load up termux and scp the files between the Gemini and a Mac?
By an odd coincidence, that's exactly what I'm doing.
One complication is that sshd is best run as root on the Gemini, to avoid issues with not being able to set timestamps or write to the external SD card. But there's no way to set up file permissions on SSH's config files so it's happy. (The entire Termux hierarchy is under a directory which is writable by your normal user, but to run as root SSH wants its config under a hierarchy not writable by anyone other than root.) The only solution I've fond so far is to disable SSH's strict checking (by adding the line 'StrictModes no' to /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/ssh/sshd_config -- which seems dangerous).
However, this does have several advantages: you don't need to plug in a cable, you get full access to the entire filesystem, and you can script it.
I also found a neat way to set up a shortcut on the home screen which starts sshd as root: create a ~/.shortcuts directory, write a file in there with the line 'tsu -s sshd', install Termux:Widgets, and then that script can be selected as a widget from the home screen.
(Termux has no 'sudo' command, but it has a nice wrapper around 'su' called 'tsu', and its '-s' flag takes a shell to run. Turns out it doesn't have to be a shell!)