Not an ipk yet (since I don't know how to build them ) but just binaries.
GNU APL 1.6a
without sqlite/postgres support
Additionally I've built APL Keyboard Translator (akt, )in this archive.
Put these binaries somethere in the PATH.
akt apl --noColor
One could enter APL characters using Alt key.
Note what the APL font should be installed, get it here: them to
/usr/share/fonts directory
Run the following command to register them:
fc-cache /usr/share/fonts
Next step is to add this font to the rxvt configuration.
In my case I'm using
Lucida Console in rxvt and APL386 for APL characters.
Add the following line:
rxvt*font:xft:Lucida Console:pixelsize=16,xft:APL386 Unicode:pixelsize=13
to the ~/.Xdefaults
Then run the
xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
Restart rxvt.
It is convenient to set the alias to run APL. Add
alias apl="akt apl --noColor"
to the ~/.profile
Now if you restart rxvt you can run APL with the
apl command.
One more note: by default most fo
Alt+0..9 hotkeys reserved by openbox for windows manipulation. In order to use these hotkeys to enter APL characters on the numeric row, one have to edit the
~/.config/openbox/rc.xml file and comment these hotkeys (or redefine them to something else).
Keyboard layout provided by akt is the following: we have a fully functioning APL on a mobile device!
See screenshot attached
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