from the pdaxrom Beta3 feed and it ran nicely as usual.  I installed a few maps just to test from [a href=\"][/url].  The UT-41 quickly (pretty fast ttff for a generic brand GPS) fixed my position an correctly indicated it on the map.  Driving around that day tracked me 100% accuratly on the map.  I was pleased    Next stop for GPSDrive is to import some waypoints and test the tracks/routes/waypoint navigation features.  One "gotcha!" for GPS drive is that you have to start it via sudo -u zaurus gpsdrive.  I also symlink'd my ~/.gpsdrive to a directory on my SD card.  A.k.a  ln -s /mnt/card/gpsdrive ~/.gpsdrive   I did this becuase the maps are stored in ~/.gpsdrive and dumping a few maps on that location fills up your NAND.  I'd rather fill up my SD than my NAND (I've got a 4GB SD card  )

I grabbed Roadmap v1.0.12 from and I think I figured out roadmap this time around and after a little playing around with the maps and paths. It finally displayed the map for Washington state in USA nicely.  Just as a tip, I had to install the maps to my SD card since I also installed the package to my SD card.   The maps should be installed to /usr/share/roadmap.  Since I installed roadnav to my SD card, it looked for the maps in /mnt/card/usr/share/roadmap.   The maps the software asked for are :

1) - Map Directory
2) The map file for your state.
3) -DCW North America

After unpacking those maps in /mnt/card/usr/share/roadmap and starting roadmap from that directory, everything worked fine.    I haven't had a chance to really play with this software yet, but it looks promising.

I installed roadnav v0.16 from the pdaxrom Beta3 feed.  It ran the first time and began downloading the appropriate maps.  I symlink'ed /tmp to /mnt/card/tmp.  I also symlinked ~/.roadnavdata to /mnt/card/roadnavdata It seg faulted (I'm sure it ran out of memory).    Since then I haven't had a chance to really upsize the swap space, overclock it, and make sure it works.   Reports from other users in this forum suspect it runs nicely but is a bit sluggish since the software is built for a desktop.  I installed it on my winxp home box and it was sluggish doing route calculations although it did pinpoint me on the map that it downloaded.   I suspect there may be a way to download the maps (and convert them) on your windows/linux desktop and copy them over to the Z, but I can't confirm this yet.

This is my experience so far with the UT-41 and my Pdaxii13 Zaurus

Pdaxii3rom is a stable version of pdaxrom - which has had a lot of effort to make it very  functional and stable. It is X based and feels alot like a desktop system on the Z - which is great if that is what you want (and I do love it:-))
See here for the details:


Have fun

Hi sorry I made my last reply while you were doing yours I think. It is exactly what I was looking for really (desktop X system rather than so PDA like), will definitely install it I think.

How did you find the installation? Any problems? Also do you rememeber which guide you followed to install it and if so could you show me the link please? Thanks for the reply!
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Your wireless card is supported out of box.  Just plug it in, configure a scheme, and you're golden.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Kphonesi / Pdaxii13 / Scratchy Noise
« on: May 13, 2007, 03:19:32 pm »
I installed Kphone/SI v1.0.2 on my Pdaxii13 Akita from and installed it to /mnt/card/.  It registers with, I can dial out (and the other line picks up) but it's radio silence on the other end and on my end all I hear is scratchy noise.

Anyone else experience this?

EDIT : The preferences screen is larger than the Z's viewing area.   Is there a sample config file that someone can provide I can use?  

EDIT2 :  I'll have to try it again while plugged in via hard wire.  I was using it via wireless at home and I read that the added latency of the wireless connection well screws up things.

EDIT3  : So I plugged in via hard wire and I got the same static.

EDIT4:  I confirmed that I can record through my left earbud via KhdRecord and I can playback the recording via XMMS in the right earbud.

EDIT5 : Calling's test #'s and such I can hear perfectly fine.  That's odd, I just can't call outside lines.

EDIT6 : I found ~/.qt/kphonesirc and it seems to have all the right stuff in there.   The software seg faults when saving the preferences screen (but it does save changes to kphonesirc).  The software also seg faults when terminating a call.  Both of these are expected from other posts on the forum.

EDIT7 : Success!  I grabbed  Like I mentioned in EDIT6, I found the config file in ~/.qt/kphonesirc.  I kept reading and reading more and more posts on OESF Forums as well as random other web pages about running Kphone 4.2 and 4.0series on other Linux mobile devices and the kicker for the scratchy noise is attributed to the codec that was selected.  

Kphone/SI has 5 available codecs, ulaw, alaw, gsm, ilbc, and speex.   By default, Kphone/SI tries to use them in that order unless you disable it by using a -1 in the config dialog box (or the config file).  I disbled speex, ilbc, alaw, and ulaw as I read some of them are very resource intensive codecs.   Enabling them one by one, I found my optimal settings are gsm as "0", alaw as "1", and the rest disabled via "-1".    Now I make calls out to landlines and mobile lines no problem.  

The only slight problem is that even at max volume (via Xmixer), using my headphones (right earbud for speaker and left earbud for mic) as a mic results in a pretty low microphone volume.  I'm not sure how to boost it up other than putting it just about between my lips    

Also, I didn't have any problem with using my router (I did have to open up the Z to the world unfirewalled), but I did put in the STUN and proxy servers just to be safe

In addition, I didn't have any problems using it over my wireless connection.

At any rate, that's my experience with Kphone/SI on my Z.

X/Qt / Gpsdrive On X/qt-debian
« on: May 11, 2007, 03:15:42 pm »
you probably want to try this instead

I tested the app and it seems to work, but I don't have a GPS unit to test with. Anyone wanna give it a try? This is the X/Qt version for Sharp/Cacko natively without Debian/PocketWorkstation
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Is the pre3 package for cacko only, or have you compiled a version for pdaxrom?
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[a href=\"][/url]
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I must be missing something.   I think I've got the right packages installed (i.e. the pkg from the beta3 feed, and the pcre package), but I'm still getting this error :

GLib-ERROR **: gmem.c:141:g_malloc(): failed to allocate 2272000 bytes

Am I missing something?  Is GPSDrive that mem intensive?   I've got no swap space currently allocated.

UPDATE: Hmm, I restarted X and now it works
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How's the responsiveness of GPSDrive on Cacko run via pdaxQTrom?   Last time i was using Cacko, loading up some pdaxqtrom apps were kinda sluggish.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Opie/gpe
« on: May 11, 2007, 03:02:45 pm »
One question though; GPE has the "Goto Opie" icon/script - what mechanism did you use when going from OPIE->GPE (other than chvt 3 from the terminal), as I've yet to understand how the OPIE desktop relates to commands/scripts underneath?

I created this file:

...which contains:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Goto GPE

 / contains:

chvt 2

...don't forget to chmod 755  /
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Excellent, thanks - I'll give it a go.  It's also good to start learning how the OPIE desktop/icons and scripts relate - another knowledge gap filled.
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I would assume having the OPIE environment alongside the GPE/X environmenet is a waste of resources since they're both running simultaneously.  Has anyone noticed any significant performance hits running them both at the same time?

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Pdaxii13 On Nand
« on: May 11, 2007, 11:27:15 am »
yeah, you got 5.4.1


read the accompanying pages. they always indicate which version is available and the version number behind the file name is always right even if the release notes have newer versions which just means the file has not been updated yet due to above mentioned reason...


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I have looked at every page pertaining to pdaxii13 and cannot find a version number for "pdaXii13-custom.tgz"
Is there somewhere I can find the version number for this file?
Or if I extract "pdaXii13-custom.tgz" onto my desktop PC, which file contains the version information?
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Anyone dual-booting Cacko 1.23 (kernel 2.4.20 i think) and Pdaxii13 (kernel 2.4.20)

General Discussion / Working Tomtom Nav On Angstrom
« on: May 11, 2007, 10:45:40 am »
any news? I'd like to test, and I have all I need except a guide...
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is there a howto to get tomtom work on z?

i own a 910 and want to try it on my c3000

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A friend of mine just got a TT300, I'm going to try and follow this thread (hopefully I don't croak my Z).  

Anyone seen the howto?

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