Hi everyone:
Does anyone can help me? Thanks in advance.
I'm now working on porting m5rc14 to our platform.
I meet 2 problems:
1) when system starts, console seem almost hangs. and process
occupies 99% of CPU time.
This is my logcat:
W/AudioFlinger( 557): Using stubbed audio hardware. No sound will be
I/AudioFlinger( 557): AudioFlinger's main thread ready to run.
I/ServiceManager( 539): ServiceManager: addService(AudioFlinger,
I/sysproc ( 557): System server: starting Android runtime.
I/sysproc ( 557): System server: starting Android services.
I/SystemServer( 557): Entered the Android system server!
I/sysproc ( 557): System server: entering thread pool.
D/TouchDex( 557): TouchDex parent waiting for pid=580 (timeout=36.4s)
I/ServiceManager( 539): ServiceManager: unable to find service
I/runtime ( 539): Still waiting for activity manager...
I/ServiceManager( 539): ServiceManager: waiting for service activity
D/AudioFlinger( 557): Audio hardware entering standby
I/ServiceManager( 539): ServiceManager: unable to find service
I/runtime ( 539): Still waiting for activity manager...
I/ServiceManager( 539): ServiceManager: waiting for service activity
I/ServiceManager( 539): ServiceManager: unable to find service
I/runtime ( 539): Still waiting for activity manager...
I/ServiceManager( 539): ServiceManager: waiting for service activity
I/ServiceManager( 539): ServiceManager: unable to find service
I/runtime ( 539): Still waiting for activity manager...
I/ServiceManager( 539): ServiceManager: waiting for service activity
I/ServiceManager( 539): ServiceManager: unable to find service
I/runtime ( 539): Still waiting for activity manager...
I/ServiceManager( 539): ServiceManager: waiting for service activity
I/ServiceManager( 539): ServiceManager: unable to find service
I/runtime ( 539): Still waiting for activity manager...
I/ServiceManager( 539): ServiceManager: waiting for service activity
I/ServiceManager( 539): ServiceManager: unable to find service
I/runtime ( 539): Still waiting for activity manager...
I/ServiceManager( 539): ServiceManager: waiting for service activity
E/TouchDex( 557): timed out waiting for 580; kill(0) returns 0
It seems services don't respond to SeviceManager, it doesn't happen on
previous version
2). There's nothing appear on the screen. (screen is turned to black,
it doesn't happen on previous version, too)
m3rc37 system runs well on our platform with new released kernel.