Author Topic: Pdaxrom Developement  (Read 42300 times)


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Pdaxrom Developement
« on: December 08, 2007, 08:22:04 pm »

PdaXrom 2.0 developement will be on hold until further notice. pdaXrom is working on taking an alternate path of development for the future. We will keep everyone up-to-date with any progress that is made once everything becomes official.

Sharp Zaurus SL-C3100 and SL-6000L
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« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2007, 01:59:19 am »
Quote from: InSearchOf

PdaXrom 2.0 developement will be on hold until further notice. pdaXrom is working on taking an alternate path of development for the future. We will keep everyone up-to-date with any progress that is made once everything becomes official.


Whoa   He didn't say "Late"...    
C1000 w/...  Cacko Lite (When I use the Z alot for business)... pdaXrom (when I see something cool and want to try it.  Best way for me to learn shell commands)
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« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2007, 10:04:29 am »
hahaha... I didnt take notice to that.... I guess I must mean business!

Sharp Zaurus SL-C3100 and SL-6000L
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« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2007, 11:43:16 am »
I know it might be heresy for you guys, but I'm just an old missionary, you know... So forgive me, but

Please consider using OpenEmbedded and joining a huge, vibrant team.

The experience you guys have with X11-focused environments on PDAs is great, it would make a huge difference to the Angstrom initiative.

Now go and flame me for suggesting that

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer | Embedded Linux Freelancer |
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« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2007, 01:04:16 pm »
Disclaimer: I'm not a spokesperson for pdaXrom, nor am I a leader in the project. These are my opinions/views/impressions, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions/views/impressions of anybody else.

I don't know if a "" is what pdaXrom wants. I think part of the appeal is that there's a small group of devs that personally can help people and work together (or independently) more closely (I realize how little sense that makes).

I wouldn't be against using OpenEmbedded as the build system (I'm not a Linux n00b, and I find the pdaX build system a pain), but I would NOT like to have it merged with other projects. Angstrom/OZ has always felt less flexible and less like a real Linux system to me than pdaXrom does, and I fear that would be lost if the projects merged.

Just my 0.02 USD.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2007, 01:04:50 pm by Capn_Fish »
SL-C750- pdaXrom beta 1 (mostly unused)
Current distro: Gentoo


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« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2007, 01:52:30 pm »
Well, the pdaXrom could be a dedicated team/distro in OE and would benefit from lots of commits that have the same goal -- improving the Linux experience on embedded devices. I don't think anything would have to be lost... except the build system, of course

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer | Embedded Linux Freelancer |
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« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2007, 03:01:39 pm »
Quote from: Mickeyl
Well, the pdaXrom could be a dedicated team/distro in OE and would benefit from lots of commits that have the same goal -- improving the Linux experience on embedded devices. I don't think anything would have to be lost... except the build system, of course
Actually, this might not be a bad idea--IF  it were feasable to retain the focus on useability. OE seems to have a strong pull towards dev centered and bleeding edge issues. This is very useful stuff, obviously, but as I keep saying, has tended to result in systems "in flux" and partly broken (much in the same way a mechanic's car is often in pieces). OE really could benefit from the focus pdax has had on useability, and pdaX seems to need direct access to low-level development.

EDIT: Or, the people involved might want to try to help with a fast solid stable debian on Zaurus

..or they may be wanting newer gadgets  (though I hope not quite yet)
« Last Edit: December 09, 2007, 04:30:12 pm by adf »
**3100 Zubuntu Jaunty,(working on Cacko dualboot), 16G A-Data internal CF, 4G SD, Ambicom WL-1100C Cf, linksys usb ethernet,  BelkinF8T020 BT card, Belkin F8U1500-E Ir kbd, mini targus usb mouse, rechargeble AC/DC powered USB hub, psp cables and battery extenders.

**6000l  Tetsuized Sharprom, installed on internal flash only 1G sd, 2G cf


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« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2007, 05:30:55 pm »
why not simply delete most of the documentation on pdaXrom and then it'd be much more like OpenZaurus and Angstrom?
ok, ok, I am only kidding, really I am. ouch!
Gemini 4G/Wi-Fi owner, formerly zaurus C3100 and 860 owner; also owner of an HTC Doubleshot, a Zaurus-like phone.


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« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2007, 07:17:56 am »
Quote from: adf
EDIT: Or, the people involved might want to try to help with a fast solid stable debian on Zaurus

..or they may be wanting newer gadgets  (though I hope not quite yet)

that could be a great idea  i'm speaking about debian
but with all new gadgets coming out there (n810, eee, iphone, ...) people begin to ask why continue with the zaurus.................
**Fujitsu U1010 !!!  
**ex-Zaurus SL-C3000 owner with Debian kernel 2.6.24-yonggun


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« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2007, 07:43:45 am »
Because I, for one, am too cheap to buy new gadgets on a whim. The Zaurus is also an almost-perfect platform, and there is much work to build off of, making development easier. Plus, those people who have started Zaurus projects (eg, pdaXrom) are likely going to be loathe to not finish them.
SL-C750- pdaXrom beta 1 (mostly unused)
Current distro: Gentoo


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« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2007, 07:51:57 am »
Quote from: Capn_Fish
Because I, for one, am too cheap to buy new gadgets on a whim. The Zaurus is also an almost-perfect platform, and there is much work to build off of, making development easier. Plus, those people who have started Zaurus projects (eg, pdaXrom) are likely going to be loathe to not finish them.

yes, and i've paid my zaurus so high that i would not sell it for a non better device  i really appreciate the form factor of the zaurus, the usb host, the keyboard and the screen (although 800x600 would be better). no device out there give the same high level of satisfaction for a so small device  

anyway when you talk about pdaxrom do you talk about pdaxii13 too ?
**Fujitsu U1010 !!!  
**ex-Zaurus SL-C3000 owner with Debian kernel 2.6.24-yonggun


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« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2007, 10:20:53 am »
the zaurus still has a lot of life left in it, a lot has been achieved too - maybe the problem is there's too much choice - at least three distros (lots more if you count each flavour of pdaX and sharp)
Gemini 4G/Wi-Fi owner, formerly zaurus C3100 and 860 owner; also owner of an HTC Doubleshot, a Zaurus-like phone.


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« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2007, 10:39:19 am »
Quote from: jpmatrix
Quote from: Capn_Fish
Because I, for one, am too cheap to buy new gadgets on a whim. The Zaurus is also an almost-perfect platform, and there is much work to build off of, making development easier. Plus, those people who have started Zaurus projects (eg, pdaXrom) are likely going to be loathe to not finish them.

yes, and i've paid my zaurus so high that i would not sell it for a non better device  i really appreciate the form factor of the zaurus, the usb host, the keyboard and the screen (although 800x600 would be better). no device out there give the same high level of satisfaction for a so small device  

anyway when you talk about pdaxrom do you talk about pdaxii13 too ?

OK I also think that Zaurus is almost perfect hw platform ... Do you want bluetooth 2.0? ... just buy new CF card. Do you want newer Wifi standard? Buy new card ... dont need to buy new device. Do you want Eth? You can use usb/net. etc. etc... What I see main problem of all linux devices on the market is _compatibility_. When you have WM mobile machine from _any_ vendor you can run _any_ application you buy/program by yourself and it will run as binary and you just dont care if it is hardfloat or sofftfloat if it is eabi or armel or armv5te or armv5tel binary you dont care if it is packaged in deb of ipk if it is qtopia or gpe or pdaxrom, that application just, listen just works! In linux PDAs we have only with Zaurus plenty of incompatible distros and I do not even speak about Nokia's maemo, Google's Andoid etc etc.... For small example. I'd like to run Garnet VM (Palm OS) emulator released for Nokia N770, N800, N810 on my c1000 in pdaxrom. And I just cannot! Why? I wonder if OS (linux) is really good when it is imposible for me to run one application binary on _same_ procesor on almost _same_ version of kernel on almost same hardware. Maybe it is OK on desktop where linux market is quite OK but it seems to me waste of developers time on small embedded linux market. What do you think? Are you satisfied with diversity of Embedded linux market?
SL-C1000 - pdaxii13 5.3.3 but considering go back to beta1
Wifi D-link DCF-650W CF card - not using
bluetooth Billionton BT CF card and Samsung SGH-i310 GPRS
Pretec Cheetah 133x 4GB SD, Pretec Cheetah 80x 1GB CF


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« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2007, 11:27:20 am »
Quote from: merli
just dont care if it is hardfloat or sofftfloat if it is eabi or armel or armv5te or armv5tel binary

It seems you completely missed the point of EABI, it's the new _standard_ by ARM ltd that allows you to mix hard- and softfloat binaries. There's a reason why angstrom and maemo are using it and debian wants to.
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« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2007, 01:28:55 pm »
Quote from: koen
Quote from: merli
just dont care if it is hardfloat or sofftfloat if it is eabi or armel or armv5te or armv5tel binary

It seems you completely missed the point of EABI, it's the new _standard_ by ARM ltd that allows you to mix hard- and softfloat binaries. There's a reason why angstrom and maemo are using it and debian wants to.

Maybe I missed the point, I am not developer. I'd like (and I think I am not alone) to understad all about this "hardfloat, softfloat, eabi, armel, armv5te, armv5tel etc" (can you explain please?) ... but my question is simple ... Can I run for exaple Garnet VM or any other Nokia binary on Z in any distro? If yes ... then how? if not then ... why? And I am sure if Garnet VM will be released on Windows Mobile (for Access it is only a bit of rewrite to other SDK) it will run on any WM machine. Do you catch my point?
SL-C1000 - pdaxii13 5.3.3 but considering go back to beta1
Wifi D-link DCF-650W CF card - not using
bluetooth Billionton BT CF card and Samsung SGH-i310 GPRS
Pretec Cheetah 133x 4GB SD, Pretec Cheetah 80x 1GB CF