Well, after much mucking about,
I have a sync solution which works with an online calendar server and is bidirectional.
It uses kdepim 2.2.7 (version matters as ical definition has changed)
and thyme 1.3, an online calendar server available from
if you'd like to use my calendar server instead of installing it, send me a PM.
The beauty of the method is that changes are synchronised nicely and it's all ical so can be accessed from Firebird, Apple iCal etc...
Ok, install kdepim, start kopi (after reset) and edit the settings in >>Synchronize>>Configure
1. Change your device name to zaurus
2. Make a new profile, I called it thyme
3. Set the Profile Kind to "Remote File"
4. enter the following commands (I used wget first, then curl but I'm sure you could just use curl)
Pre sync (download)
cd /tmp && wget --user=USER --passwd=PASSWD -N
http://myserver.com/thyme/remote/ical.php/2/zaurus.ics Local temp file
Post sync (upload)
curl -u USER:PASSWD -T /tmp/zaurus.ics
http://myserver.com/thyme/remote/ical.php/2/zaurus.ics see:
http://greenant.net/portal/greenant/wiki/K...ACalendarServer for a full description and links to the package