Quick news from the labs in Russia and Denmark:
Rom wise:
XServer will updated for Tosa Akita and Collie in next release, SL-C3100 support will added in next RC for Akita devices.
New live CD for ROM developers (with installed cross tools), current liveCD only for core developers.
Also preparing "pdaXrom/dance" Sashz new simple embedded GUI for small devices with small screens.
It already works on x86, arm, sh-4 and h8 CPUs, and support generic linux framebuffer, linux keyboard,
touchscreen mouse emulation, sega dreamcast framebuffer, sega keyboard, sega joustick, sega keyboard,
cybiko LCD controller, cybiko keypad.
For embedded devices with limited ROM/flash it use simple singletask monitor. For embedded targets its uses gcc xchain with newlib.
The new website with a completely new CMS built from scratch is almost done. The new design/look of the website will be implemented tonight hopefully. The first "prototype" will hav full web editor for content editors and image upload - this will probally be ready tomorrow evening.
Then the comment function, bug reporting system and bounty system will probally be next. And the feeds with developers havin g 100% control for updating and editing. We will probally also make it so that the sources for the ipks can be uploaded for each - this should help people trying to compile a newer version etc.
We will also be making a news/blog section where our main developers will be posting news - and if our developers have the time we hope to make IRCs sessions for developers and "education/turtorials" online.