I am using Cacko Zaurus Qtopia Rom 1.21a incase it is any help to anyone.
I was able to get wellenreiter installed on my zaurus. after some initial problems where it would tell me that it couldnt initiate eth0 because a file or directory could not be found, I finally got wellenreiter to scan.
problem is, is that its not picking up any networks. I know many of you are asking, well, are you in a wifi area? yes. Kismet picks up the 2 networks nearest to me at the office, while wellenreiter, though the title bar shows scanning, does not.
my question is, is it possible that I have wellenreiter configured incorrectly? could someone share with me the correct config for wellenreiter? also, does wellenreiter require a certain signal from a wifi network? the signal on one of the networks is rather low, while one is fair.