What do you guys think of the bounty system?
People could request support for specific hardware or features, and put in a small monetary bounty for them. Other people who want those drivers/features could contribute to the bounty as well. Once the bounty gets to an amount that makes sense for the time involved ($/hour) the developers work on it.
I think it's a great system in theory, but working out the money details could be problematic. Is the money in escrow until the bounty is accepted? Until the development is complete?
I would definitely contribute toward a system with no power bugs, good networking support, and all the popular apps compiled for it and available from a GUI installer with good descriptions for each app.
I've got a 6000L, and every non-Sharp ROM/distro/whatever I've tried has had problems with power, or the network setup, or the display was screwed up, or *something*.