I can't help feeling like they've shot themselves in the foot with this one. Particularly with the new hype over Microsoft's Origami. Say what you like about Microsoft, its potentially a very nice device and the XBox proves that their kit can be modified to take linux/BSD.. Its such a nice device that I think the speed of that project will be very fast indeed.
The Origami device so far seems more like buzzword hype than anything concrete. Or at least, to me, it looks quite like a tablet PC -- not quite what I want.
My SL-6000's thumbboard recently started going on the fritz, which is a bugger. So I've kind of been skimming around to figure out what's around.
For me, it looks like the only real competitor to what the Zaurus *can* do is the OQO. Basically, I want a portable device that has a thumbboard, can connect to the Internet on the go, and open a todo list text file and other files (Excel, etc.) that I can sync up with my PCs at work and home. Games are good too for when I'm bored.
There may be more players in this game in the future, but we'll see. I know there's the Tiqit and the Flipstart, both promising, but vaporware for some time (Tiqit says they are in preproduction though). Sony's rumored to come out with something ala the OQO, but maybe not. If they made the Pepper Pad smaller, it could work but it's too big now and that split keyboard design would irritate me, probably. The i-Mate JASJAR / Universal HTC / etc has the right form factor IMHO but its use of Windows Mobile would probably frustrate me, and I don't need phone functionality anyways. And the Nokia 770 might become the next Z for the Linux crowd if they only added a thumbboard.
Lots of promise, but nothing that great that I see yet.