I removed the *.txt extension. I'll try downloading it again.
I think it is corrupt, because I just tried winrar (in windows) and extracted "joy2key-z" & ".joy2keyzrc", but got this error from winrar:
! E:\DL ect\Zaurus\Zaurus SL C3100\Apps\Games\joy2key_z.tgz: CRC failed in E:\DL ect\Zaurus\Zaurus SL C3100\Apps\Games\joy2key_z.tgz. The file is corrupt
I also used the "test archive" in winrar and got the same message.
Is winrar an acceptable method for checking downloaded *.tgz and/or *.ipk files for download corruption?
Thank you,
EDIT. I just downloaded it again, removed the *.txt extension in windows, and opened it in winrar and tested it. Winrar gives me the same corruption message about CRC failing in this file, as above.
2nd EDIT. I just tested several *.tgz files, that I have downloaded for my Zaurus, in Winrar, and Got "No errors found during test operation"
Does joy2key_z.tgz.txt need to be converted? Like in a newsreader "from text to bin", or something like that?