dreadlocks - I'm perfectly happy having your feed as the main one. In fact, if you want to do that exclusively, excepting maybe a few things like the user-choosable PIM, I'd be happy.
And on another note, having feeds pre-added doesn't seem to work.. :< It at least has some issues. But I'll definitely link heavily to that feed on this next release.
CURRENT LIST OF TO-ADD STUFF (? = unsure/maybe):
nano + ncurses5
brightness applet
kismet? (many people use it - heavily worth it if one has a wireless network card - which many, many people seem to)
Wellenreiter? (if not kismet, then this? Never used it myself, but if anyone can provide some evidence that it's better than kismet...)
NeIC? (IRC - might be worth it, if enough people who use Watapon use IRC...)
And on the voice recorder to IPK... 1) It's not that large. 2) Only if I run out of room. Remember, trying to FILL space, not SAVE it currently.
(Maybe I should look into Qtopia 2.1? In fact, if everyone's ok being at 1.6.1 for a bit, I think I shall. Maybe build a ROM more or less ground-up, instead of a modification off of Sharp 1.32. )