I'm thinking about taking on a little work on the side, myself ...
I will continue to donate any time it's needed, as long as I have the
financial ability to do so. I could also do a monthly contribution, but
it wouldn't be as large as single donations, etc. Like Sash, I would
have to explain to the wife why I'm giving money, monthly, to
someone who I've never met -- but, the amount isn't the issue, it's
the principle. I know the principle is sound, I just have to get that
point across :->
Additionally, I also support bounties, because I'm lazy and I'd rather
pay Sash to find a bug to compile something for me than do it myself.
For instance, I'll pay $100 for qt 4.x (latest) compiled for 10.4. (this is,
of course, on top of other donations, etc). I don't know if compiling
Qt4 is difficult -- or is easy, but would just take a while with a simple
./configure and gmake ...
I do not think a steering committee is best -- but I do support a
suggestions thread after each release -- for ideas for the next release.
This is same idea as the bug thread, etc -- although I do think the
bug thread should just post links to a bug page on the dev site, etc.
Anyway, keep up the good work and, as always, you have my support.