Author Topic: Fingerprint issue  (Read 3423 times)


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Fingerprint issue
« on: January 11, 2023, 10:44:17 am »
Does anybody else have issues where the fingerprint sensor is constantly being disabled.?

I get the message "too many attempts, fingerprint sensor disabled" and very rarely am i able to open the phone OS with my finger.  Reliant on the pattern - which is a real pain.


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Re: Fingerprint issue
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2023, 12:05:57 pm »
Does anybody else have issues where the fingerprint sensor is constantly being disabled.?

I get the message "too many attempts, fingerprint sensor disabled" and very rarely am i able to open the phone OS with my finger.  Reliant on the pattern - which is a real pain.
Sometimes this happens to me. But only few times. 2 or 3 times in a week.


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Re: Fingerprint issue
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2023, 12:40:55 pm »
For the time being I found no workaround which worked for me... Let's wait and see :-)

Bye for now  Fred

Daniel W

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Re: Fingerprint issue
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2023, 08:59:40 am »
I get the "Too many attempts - Try Again Later" almost every day, while the "Too many attempts - Fingerprint Sensor Disabled" has, thus far, only happened to me once twice, and was solved by a reboot.

The sensor on the Astro recognizes my fingerprint on the first attempt, only most of the time, making it count "failed attempts" fairly often.

If the sensor has a harder time with the skin of a particular user, that will likely cause a double-whammy effect, where it not only fails more often to let that user in, but also counts "failed attempts" more often, making that user getting locked out more often.

The issue seems to be that the sensor only differs between "valid fingerprint" and "anything else" that activates it, making it count failed "attempts" from partial prints read when the user tries to locate the flat, flush, untextured, unlit and camouflage coloured sensor by touch, or from random skin contact when handling the phone, or maybe even skin-like enough objects in pockets, bags and such.

The sensor on my Cosmo tended to rack up a lot of failed attempts, if I had it in my shirt pocket, with the sensor facing my body. Apparently, that sensor couldn't even tell a finger from a textile covered chest.

Because it tends to complain during enrolment, we know the sensor in the Astro can tell when it didn't get enough of a fingerprint, yet, in use, it keeps counting incomplete reads as unauthorized login attempts.

All in all, I get the sense that the fingerprint sensor wasn't very carefully designed, which makes me wonder about how secure it actually is. The sensor area is just a few mm wide, so even a "complete" read is really just comparing a fraction of a fingerprint.

Edit: OESF ate some line feeds.
Edit: Had the "sensor disabled" happen to me again a few days ago.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2023, 05:44:40 pm by Daniel W »


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Re: Fingerprint issue
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2023, 12:02:03 pm »
I stopped trying to use it because it fails to recognise my finger more often than it succeeds. I don't know it's my finger or the sensor though since my previous phone started to have similar issues a few month ago (suggesting I should clean the sensor). My fingers look and feel fine. But who knows. I just ignore the fingerprint sensor on both devices.


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Re: Fingerprint issue
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2023, 12:32:33 pm »

I keep my astro slide on my desk and just use it for testing.  I've never had the finger print sensor work once I managed to store my fingerprint.  I pick up the phone, and if the error message saying "to many attempts" isn't displayed, it appears as soon as I try to unlock it.  I would check again, but I added a second account and it's now stuck on the last page of the welcome screen.  I now have an expensive "start button" display.


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Re: Fingerprint issue
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2023, 02:55:49 pm »
For me, the fingerprint sensor has been working after I learned the (stupid) quirk:

The FP sensor is active *all* the time, even when screen is locked.

So I used to do:
 - Press the lock button more or less incorrectly, or with a different finger that I have programmed, or whatever => result: The FP reader tries to read my finger several times, fails, and locks.

What I do now:
 - Program the fingers that I use for unlocking, and instead of *pressing* the button, I just rest my finger (usually thumb, when holding the phone upright, or middle finger, if sliding out the keyboard). The phone unlocks (the screen goes from completely black to an unlocked phone).

In addition, I've also turned off the "lift to wake" option.


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Re: Fingerprint issue
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2023, 12:07:43 pm »
... and it's now stuck on the last page of the welcome screen.  I now have an expensive "start button" display.
Try a factory reset:
- boot to recovery (hold the Volume+ button while booting)
- use the Volume- button to select the "Wipe data/factory reset" line
- press the power button to perform the selected action
- use the Volume- button to select the "Factory data reset" line
- press the power button to perform the selected action
- wait
- press the power button to reboot ("Reboot system now" selected)

If you get "No command." instead of the recovery, press the power button, keep it pressed, then press the Volume+ button, and release both buttons.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2023, 04:34:42 am by Neophy »


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Re: Fingerprint issue
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2023, 03:19:19 am »
My fingerprint reader has disappeared from settings. I don't get errors any more either. It's as if the phone just doesn't have a fingerprint reader.

I didn't do anything in particular to make it disappear. Any way to bring it back without having to reset Android?


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Re: Fingerprint issue
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2023, 09:33:46 am »
The FP sensor is active *all* the time, even when screen is locked.

Yes, I discovered that when I found it would sometimes unlock while I was still centring my finger before actually pressing the button…

In fact, it seems that the screen is just about the only device which gets turned off: the fingerprint sensor is always active, as are the other buttons, Bluetooth and wifi* connections, the processor, etc. — though at least some of those go into some sort of low-power state while not in active use.

Fitting in with your experience, best practice seems to be:
  • Disable ‘wake on lift’.
  • Register all the relevant fingerprints.
  • Keep the sensor clean.
  • To wake, simply rest one of those fingers on the sensor (and hold for a couple of seconds if needed) without pressing the button.
  • Try to avoid touching the sensor with fingertips, fingers, palms, clothing, or anything else at all other times!
  • If you see ‘Too many attempts, try later’, unlock by using your password/pattern/PIN to reset the counter and avoid the sensor being disabled completely.
  • If you see ‘Too many attempts, fingerprint sensor disabled’, the only way to re-enable it is to reboot. (By holding down the power button or Fn+Esc, and selecting ‘Restart’ — luckily that's fairly quick and won't lose any saved data/settings.)

It's clear that the sensor registers almost any touch as a fingerprint attempt, so it's a shame that the sensor isn't indented further to reduce accidental touches, and/or allows more failures before locking up…

I have a few related questions, though:

Does anyone know the best orientation for fingerprints? I started by holding my finger perpendicular to the screen (as that'd be the most obvious position when the Astro is open and on the desk — the position I'm use to from the Gemini), but I've also registered some fingerprints in the other orientation, with the finger resting along the edge of the screen. It's hard to tell, but I suspect the latter may be recognised more consistently, maybe because that gives a slightly more consistent finger position (less scope for lateral movement, and you can feel the end of the sensor) and/or because it gives a slightly greater area to recognise — but I'm not really sure. Any thoughts?

(I'm assuming that if you want a finger to be recognised in both orientations, it's not smart enough to realise it's the same finger, and so you need to register it twice, once each way.)

Also, when I wake up in the morning and remove the charging cable, my Astro never responds to a fingerprint (not even with a ‘not recognised’ message), and I always need to open it and enter my password. Am I doing something wrong, or is ignoring the sensor expected after disconnecting power and/or after many hours of being locked?

I also note that you can set Android not to lock when in a certain location or connected to a certain Bluetooth device. However, I don't usually enable location sensing (for privacy and battery reasons), and the only Bluetooth device I use it with is a pair of earphones that I take with me and so aren't suitable for indicating location! Is it possible to prevent locking when connected to a certain wifi access point/network? Or is there a type of Bluetooth device I could get purely to prevent locking, that wouldn't have any other functionality or battery impact, and wouldn't prevent also using Bluetooth earphones?

(* I run an SSH daemon so I can connect to my phone from my desktop. The Gemini was connected to wifi only when the screen was on, so I'd always have to unlock it first and wait for it to connect — but the Astro always responds, even when it looks completely asleep.)
Psion 3a → Psion 5 → Psion 5mx → Gemini → Astro

Daniel W

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Re: Fingerprint issue
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2023, 06:15:31 pm »
I'm assuming that if you want a finger to be recognised in both orientations, it's not smart enough to realise it's the same finger...
It actually is. I've only registered my finger perpendicular to the screen, but it still unlocks in other angles too.

Also, when I wake up in the morning and remove the charging cable, my Astro never responds to a fingerprint...
For "added security" the Astro (and the Cosmo) will require the actual password once in a while. I'm not sure about how often the Cosmo did this, but my Astro does this at least once a day. For me, it doesn't necessarily happen in the morning, but at any time of day. Then again, I use my Astro for (manual) sleep tracking, so I tend to wake it up a few times, when I wake up during the night, and I rarely charge during the night either, so maybe that affects the "circadian rhythm" (or whatever) of my particular device.

While I get the idea of this, having my phone randomly require my (long) password, while Skype is ringing or while trying to use the camera shortcut, to not miss a brief photo opportunity, is just a bad user experience.

Edit: 2023-Feb-25
To wake, simply rest one of those fingers on the sensor...
I forgot to mention this last time, thank you Andy for pointing out this seemingly obvious detail. I have always, for no reason at all, really, been tapping fingerprint sensors, with mixed results. I guess I, at some point, just thought that was how it was supposed to be done, and then a (bad) habit formed. Leaving my finger on the sensor, until it either succeeds or fails, of course works better than me just stabbing the sensor with a finger. Who would have thought?

Sure, it still fails more often than I'd like to, but so does the much bigger sensor on my laptop. I also get the feeling that failed attempts aren't always only the sensors fault. Sometimes, when I'm cleanly in the center of the sensor, and just nothing happens, I get the sense that it might rather be the OS that fails to pick up the result. Not that it helps us much, but perhaps the sensors themselves are a bit better than their reputation.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2023, 03:55:51 pm by Daniel W »