I had to follow these instructions to restore my own C3000 because I had flashed pdaXrom beta 2 on it but it didn't work well so I wanted to go back to Cacko. Note that I had previously replaced my 4 GB MicroDrive with a 4 GB CF.
The pdaXrom software offered to repartition my MicroDrive back to the factory layout so I said yes. When I tried installing the Cacko software, the installation failed. It complained about /hdd1 running out of space. I had no idea what was going on so I decided to try following the restore instructions from Step 1 including the NAND restore, etc. Then I rebooted the C3000 by pressing D+B and then powering up.
I then faithfully followed these instructions:
# sfdisk -uC /dev/hdc <<EOF
# 0,203,83
# ,816,83
# ,6916,c
I then reformatted the partitions and then tried installing Cacko again. The installation program complained again that /hdd1 was out of space. So obviously the installation failed.
After further investigation, I realized that the numbers provided above are too low by a factor of 2. So I had to double the numbers to get partitions that were large enough to contain the installation. For example, my first line was 0,406,83, etc. This is why the pdaXrom program that tried to restore my factory partitions failed - I think it was using the numbers listed above which are too low for my Z.
Does anyone know why I had to do this? Does it have anything to do with the fact that my MD was replaced by a CF card? I'm just glad that I was able to install Cacko again. I thought my Z was broken for sure.