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Messages - xjqian

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 34
6000 - Tosa / Making Angstrom Work On Tosa
« on: January 18, 2008, 01:56:48 am »
unplug: the Angstrom feed is under overhaul recently. I'm not following this topic closely either. But as far as I can tell, the unstable is empty/cleaned up now. The ipk built from the stable branch is under 2007, while ipk built from the dev branch is under 2008. (don't mix these two, as tool chain is changed from 2007 to 2008). So s/unstable/2007/g in your pkg conf to point to the right place.

ipkg-link is deprecated and unsupported in Anstrom. I was against this in the beginning but now realizes that it makes sense. The best way to install/use Angstrom on Tosa right now is to install altboot-console-image first, then unpack the rootfs to SD/CF.

I will prepare an instruction soon with the recent opie-images for testing over the weekend.

zroadmap 1.1.0 (with 2006 US street map)

Debian / Telephone?
« on: January 09, 2008, 10:47:20 pm »
From Wengophone FAQ: "Is there any embedded version being developed? Although we plan to support as much embedded platforms as possible, this work has not started yet."

I guess Wengophone is still too heavy for embedded device right now. I only had success with Kphone/pi on Tosa. Bringing Kphone/pi up-to-date is on my to-do list.

General Discussion / Garnet Vm On Zaurus
« on: December 22, 2007, 06:53:33 am »
Quote from: pierre
There is a successful experience, you can look here: (sorry, in russian only)
I saw maslovsky in that post. So he is still around.

General Discussion / Pandora
« on: December 22, 2007, 06:38:49 am »
keyboard looks horrible. Build quality (plastic?) and battery life are my concerns.

For Sale / Wanted / For Sale Sl-6000l
« on: December 22, 2007, 06:18:31 am »
I'm interested in your tosa. PM sent.

6000 - Tosa / Angstrom Status On Tosa
« on: December 22, 2007, 12:30:38 am »

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Angstrom
« on: December 20, 2007, 11:58:25 pm »
which Angstrom image do you flash?

Off Topic forum / What Laptop Do You Use, And Why?
« on: December 19, 2007, 04:48:39 am »
Toshiba Satellite 3005 since 2001. PIII 1GHz + 512M RAM + 16M NvidiaGO2 (at that time as the gaming laptop on the road). No wifi, BT or even USB2.0, but has IEEE1394. Battery dead, screen fainted, docked at home with a 22" monitor @ native 1680x1050 (thanks to the then forward thinking GPU choice). Occasionally brought to work (under 4 lb with battery out) for presentations and software testing (under XP). Dual boot Debian (lenny) and XP. Liked the DVD/CD+RW-ROM most, been abused with thousands of bad disks, yet still kicking strong, reads anything without a hitch. Expecting it to serve me for 10+ years.

Sharp ROMs / Cacko 1.24 - A Wishlist
« on: December 09, 2007, 08:56:04 pm »
Quote from: Stubear
If you feel this is a GPL violation then it should be addressed to as they have a pretty decent track record of stopping GPL violations.

Good point. Thanks for the link. Speculatrix: I don't have my hopes high, but I think we should pursue this for Tosa. What do you think?

Sharp ROMs / Cacko 1.24 - A Wishlist
« on: December 03, 2007, 04:34:24 am »
Quote from: dsteuer
a) 2.6 EABI Kernel + base system similar to cacko 1.23 and as stable!
2.6 EABI kernel is not realistic.

the realistic things are:
2.4 kernel as is, basic libraries (glibc, etc) as is; a couple update (mainly due to security reasons) on the rootfs (basic tools), and some update (feature based) on the user-space programs.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Native Compilation
« on: November 30, 2007, 03:26:29 am »
Quote from: lardman
This will be sorted out when we move to Angstrom as eabi uses vfp, which keeps fp numbers in the same endianness as the processor.
indeed in Angstrom, configure: loading site script /home/gordon/oe/

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / R For Oz/gpe
« on: November 30, 2007, 02:58:53 am »
I tried to cross compile R-2.6.0 with OE for the past week but got stuck so far

I compiled the native R-2.6.0 version first.
set R=R-2.6.0 in EXTRA_OECONF to prevent do_configure quiting
use sed to set R_EXE to the native R binary in each makefile

I'm able to compile through until R packages in /src/library, where the following command is issued

$R_EXE --vanilla --slave -f /src/library/base/makebasedb.R

| Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) :
|   may already be using lazy loading on base
| Calls: local -> eval.parent -> eval -> eval -> eval -> eval
| Execution halted

The error was caused by lazy loading mechanism of the R binary on the host. --vanilla should suppress loading any package upon startup, however, seems there is no way to get around lazy loading (which means assuming a package is loaded). Anybody has idea how to get around this obstacle?

General Discussion / 6000 Battery Bulge. Keep 6000 Or Sell?
« on: November 19, 2007, 06:43:34 pm »
bluedevil: my Tosa battery also bulged couple of month ago after a long cross-continent trip (don't know what's causing it). Fortunately I had a spare at hand and had another one in the sled. You you want to sell your tosa, let me know.

6000 - Tosa / Angstrom Status On Tosa
« on: November 15, 2007, 08:11:25 am »
Get it here: Get Angstrom Unstable Release for tosa The latest tested release is r8 (kernel 2.6.23).

Working out-of-box

altboot with loopback image or direct fs
Kernel 2.6.23 (testing 2.6.24 for >= r9) Tosa kernel status from Dmitry
Images: Opie 1.2.3 (core opie application feed, other opie or qt applications not in the feed yet) and GPE 2.8 (x11-image) with match-box as default WM
Keyboard (keymap changed in 2.6.24)
Internal Wifi (wlan-ng-modules-usb 2.8) 802.11b WEP only, no WPA
SD: non-sdhc or sdhc (tested with 4GB card of both)
CF and 2nd CF on sled

OE Tosa Meta-Bug

Outstanding critical bugs:

1. suspend/resume OE bug 2134
[Closed] 2. sound system OE bug 3518  Speaker/Headphone tested working. Mic/phone untested

Major bugs:

[Hacked kdrive in x11-image to overcome the problem, still an issue in opie-image] 1. frame buffer (a.k.a, screen corruption or the famous yellow vertical lines) : occurs "occasionally" with 2.6.23 kernel, much better than "often" with 2.6.17 kernel OE bug 490

Opie bugs: file Opie bug tracker

GPE bugs: file GPE bug tracker

Kernel, roofs or packaging bugs: file OE bug tracker

Not tested yet:
?USB host
?Speaker/Headphone/Headset/Mic (need to fix the alsa state in r9)
USB client
USB network
Mic (the one on the back of the device) / PhoneMic (2.5mm jack used with a headset)

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