Author Topic: Mini review  (Read 4045 times)


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Mini review
« on: February 12, 2019, 06:58:24 pm »
Ok, so I have been using for a while now, and thought I would give a little review on the state of sailfish for gemini

The good:
The interface is now natively landscape aware for the gemini
The new pull down menu is available everywhere and has more functionality than the previous one
The apps pull up works consistently
The camera focus works now
It seems faster
The browser is now able to view webgl pages (with a bit of extra setup)
Newer libs for better compatibility
The wifi problem is fixed
Light themes

The bad:
Headphones still not fixed (ie plays out of speaker and headphones). The workaround is to manually prod pusleaudio (no difference to 2.x)
The telephone seems to use the microphone and speaker on the same side - doesn't rotate with the phone (no difference to 2.x)
Some apps which displayed in landscape with the hack in 2.x are now back to portrait (you can always put the hack back in).
Hotspot still doesn't work (no difference to 2.x)
Some old apps need libs that aren't in the 3.x repos (I could probably fix this if I cared about the app, but it could be frustrating for others)
Still no office suite for editing, although there are online alternatives - google docs works, as does the stackedit markup editor (I wrote a simple web redirector that forces full screen for apps like gdocs which helps...)

The different:
The top pulley menu is different - I think it is better, but some won't
The quick close is now on the edge rather that just from the top (that is the new pulley menu)
The apps tray has larger icons/more space between so there are fewer icons per line

Bottom line is that I quite like the new version - it still has its faults, but is a step in the right direction. With fixes for headphones, hotspot and call microphone/speaker, sailfish would be awesome on the gemini. With the paid for version getting android app support for those absolutely must have apps (which I don't seem to have a need for), then it would be a compelling option for the gemini for most users I believe.

As a small note, with webgl now working, there are a lot of things you can now use - mainly games online. I can also now run the interface to octopi (3d printer) which uses webgl.

For others using 3.x, is there anything I have forgotten - I have almost forgotten 2.x in the month I have used 3.x, and may well have skipped something I now take for granted


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Mini review
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2019, 05:25:11 pm »
made a cite to your review on

(look at Conclusion:
    it is beta (most known bugs still there), nice list for still valid,)

Thank you.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 05:27:11 pm by FrankS »


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Mini review
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2019, 11:44:28 pm »
Is it worth trying the PC version (ie. reflashing) if I am already running I have that one humming along nicely. I can do a tgz backup I suppose.


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« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2019, 08:24:23 am »
no, not atm. You can stay with as well, not realy a difference. You will lose debian because the PC version uses lvm for the linux partition. Maybe later if the licensed parts are available (eas, xt9, alien dalvik). Soon, this summer... hopefuly.


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Mini review
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2019, 02:27:42 pm »
I would add as a minus (only compared to android, not to Sailfish 2.x) lower battery life. Since I found Sailfish good enough to not use Android anymore, but I only get approximately two days per charge compared to 6 - 8 days on Android

Edit: forgot to mention SMS app, the messages are aligned to the right side of the screen and it looks weird. I do not remember this from 2.x
Edit2: selfie camera probably does not work, the camera app crashes. It was surely working in some previous versions. Not that I would care much about it anyway.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2019, 09:34:05 am by rasva »
Gemini 4G/SailfishX

In past: Zaurus SL-C3200, Jornada 728, 690, Mobilepro 900C, Sharp PC3100, HP 200LX....