6000 - Tosa / Making Angstrom Work On Tosa
« on: January 18, 2008, 01:56:48 am »
unplug: the Angstrom feed is under overhaul recently. I'm not following this topic closely either. But as far as I can tell, the unstable is empty/cleaned up now. The ipk built from the stable branch is under 2007, while ipk built from the dev branch is under 2008. (don't mix these two, as tool chain is changed from 2007 to 2008). So s/unstable/2007/g in your pkg conf to point to the right place.
ipkg-link is deprecated and unsupported in Anstrom. I was against this in the beginning but now realizes that it makes sense. The best way to install/use Angstrom on Tosa right now is to install altboot-console-image first, then unpack the rootfs to SD/CF.
I will prepare an instruction soon with the recent opie-images for testing over the weekend.
ipkg-link is deprecated and unsupported in Anstrom. I was against this in the beginning but now realizes that it makes sense. The best way to install/use Angstrom on Tosa right now is to install altboot-console-image first, then unpack the rootfs to SD/CF.
I will prepare an instruction soon with the recent opie-images for testing over the weekend.