I just installed zubuntu on my akita (Zaurus SLC1000) using an SD card for root and I just wanted to post how it is going so far. For the most part it runs fine. It takes a while to boot and start X, but once it is up and running it's actually faster than I thought it would be for most things. Just for giggles I tried suspend and was pleasantly shocked to see it works flawlessly.
* I dedicated a swap partition on the SD card, but it wasn't usable until I ran mkswap on it.
* Added "/dev/mmcblk0p3 none swap sw 0 0" to fstab mount the swap automatically on boot.
* Added "/dev/mmcblk0p2 /media/card auto defaults 0 0" to fstab to mount an extra partition on the SD card.
* Added "/dev/mtdblock3 /media/nand jffs2 defaults 0 0" to fstab to mount NAND flash partion.
* Added "/dev/hda1 /media/cf auto defaults,sync,noauto 0 0" to fstab be able to easily mount the CF card.
Non Problem Problems :
* tskeys was running wild so I killed it (killall tskeys).
* Got funky warnings about understanding it's not a touch screen but X seems to work OK.
* Added pxa2xx_cs to modules and "modprobe pxa2xx_cs" to be able to mount the CF card.
* Sound isn't working. spitz modules inserted, no errors with aplay, just no sound.
GUI volume control automutes eventually, cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp is black hole.
* Can't seem to rotate the display.
* Get networking working and really start hacking.
* Get sound working.
* Get rotating working.
* Get Angstrom working dual boot style to compare.
* See about speeding things up some more.
* How does one do home, end, and PageUp, PageDown, and function keys?
* Is it possible to switch over to a virtual console (hence the need for fn keys)?
* How does one map the calendar, address, mail, home, and menu keys?