Author Topic: New Zaurus Sl-c3200  (Read 20945 times)


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New Zaurus Sl-c3200
« Reply #30 on: March 08, 2006, 09:06:26 pm »
Pricejapan shows $652 for them, shipped...


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New Zaurus Sl-c3200
« Reply #31 on: March 09, 2006, 06:05:11 am »
Im suprised that they only went to 6GB when they could have got 10 or 12GBs (i am aware of the technical limitations)
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It was probably more likely to be related to cost... the 6Gb drive price differential is negligable, especially when bought in bulk.

Anything over 8Gb at the moment is quite costly.

OpenBSD 4.2 -current on full 4Gb of SL-C3000
Microdrive replaced with 4Gb SanDisk Extreme III card


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New Zaurus Sl-c3200
« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2006, 06:25:04 am »
I want a Zaurus.. but not this one...

Its an interesting addition to the line and I've been waiting for the new release while saving up the monies - from these very forums it seemed that a new release would be soon and I'd be safer waiting for it. But after reading the specs and the fact that its just (essentially) a bigger HD, I think I'll be waiting for the next one, and I don't think I'll be alone...

I can't help feeling like they've shot themselves in the foot with this one. Particularly with the new hype over Microsoft's Origami. Say what you like about Microsoft, its potentially a very nice device and the XBox proves that their kit can be modified to take linux/BSD.. Its such a nice device that I think the speed of that project will be very fast indeed.

Here's looking for the next zaurus then - bigger and better


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New Zaurus Sl-c3200
« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2006, 06:42:28 am »
I want a Zaurus.. but not this one...

Its an interesting addition to the line and I've been waiting for the new release while saving up the monies - from these very forums it seemed that a new release would be soon and I'd be safer waiting for it. But after reading the specs and the fact that its just (essentially) a bigger HD, I think I'll be waiting for the next one, and I don't think I'll be alone...

I can't help feeling like they've shot themselves in the foot with this one. Particularly with the new hype over Microsoft's Origami. Say what you like about Microsoft, its potentially a very nice device and the XBox proves that their kit can be modified to take linux/BSD.. Its such a nice device that I think the speed of that project will be very fast indeed.

Here's looking for the next zaurus then - bigger and better
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Doesn't look like it has a proper keyboard and at 1kg in weight, ouch!
It's not pocketable which is a big minus.

But seriously, if you are going to wait, I guess you will be waiting for many months... I admire your patience.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2006, 06:42:59 am by Meanie »
SL-C3000 - pdaXii13 build5.4.9 (based on pdaXrom beta3) / SL-C3100 - Sharp ROM 1.02 JP (heavily customised)
Netgear MA701 CF, SanDisk ConnectPlus CF, Socket Bluetooth CF, 4GB Kingston CF,  4GB pqi SD, 4GB ChoiceOnly SD, 2GB SanDisk SD USB Plus, 1GB SanDisk USB Plus, 1GB Transcend SD, 2GB SanDisk MicroSD with SD adaptor, Piel Frama Leather Case, GoldX 5-in-1 USB cable, USB hub, USB mouse, USB keyboard, USB ethernet, USB HDD, many other USB accessories...
(Zaurus SL-C3000 owner since March 14. 2005, Zaurus SL-C3100 owner since September 21. 2005) - zBook3K


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New Zaurus Sl-c3200
« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2006, 10:47:32 am »
I can't help feeling like they've shot themselves in the foot with this one. Particularly with the new hype over Microsoft's Origami. Say what you like about Microsoft, its potentially a very nice device and the XBox proves that their kit can be modified to take linux/BSD.. Its such a nice device that I think the speed of that project will be very fast indeed.

Here's looking for the next zaurus then - bigger and better
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Quote from your link
The device's main weak point appears to be its battery life, which at 2.5 hours rules out many mobile applications. Microsoft hopes to have "day-long" battery life within a few years.
I highly suspect that Microsoft is making another mistake again.
My Blog | 6000L Tosa + sled | is: Angstrom | was: pdaXrom 1.1.0beta1 | was: stock 1.12 rom + no-ffpe fash kernel + X/Qt Debian |
CF GPS (FGPCFCD01) | USB "Prolific 2303" GPS (USB-UG-200) | Socket CF BT rev. H |  USB "Pegasus II" Ethernet (ADM8511) | PocketTop IR kbd |
Todo: OESF wiki | stable VOIP app | usable GPS app |      Wishlist: VOIP + Bluetooth | GPS + Routing Calc


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New Zaurus Sl-c3200
« Reply #36 on: March 09, 2006, 11:03:17 am »
Here's looking for the next zaurus then - bigger and better
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Doesn't look like it has a proper keyboard and at 1kg in weight, ouch!
It's not pocketable which is a big minus.

But seriously, if you are going to wait, I guess you will be waiting for many months... I admire your patience.
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=117746\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

I can be very patient when large(ish) sums of money are involved

I thought I read somewhere else in this thread June, but to be honest its been a long day and I may have been dreaming.

It isn't pocketable, but with my phone, iRiver and random other things I lug about everywhere I need a bag anyway . Plus once I get that Zaurus and add in BT and WiFi cards I'm looking at a bag regardless. Quality over convenience in my world!!!

As a complete aside Meanie, I've been a regular visitor to your site looking for information. Keep up the good work


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New Zaurus Sl-c3200
« Reply #37 on: March 10, 2006, 06:54:35 am »
Origami  is another strategy error of microsoft.
Too big
Too heavy
No keyboard
Impossible to put in my pocket.

Just good enough for travel in the train or in the b oat or on the airplane..

I love my Zaurus !
Zaurus SL-C 3100,  SL-C 760 Cacko 1.23, Buffalo Wifi, Buffalo Lan card,¨Planex GW-CF11X, 1Go SD card, 512 Mo SD card, 2 X EABL08, 1 CE RH1, 1 sharp Mic


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New Zaurus Sl-c3200
« Reply #38 on: March 10, 2006, 09:21:46 am »
Origami  is another strategy error of microsoft.
Too big
Too heavy
No keyboard
Impossible to put in my pocket.

Just good enough for travel in the train or in the b oat or on the airplane..

I love my Zaurus !
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But if you think about it, the PDA concept hasn't really done *that* well.

Most people have bags these days, so pocket isn't that big a deal.

The video I watched on ZDnet about them suggests that housewives in the test group found them pretty useful. I'd love something that had an A5 screen that I could use like a notepad in meetings, pda screens are just too small for note taking.

I'd rather have full scale apps on a smaller form factor than cut down apps on a smaller form factor. I've been drooling over an OQO for ages, but if origami takes off there will be a barrage of new smaller formed fully fledged pcs.

Personally I hope the rumoured Mac mini laptop has a tablet style ability. Something with mac style and a keyboard and a write on able screen would be awesome.
Zaurus C-1000


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New Zaurus Sl-c3200
« Reply #39 on: March 10, 2006, 10:27:23 am »
I am thinking very seriously that my successor to the Zaurus is going to be the Nokia 770 - maybe I will just wait for the next updated iteration of the 770 - the one Engadget reported (source Nokia) as purpotedly having a keyboard and a VoIP stack.

I mean seriously with the proliferation of wifi everywhere - a VoIP supported 770 would as well act as a phone  - not an always-on phone but at least some voice phoning capability.

I just hope Nokia delivers, unlike Sharp.
New no more-C1000 / 5000D (sold my 6000 and 750) | Cacko ROM 1.23 on C1000 | 256 MB CF | 2GB PNY SD card | Socket Networker WiFi CF Card | USB Host cable from StreamlineCPUS | Mini Microphone (for voice recording) |


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New Zaurus Sl-c3200
« Reply #40 on: March 10, 2006, 11:31:15 am »
I can't help feeling like they've shot themselves in the foot with this one. Particularly with the new hype over Microsoft's Origami. Say what you like about Microsoft, its potentially a very nice device and the XBox proves that their kit can be modified to take linux/BSD.. Its such a nice device that I think the speed of that project will be very fast indeed.

The Origami device so far seems more like buzzword hype than anything concrete. Or at least, to me, it looks quite like a tablet PC -- not quite what I want.

My SL-6000's thumbboard recently started going on the fritz, which is a bugger. So I've kind of been skimming around to figure out what's around.

For me, it looks like the only real competitor to what the Zaurus *can* do is the OQO. Basically, I want a portable device that has a thumbboard, can connect to the Internet on the go, and open a todo list text file and other files (Excel, etc.) that I can sync up with my PCs at work and home. Games are good too for when I'm bored.

There may be more players in this game in the future, but we'll see. I know there's the Tiqit and the Flipstart, both promising, but vaporware for some time (Tiqit says they are in preproduction though). Sony's rumored to come out with something ala the OQO, but maybe not. If they made the Pepper Pad smaller, it could work but it's too big now and that split keyboard design would irritate me, probably. The i-Mate JASJAR / Universal HTC / etc has the right form factor IMHO but its use of Windows Mobile would probably frustrate me, and I don't need phone functionality anyways. And the Nokia 770 might become the next Z for the Linux crowd if they only added a thumbboard.

Lots of promise, but nothing that great that I see yet.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2006, 12:13:08 pm by soundwave106 »


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New Zaurus Sl-c3200
« Reply #41 on: March 10, 2006, 08:49:26 pm »
The Origami device so far seems more like buzzword hype than anything concrete. Or at least, to me, it looks quite like a tablet PC -- not quite what I want.

My SL-6000's thumbboard recently started going on the fritz, which is a bugger. So I've kind of been skimming around to figure out what's around.

For me, it looks like the only real competitor to what the Zaurus *can* do is the OQO. Basically, I want a portable device that has a thumbboard, can connect to the Internet on the go, and open a todo list text file and other files (Excel, etc.) that I can sync up with my PCs at work and home. Games are good too for when I'm bored.

There may be more players in this game in the future, but we'll see. I know there's the Tiqit and the Flipstart, both promising, but vaporware for some time (Tiqit says they are in preproduction though). Sony's rumored to come out with something ala the OQO, but maybe not. If they made the Pepper Pad smaller, it could work but it's too big now and that split keyboard design would irritate me, probably. The i-Mate JASJAR / Universal HTC / etc has the right form factor IMHO but its use of Windows Mobile would probably frustrate me, and I don't need phone functionality anyways. And the Nokia 770 might become the next Z for the Linux crowd if they only added a thumbboard.

Lots of promise, but nothing that great that I see yet.
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You might be interested in having a quick look at myOQO page [a href=\"][/url] which compares the OQO to the Zaurus a bit...
SL-C3000 - pdaXii13 build5.4.9 (based on pdaXrom beta3) / SL-C3100 - Sharp ROM 1.02 JP (heavily customised)
Netgear MA701 CF, SanDisk ConnectPlus CF, Socket Bluetooth CF, 4GB Kingston CF,  4GB pqi SD, 4GB ChoiceOnly SD, 2GB SanDisk SD USB Plus, 1GB SanDisk USB Plus, 1GB Transcend SD, 2GB SanDisk MicroSD with SD adaptor, Piel Frama Leather Case, GoldX 5-in-1 USB cable, USB hub, USB mouse, USB keyboard, USB ethernet, USB HDD, many other USB accessories...
(Zaurus SL-C3000 owner since March 14. 2005, Zaurus SL-C3100 owner since September 21. 2005) - zBook3K


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New Zaurus Sl-c3200
« Reply #42 on: March 11, 2006, 02:46:28 am »
You might be interested in having a quick look at myOQO page which [div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=117991\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

That's a really useful page, thanks... until I read that I always had a niggling thought  of whether I should consider buying an OQO instead.... now I definitely know I DON'T want one. I think I'd rather waste^Wspend the money on one of those mini-laptops/tablets... but meanwhile, I'll stick with my beloved 860 until the Zaurus 3500LW comes out (my made-up name, next upgrade of Z with wifi and bluetooth).
Gemini 4G/Wi-Fi owner, formerly zaurus C3100 and 860 owner; also owner of an HTC Doubleshot, a Zaurus-like phone.


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New Zaurus Sl-c3200
« Reply #43 on: March 12, 2006, 01:45:02 am »
I bought a QTEK 9000 in october 2005... I stopped to use my SL-C760 the same day.

The QTEK 9000 and 9100 are really impressive. The missing feature : CF slot + HD + Linux. The added feature : (...) read it by yourself :

This device is sold by a few other companies with different names. Perhaps names matter to you (it doesn't matter to me).

I miss Linux. That's it. A port is in progress. GPE and OPIE already run on it.


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New Zaurus Sl-c3200
« Reply #44 on: March 12, 2006, 10:56:51 am »
I bought a QTEK 9000 in october 2005... I stopped to use my SL-C760 the same day.

The QTEK 9000 and 9100 are really impressive. The missing feature : CF slot + HD + Linux. The added feature : (...) read it by yourself :

This device is sold by a few other companies with different names. Perhaps names matter to you (it doesn't matter to me).

I miss Linux. That's it. A port is in progress. GPE and OPIE already run on it.
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I'm a new guy here and wanted to know if you guys think I should get the SL-C3200 when it comes out or stick with the more known SL-C3100 or SL-C1000. I'm thinking of making this may laptop replacement for college. I will also bring my PC to college which I'd keep in my dorm room. You think this is a great strategy?
