I'm not much of a gamer and thus I lnow nothing about it.
Now my kids want a gaming console and are asking me for advice cause "I work with computers" (doesn't everybody nowadays ?) and because I have a Zaurus (OK, not everybody has one).
Now, from what I found on the www, I could go for (ps1), ps2, xbox, wii, ... but then they are tied to the tele.
I more like Nintendo DS, PSP,
(any other choices ?) cause that way they can also use it in the car or while someone else is watching tele.
I keep on asking google some questions and it gives me loads and loads of pages, but what are the pros and cons of these consoles ?
I already found that Nintendo DS plays GBA-roms. Does PSP do this as well ?
PSP's screen has a higher res, Nintendo's screen seems to be better protected (clamshell).
How about the games and their prices ? From what I see the same games seem to be cheaper for Nintendo DS. Why's that ?
Can a PSP play PS1, PS2, PS3 games ? My three brothers own PS1, PS2 and PS3 so it would be nice to play their games ...
From what I know now, balance is going towards Nintendo DS.
Please comment or answer my questions,
From a complete gaming-noob in search for a gaming device,