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Messages - engwar

Pages: [1] 2
5x00 General discussions / Can Only Sync From Cradle
« on: June 10, 2005, 07:39:29 pm »
My 5500 froze on me and I had to remove the batteries to reboot the durned thing. Around this time I also had to reinstall Windows on my desktop box. Yeah it was a long week.

Anyway I have my desktop software and synch software reinstalled but I can only successfully sync using the button on the cradle.

I could live with this but I can't use backup/restore or Zaurus File Transfer.

Any ideas? I'm using the Sharp Rom 3.10

General Discussion / How To Turn Off Blinking Email Light
« on: March 30, 2005, 08:36:25 am »

Pretty easy it seems.

I was assuming it was a "Z" fuction and not a Qazoo function so I didn't even look there.

Silly bunt.  

General Discussion / How To Turn Off Blinking Email Light
« on: March 29, 2005, 10:21:03 pm »
(Reposted as I posted this in the wrong forum)

I have a 5500 running the Sharp 3.10 ROM. I installed the Qazoo IM client which is working well. When I am running it and get an email in my Yahoo mail account I get a beep and the email light on the front of the Z starts to blink. Trouble is I don't know how to turn this off. Not a big deal but still...

How do I turn this light off? I've searched this forum and the web and don't see a reference to this.

I don't use the email app on the Z, by the way, but hit the Yahoo site to get my mail.


5x00 General discussions / Blinking Mail Light How To Turn Off
« on: March 29, 2005, 08:58:28 am »
I have a 5500 running the Sharp 3.10 ROM. I installed the Qazoo IM client which is working well.  When I am running it and get an email in my Yahoo mail account I get a beep and the email light on the front of the Z starts to blink. Trouble is I don't know how to turn this off. Not a big deal but still...

How do I turn this light off?

I don't use the email app on the Z but hit the Yahoo site to get my mail.


General Discussion / Gaim won't launch
« on: August 23, 2004, 05:08:49 pm »
I ran gaim using my terminal app.

I get the following message

"error while loading shared libraries: cannot load shared object file: No such file or directory"

Seems related to the post of iamasmiths that I assumed I resolved by following the instructions here...

Guess I need to doublecheck that step...

General Discussion / Gaim won't launch
« on: August 21, 2004, 10:07:36 am »
I went ahead with the libpng update and am still having the same problem. Gaim won't launch.

Thanks for the konsole ipackage tip. I'll try that next.

General Discussion / Gaim won't launch
« on: August 20, 2004, 08:22:56 pm »
I'm open to that suggestion. I guess it seems to me that the error I'm seeing is different from the two reported on that site.

The libpng update is recommended for folks with the following problems...

+ No pictures display when I run Gaim.

+ Gaim is spitting out errors to the console saying my version of libpng is invalid.

However I can't even get Gaim to open. As a newbie I want to be careful what I do to my precious Z so I don't hose it.

Does anyone else suggest the libpng update or do you have any other suggestions? I'm not dissin' your suggestion, iamasmith, I'm just curious as to what other might think as my problem is different than the others reported.


General Discussion / Gaim won't launch
« on: August 20, 2004, 04:15:05 pm »
Hey there.

Just installed GAIM using the instructions from this page

I have checked that I have all the packages listed at the bottom of the page that are required.  (I only installed libgaim-protocol-yahoo as I only plan to use it with YM at the moment.)

When I attempt to launch the app by clicking on the Gaim icon the icon changes state and I get an hourglass at the bottom of my Zaurus screen but Gaim doesn't launch.

I even tried rebooting my Z but still no luck.

Oh, I have a 5500 with the Sharp 3.10 ROM.

General Discussion / How to get Wireless CF cards to work
« on: August 18, 2004, 11:52:52 pm »
Fantastic! I'm posting this from my Z.

Thanks for your help. I guess I mistakenly assumed it would be more difficult.

Next steps are Kismet and an IM client. Hope they're as straightforward.

General Discussion / How to get Wireless CF cards to work
« on: August 18, 2004, 11:59:28 am »
This may belong in the 'newbie' forum.

I just got a Netgear MA701 card from a friend and I want to get it working with my 5500 running the Sharp Rom 3.10.

What I'm looking for is step-by-step instructions on how to do this.  Now I've looked around and found a few web pages with info but I'm still not confident about what I'm doing and haven't yet been successful.

Is anyone aware of an idiot-proof resource that explains how to set this up (and WHY each step is important?)

Something written for someone who's new to Linux and the Zaurus and doesn't know their IwConfig from their Kismet.

The following seemed like they *would* be helpful links if I knew what I was doing.

NYC / Getting the right Wireless card
« on: August 12, 2004, 11:45:52 pm »
Although it hasn't gotten the best reviews I'm going to try the Netgear MA701 as a friend of mine has one he doesn't need.

Next question is, uh, how to I go about using it? I'm a newbie to both Linux and the Z so I'm not sure what to do next.

I assume I need some sort of driver for the card and then I would need to adjust some settings.

FYI my desktop machine is a Win2k box and I have a 5500 with the Sharp 3.10 ROM.

Can anyone point in the right direction with instructions written very plainly for this newbie?

Thanks in advance.

NYC / Getting the right Wireless card
« on: August 05, 2004, 01:59:49 pm »
I also am interested in choosing the right wireless card. I have a 5500 with the Sharp ROM 3.10 and I'm not looking for the cheapest wireless card but the one that works best ie has great range, ease of use etc.

Anyone have a suggestion?

Windows Issues / Synch problems: can\'t find palm desktop data file
« on: June 26, 2004, 08:53:28 pm »

Apparently the problem was that the newest version of the Palm Desktop, 4.14,  is installed in a different place than previous versions C:/Program Files/Palm as opposed to C:/Palm

I couldn't just move the folder to the root of the drive, Palm Desktop 4.14 wouldn't launch after doing that,  so I found an older version of the Palm Desktop, 4.01, that installed on the root of the C drive. Intellisync seemed to be able to find it there.

Maybe there's a way to use the newest Palm desktop but this works for me. Thought I'd pass it along.

Windows Issues / Synch problems: can\'t find palm desktop data file
« on: June 21, 2004, 08:27:59 pm »
I\'ve got a 5500 running 3.10 ROM. When I attempt to synch to my Palm desktop (as I\'d done previously before having to reinstall my Windows OS) I get the following message.

Could not find a palm desktop data file. After closing this message  
box you will need to open the palm desktop application and then  
close it again before re-running the synchronization.

I am using a newer version of the Palm Desktop than I had previously, which is 4.1.4.

The tells me to open and then close Palm Desktop and try to synch again. No luck doing that.

I am able to use Zaurus File Transfer to move files to my Z. I just can\'t synch.

Any ideas folks?

Software / Java on the Z
« on: February 25, 2004, 07:33:27 am »
Perfect. Thanks!

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