Everyone in the house with a zaurus stand up, say hi, and show some pride
My name's Daniel, I'm a computer programmer/administrator and (returning) college student. I bought my first Z, a gleaming new 5500 around then turn of the century (haha), and bought my second Z, a new C860 a couple of months ago.
Right now I'm doing the following things with my Z:
- trying different ROMs
- exploring what is involved in setting up a custom OS
- experimenting with the Qtopia SDK
- using the Z to take notes (FreenoteQT)
- using the Z for remote SSH access (and VPN if I get to it)
- recording audio on the Z
I use my Z with GPRS all the time, which is very handy for a quick email check or ssh session.
It'd be nice to have a meeting some day for the NYC ZUG (maybe possibly as a SIG within a linux user group or 2600 meeting or some such thing) but in the mean time, represent!