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Messages - radioz

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Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Unsorted App Icons?
« on: September 14, 2005, 02:55:19 pm »
Anyone know how to display the app icons in a custom order in Opie?

I'm running the latest Hentges release on a Poodle (Great rom, by the way!)

I prefer to order the icons myself so I can put them in an order that is convenient for me. I've tried playing with Tabmanager, but it doesn't seem to allow re-ordering the list of apps.

Did we lose this ability?


Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Hentges Install Guide
« on: July 24, 2005, 08:22:07 pm »
Do I need an to install the Hentges rom?
If so, can I just use the one from OZ or do I need a different one?

I couldn't find one on the Hentges site.


Angstrom & OpenZaurus / New Hentges Rom Release Candidate
« on: July 24, 2005, 03:48:38 pm »
So does this really work with Poodle?
I thought Hentges only worked on the 5500 series.

[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=89319\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

Yep, Poodle works, too.
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=89329\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

Thanks for the report.

How does Hentges differ from the standard OZ releaze?


Angstrom & OpenZaurus / New Hentges Rom Release Candidate
« on: July 24, 2005, 02:07:04 pm »
So does this really work with Poodle?
I thought Hentges only worked on the 5500 series.


OpenZaurus/Opie/Qtopia / Wellenreiter Memory Leak?
« on: July 08, 2005, 03:13:33 pm »
I ran into this problem with Wellenreiter on 3.5.2.

Running out of memory did not depend on logging at all. Even with logging disabled, it would continue to fill up memory until it died. I could only run it for a short time before memory was exhausted.

Is anyone still maintaining this app? It should take too much effort to track this down. Unfortunatly, I don't have a development environment to do this myself.


Sharp ROMs / Watapon ROM
« on: July 08, 2005, 02:17:11 pm »
I've got a Ambicom WL1100C-CF, and it works just fine.

Can you provide more details?
Post output of dmesg after plugging your card in while the power is on to see if the card is recognized.


Site Suggestions, Requests, and Updates / Forum Search
« on: June 25, 2005, 02:26:19 am »
Is there any hope of fixing the search mechanism to implement 'AND' rather than 'OR'?

It really is a pain not being able to narrow searches down. As was mentioned, Google isn't a very easy approach.


5x00 Hardware / Oz3.5.3 / 5600 / Linksys Wcf12
« on: June 15, 2005, 05:08:22 pm »
I saw this problem last night on my 3.5.3 Poodle.
Networking was working fine on either usb or my ethernet card. I don't remember the exact details, but I think I pulled out the enet card and installed my wireless card. The machine locked up, leading to a reboot.

Once it came up again, I had no interfaces defined in the list except lo and irda. Searching in /etc led to the discovery that the /etc/network/interfaces file had been blown away! I ended up re-installing (and making a backup copy of the interfaces file, just in case). I got my network connections back. I have not tried my wireless card yet.

Anybody else loose net connections when connecting/disconnecting?


General Discussion / Mount Sd Card Without Sync?
« on: June 15, 2005, 01:56:10 am »
I've tried seaching the archives but couldn't find a definitive answer.

Does anyone mount their sd card with no sync specified in fstab? With 3.5.3 it seems writes to my SD card are painfully slow. I was thinking about turning sync off but I'm worried about reliability issues. Anyone have experience with this?


Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Fbvncserver For Open Zaurus?
« on: June 14, 2005, 05:42:57 pm »
Does anyone have fbvncserver working on your 3.5.3 installation?

I could not get it to install on my Poodle. I can't remember what the error was (I'm at work at the moment). I can update if someone can help.


Angstrom & OpenZaurus / 3.5.3 Root Fs Full On 5600?
« on: June 13, 2005, 10:40:47 pm »
Well, this is wierd.

After my post, I ended up resetting my Poodle and after it booted up, everything was fine.

This makes me nervous. I don't know what it is that I did that caused this. I have been trying to get usb networking going and so had connected and disconnected the usb connection and connecting it to my ethernet connection. I'm finding that networking is not very robust. It doesn't seem to handle reconnects very gracefully.

Thanks for the replies. I hope this does not happen again!


Angstrom & OpenZaurus / 3.5.3 Root Fs Full On 5600?
« on: June 12, 2005, 07:39:44 pm »
I just installed 3.5.3 on my Poodle and discovered that the root fs '/' is full.

According to df I get:

Code: [Select]
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mtdblock2           22528     22528         0 100% /
/dev/mtdblock3           35840      1464     34376   4% /home
tmpfs                    15000       812     14188   5% /var
/dev/mmcda1              29176     19001     10176  65% /media/card
/dev/mmcda2             212694     30257    171455  15% /media/card1

This shows that there is no more room left in the root partition. Why is that?

How many mtdblock's should there be for the Poodle?
Blocks 2 and 3 don't add up to 64K. Do I need to re-format or something?

Has nybody else seen this and found a solution?



Angstrom & OpenZaurus / 3.5.3 Working On Poodle?
« on: April 11, 2005, 03:46:44 pm »
Does anyone have 3.5.3 working on a 5600 yet?

Any issues to be concerned with at this point?



Open Embedded / Oe Build Problem
« on: March 16, 2005, 12:54:35 am »
Install the autotools in their latest versions on your host. For non-native packages, OE builds their own autotools and uses them. For a couple of native packages, your host tools are used.

Do you mean the autoconf package? I've installed the latest I could find (V2.59).

Or do you mean autotools? All I could find for autotools is autotools-0.4.0-3sfnet.i586.rpm which seems pretty old (2003).  Any suggestions here?

p.s. Which mailing list can I post questions like this too? I've tried posting to comp.handhelds.openembedded but none of my messages get on the list.

thanks for the help


Open Embedded / Oe Build Problem
« on: March 14, 2005, 09:04:39 pm »
I'm having trouble trying to build oe for Opie. I think I've got everything installed properly based on the Wiki, but when I issue the 'bitbake opie-image' the build fails when trying to run do_configure on 'pkgconfig-native-0.15.0-r1'. The error is:

NOTE: Executing autoreconf --verbose --install --force --exclude=autopoint -I . -I /home/keithg/Zaurus/oe/tmp/staging/i686-linux/share/aclocal
Usage: autoreconf [-f] [-h] [--help] [-m dir] [--macrodir=dir]
       [-l dir] [--localdir=dir] [--force] [--verbose] [--version]
       [--cygnus] [--foreign] [--gnits] [--gnu] [-i] [--include-deps]
FATAL: autoreconf execution failed.

The puzzling thing about the autoreconf command is that the man page does not list the '--exclude' argument. What version of autoreconf am I supposed to have? I recently installed the latest package I could find for my Manrake 10.0 machine (2.59) with no luck. Does anyone have any suggestions?


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