yes, I use pdaXrom...
I have 1.0.1 on my 760. I use it for the following, some more than others:
(1) browsing -- (reading in bed), firefox/dillo
(2) reading -- web pages, newsgroups, ebooks, pdf (argh! bad fonts!)
(3) chat -- terminal ssh to remote box to IRC/IM via irc gateways
(4) games -- mame, lgeneral, nethack, xboard, xu4/exult
(5) music -- mp3s, two 512mb SDs (rock/moods)
(6) admin -- remote terminal from Z to remote unix boxes, vnc
(7) programming / dev -- perl, python, C/C++, QT (tcc for arm yet? Ch?) gcc/g++
emulators -- see mame above... hatari/stonx/stella, xmess (dosbox, bochs, qemu, anything)
pdaXrom is a mini laptop for me. The hardware isn't as powerful as I would like as a min --
800x600, 600Mhz cpu + (+FPU?), 256mb ram ... built in wifi, 20GB min disk.
This is more than sufficient for doing the above FOR NOW -- while the specs I want/need
become available.
I use the Z as an archive of my files and my work. I can rsync my files to and from the device.
I have my code with me any any and all times. Grab and run... etc.
I appreciate the capabilities of having a full / native linux.... native sdk, etc. cross compiler is also
very nice for taking some of the load off the Z.
The reason why I use and support pdaX is that it provides the platform of what I need --
linux, X, gcc...
I don't need PIM, but there are some programs out there to do that. xdia is very nice. gimp runs,
but is slow.