I do this all the time to get opera on the pda :->
(although, as I mention last time, full screen mode doesn't work remote).
The idea is simple/trivial... but sometimes people can get run-round in the terminology.
With X windows, you need to run an "X server" ... and clients connect
to this server using different protocols (X protocol, etc).
If you have an X server, say, the Zaurus, you can figure out
your display -- which is typically your host or IP address :0.0
for first display (1.0 for second, etc.). On the *SERVER*, you can
tell the server to allow clients to connect from other locations.
There are a few different authentication schemes, but with the simplest
one, you can use the xhost command to allow connections.
So, if you know the hostname/IP of the location where you are going to
be running an X *CLIENT*, on the *SERVER* (ie: Zaurus), simply type:
xhost + IP
Then, on the remote machine (ie: the "IP" above), set your display.
In [t]csh, that would be: setenv DISPLAY IP_OF_ZAURUS:0.0
in [k]sh, that would be: DISPLAY=IP_OF_ZAURUS:0.0; export DISPLAY
then simply run your x client, such as "xlogo &"
Typically, the X client will connect to the server on port 6000 (for display
0.0, and 6001 for 1.0, etc).
Now, I've noticed that both pdaXrom and freebsd seem to start the
X server without a listening socket (for security?) so... if you do a
ps, I think it will show "do not listen" or "no listen tcp" or something.
If that's the case, you will not be able to connect to this server from
a remote location (well, you can, but I won't tell you how here).
Instead, remember to start the X server with "-listen_tcp" ..
ie: startx -listen_tcp
Sorry, if you're in X already, you will have to exit X and restart it.