Author Topic: New Bluetooth Drivers  (Read 65306 times)


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« Reply #45 on: May 14, 2005, 11:31:13 pm »
- All is well, essentially.  So, if I only had a brain.  Case closed.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2005, 11:15:42 am by Ragnorok »
| I shed a tear for the passing of Hiroshi; he served me well
| Zaurus zealot since Nov 2002, PDA user since Oct 1991
| Replaced Z with UMID BZ February 2010


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« Reply #46 on: May 17, 2005, 12:45:51 am »
« Last Edit: May 17, 2005, 12:55:36 am by Omicron »
"You Shall Not Pass"    
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« Reply #47 on: June 03, 2005, 11:19:40 am »
can some one confirm that bt2000c is working as stated here or still a no no?


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« Reply #48 on: June 20, 2005, 01:35:49 pm »
Will this stuff work with pdaXrom?

Will this stuff work with a USB Bluetooth adaptor?



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« Reply #49 on: July 28, 2005, 12:55:40 pm »
Could somebody please do me a favour & comment on the belkin card I've posted about in this thread. I'd like to know if I have the slightlest chance of getting it to work or should I just return it? thks


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« Reply #50 on: July 28, 2005, 08:58:31 pm »
Could somebody please do me a favour & comment on the belkin card I've posted about in this thread. I'd like to know if I have the slightlest chance of getting it to work or should I just return it? thks
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Neither Affix nor Bluez list that BE2830 as being directly supported (but not listed as not working either).  Might be too new.  Bluez mailing lists mention other Belkin devices, but not that one.  Affix mailing lists don't talk about anything belkin at all.  If it will work with anything, it will work with Bluez.

You should see if you can find out what the chipset is on the thing... Bluez and Affix seem to list chipsets that are supported rather than all the adapters that may use them.

If the chipset is similar to other devices (it probably will be) you might have a chance.

I'd say right now your chances of it working out of the box are like 10-30%.  With some work 40-70% and 30% chance of not working without you adding support (eg. writing code) yourself.


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« Reply #51 on: September 01, 2005, 10:53:38 pm »
Here is a list of places you can by the one i use.
Make sure it-
1. made in taiwan and the
2. antena is black and not blue.
3. there is also a cute sticker of a tooth surfing away from the laptop.
4. return policy if they send you the wrong one too.

good luck
« Last Edit: September 03, 2005, 01:55:25 pm by Cresho »
Zaurus C-3200 (internal 8gb seagate drive) with buuf icon theme, cacko 1.23 full,  and also Meanie's pdaxqtrom-Debian/Open Office
Zaurus SL-5500 Sharp Rom 3.13 with steel theme
pretec pocket pc wi fi
ambicom bt2000-cf bluetooth-made in taiwan
simpletech 1gb cf
pny 1gb sd
patriot 2gb
ocz or patriot 4gb sd(failed after 2 weeks)only on z
creative csw-5300 speakers in stereo
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« Reply #52 on: September 08, 2005, 09:51:34 am »
OK, I got to jump in here with a request for assistance.
My setup is a uk 5500 with Sharp 3.10 Rom, Bluemonkey CF card, Siemens s65 phone, UK O2 mobile account.

I followed the BlueZ howto at the top of this thread a while back and got a fair amount of success. I managed to pair up the Z & phone and allocate /dev/rfcomm0 to the pairing on the serial port channel of the s65. I created an IR dialup via the network wizard, then went into the equivalent script under /etc/ppp/peers and added in the /dev/rfcomm0 line at the top, set the phone MAC address in /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf
I don't think I ever managed to get the network connection going, though the devices did pair. (Annoyingly the phone and WinXP on my work laptop function without incident.)

I had to do a Z restart a while ago & since then, everything seems to have gone horribly wrong :-/ I'm pretty sure I kicked off the bluetooth with a manual restart.
When the phone BT is enabled & nearby, I get the pairing icon for a moment then it drops,. I run the network connection and it sits in 'modem initializing'.
Even though the phone is discoverable, I do an "sdptool browse" after sudo'ing to root, all I get is
Code: [Select]
Inquiring failed
So why does that happen?
Do the symptoms I've described point to something obvious?

I think the rest of my woes are with getting a connection script sorted for GPRS to O2 using the s65, but let's not go there for now! I've not managed via IR yet.



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« Reply #53 on: September 08, 2005, 07:53:44 pm »
I don't think I ever managed to get the network connection going, though the devices did pair. (Annoyingly the phone and WinXP on my work laptop function without incident.)
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If you use the same bluetooth cf card to pair your laptop, you loose the pair on the cellphone and thus need to repair the zaurus and cellphone.

after you successfully repair the 2 items, you need to go into settings->network and add a dial-up(bluetooth).  There is such a network protocol to add.  after you add this, then you go into account....

Mines is setup through at&t with digital access unlimited at 24 dollars a month.
no username and password but dialup is *99# (call service provider for this info)

init string is ATZ with bt device being the default /dev/rfcomm0
everything else is autodetect and you should just dial into it as soon as the icon appears in the taskbar when inserting the bluetooth card.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2005, 07:55:10 pm by Cresho »
Zaurus C-3200 (internal 8gb seagate drive) with buuf icon theme, cacko 1.23 full,  and also Meanie's pdaxqtrom-Debian/Open Office
Zaurus SL-5500 Sharp Rom 3.13 with steel theme
pretec pocket pc wi fi
ambicom bt2000-cf bluetooth-made in taiwan
simpletech 1gb cf
pny 1gb sd
patriot 2gb
ocz or patriot 4gb sd(failed after 2 weeks)only on z
creative csw-5300 speakers in stereo
DigiLife DDV-1000 for video, Audio, Picture recording playable on the zaurus
Mustek DV4500-video recorder, pictures, voice record on sd for z | ZaurusVideo | Zaurus Software


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« Reply #54 on: September 10, 2005, 07:28:40 pm »
so What's new with everybody?

Still waiting to hear more success stories and tips on getting connected via gprs.
My problem is similar to alot of people: pairing is good, ininitializing is good, then the connected portion just hangs with nothing happening.

I'm using a socket card rev h with new 3100 standard rom with Moto razor on Rogers in Canada.

I have not found any posts on what what the chat file or PPP options etc... may be required.

I'm thinking that perhaps that is the problem.

Can people post their configurations for gprs access?




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« Reply #55 on: September 17, 2005, 02:16:09 pm »
I had some trouble to get the Billionton CFBT02-B2 Bluetooth CF-Card working on my SL-C750 with original Sharp ROM. The problem was that I need to set the serial speed to 921600 and use the option "-s 921600" when calling hciattach.

To solve this problem I changed the script /etc/pcmcia/bluetooth so that the start code looks like this:

Code: [Select]
           UART_SET=`grep "$ID" $UART_CONF | cut -f2 -d":"`
           if [ "$UART_SET" != "" ]; then
              DEVICE=/dev/`echo $UART_SET | sed 's,.*/dev/,,'| cut -f1 -d" "`
              SPEEDOK=`echo $UART_SET | grep '^ *-s'`
              IRQ=`setserial $DEVICE | sed -e 's/.*IRQ: //'`
              setserial $DEVICE irq 0; setserial $DEVICE irq $IRQ
              if [ "$SPEEDOK" != "" ]; then
                 SPEED=`echo $UART_SET | sed 's,.*-s *,,' | cut -f1 -d" "`
                 setserial $DEVICE baud_base $SPEED
              /usr/sbin/hciattach $UART_SET

This allows to use the following line in /etc/bluetooth/uart:

Code: [Select]
"Compact Flash", "Bluetooth Card", "", "":-s 921600 /dev/ttyS3 bcsp
Maybe this helps others who have problems with this card.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2005, 02:29:03 pm by BissigerPinguin »


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« Reply #56 on: November 22, 2005, 09:23:37 pm »
can some one confirm that bt2000c is working as stated here or still a no no?
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Has there been any progress on the BT2000CF compatibility? In a previous thread it was reported to work on SUSE 9.2? Is any of what makes this work in SUSE portable to the zaurus? Also, as stated, this link at bluez says:

Ambicom (   BT2000C   CSR   Yes   ?   The following option is needed for hciattach initialize this card: /dev/ttyS3 bt2000c flow.

I am sorry for saying this, but to me (business user), this seems like "dark arts". I have no idea what to make of this.... ;(

Regards from the Tropics

Otto Acuña
San Jose, Costa Rica

Business User with

SL-5500: TkROM with Ambicom Wi-Fi, AirCable BT, Sandisk Ultra II 512MB CF, Panasonic HiSpeed 256 SD, Battery Pack, Sharp Camera, Retractable Cord and Car Recharge.

SL-C3100: Cacko 1.23, still in the process to customization to own needs.


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« Reply #57 on: January 01, 2006, 12:17:31 pm »
might be worth looking at OpenTom and TomTom's own linux stuff as per to see what TomTom have done for bluetooth!
Gemini 4G/Wi-Fi owner, formerly zaurus C3100 and 860 owner; also owner of an HTC Doubleshot, a Zaurus-like phone.


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« Reply #58 on: March 01, 2006, 12:39:33 am »
This is only for Sharp ROMs and variants of Sharp ROMs, excluding Cacko ROMs, that use the 2.4.18 kernel. So for example this includes Sharp ROMs on SL-5500, SL-5600, SL-6000, SL-C850, but NOT SL-3000.

Also uninstall all bluez packages before installing this one, including the bluez-csr-serial, which is no longer required with the new package.

So here is the new ipk (Note: the 1st, 3rd and 4th underscores [_] in the filename need to be changed to dashes [-] after downloading):
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=61520\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

The latest package works fine for the stock sharp kernel, but is not working for the fast kernel in 6K. I believe the 6k fast kernel is a preemptive one as in Tetsu's (actually they are the same, common zaurus kernel project). Tumnus, is it possible to build a bluez package for the preemptive kernel?

after installing the package, dmesg
Code: [Select]
ttyS03 at port 0xf60003f8 (irq = 43) is a 16C950/954
BlueZ HCI UART driver ver 2.1 Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Qualcomm Inc
Written 2000,2001 by Maxim Krasnyansky
Internal error: branch through zero: 0
CPU: 0
pc : [<00000004>]    lr : [<0000a010>]    Not tainted
sp : bffffa98  ip : c05bf3ec  fp : c1351e5c
r10: 00000000  r9 : 00000000  r8 : c05bf080
r7 : 80000013  r6 : c1350000  r5 : c379a0a0  r4 : c05bf3a0
r3 : 00000000  r2 : 00000002  r1 : 00000009  r0 : c379a0a0
Flags: nZCv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode SVC_32  Segment user
Control: 197F  Table: A129C000  DAC: 00000015  PID:  0
Process hciattach (pid: 1536, stackpage=c1351000)
Stack: (0xc1351e24 to 0xc1352000)
1e20:          0000a010 00000004 60000013 c379a0a0 c05bf080 c3832248 00000008
1e40: 00000004 00000001 c1351e8c 00000000 c1351e88 c1351e60 c5996a88 c5996ae4
1e60: 00000001 c2cf8004 c2cf8004 c1350000 00000000 c3c7aa80 c2cf8014 c1351ea8
1e80: c1351e8c c59984c8 c59969ac 00000001 c59991dc c2cf8004 00000001 c1351ec4
1ea0: c1351eac c0053df4 c599849c 00000000 00000001 c2cf8004 c1351ed4 c1351ec8
1ec0: c5990d84 c0053dc8 c1351efc c1351ed8 c5992d58 c5990d78 c2cf8000 c2cf8000
1ee0: c59e2cfc c2cf8164 00000000 00000001 c1351f10 c1351f00 c59e0738 c5992b08
1f00: 00000000 c1351f2c c1351f14 c59e07fc c59e06f4 c2cf8000 c1c7c000 00000000
1f20: c1351f54 c1351f30 c59e0880 c59e07bc 00000001 c1c7c000 c1c7c000 400455c8
1f40: 400401c8 c16b5440 c1351f80 c1351f58 c0104424 c59e0824 c16b5440 400455c8
1f60: 00000003 00000001 ffffffe7 c1350000 00000004 c1351fa4 c1351f84 c007fc34
1f80: c0103f04 bffffa9c 00000003 00012b48 00000036 c0030b04 00000000 c1351fa8
1fa0: c0030960 c007f9f0 bffffa9c c0034550 00000003 400455c8 00000001 0000000f
1fc0: bffffa9c 00000003 00012b48 00000000 00012e7c bffffb18 00000004 bffffaf4
1fe0: 00012db0 bffffa98 0000a010 400fec54 60000010 00000003 00000000 00000000
Function entered at [] from []
Function entered at [] from []
Function entered at [] from []
 r6 = 00000001  r5 = C2CF8004  r4 = C59991DC
Function entered at [] from []
 r6 = C2CF8004  r5 = 00000001  r4 = 00000000
Function entered at [] from []
Function entered at [] from []
Function entered at [] from []
 r4 = 00000000
Function entered at [] from []
 r6 = 00000000  r5 = C1C7C000  r4 = C2CF8000
Function entered at [] from []
Function entered at [] from []
Function entered at [] from []
 r8 = C0030B04  r7 = 00000036  r6 = 00012B48  r5 = 00000003
 r4 = BFFFFA9C
Code: bad PC value.
note: hciattach[1536] exited with preempt_count 2
<<<< Init_Module PASS >>>

not surprisingly, hciconfig didn't give me back any MAC address
Code: [Select]
hci0:    Type: UART
    BD Address: 00:00:00:00:00:00 ACL MTU: 0:0 SCO MTU: 0:0
    RX bytes:12 acl:0 sco:0 events:0 errors:0
    TX bytes:6 acl:0 sco:0 commands:0 errors:0
My Blog | 6000L Tosa + sled | is: Angstrom | was: pdaXrom 1.1.0beta1 | was: stock 1.12 rom + no-ffpe fash kernel + X/Qt Debian |
CF GPS (FGPCFCD01) | USB "Prolific 2303" GPS (USB-UG-200) | Socket CF BT rev. H |  USB "Pegasus II" Ethernet (ADM8511) | PocketTop IR kbd |
Todo: OESF wiki | stable VOIP app | usable GPS app |      Wishlist: VOIP + Bluetooth | GPS + Routing Calc


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« Reply #59 on: March 16, 2006, 11:24:05 am »
I just bought an AIRNET ABT201 USB dongle, and I haven't been able to get it to work on my Zaurus.  (I used bluez_zaurus_2.13_2.4.18_alpha3_arm.ipk, attached to the first post in this thread.) Has anybody else tried this dongle?

Zaurus 6000L, stock kernel 2.4.18, no other bluetooth software installed.

It worked with my desktop system, so I know there exist Linux drivers--although that was the 2.6 kernel.

I bought it because (a) it was $1 after rebate ( and ( I wasn't able to find good information on what dongles work with Linux; the only reference I could find mentioned the supported chips, not the consumer devices.
