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Messages - henrysviper

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Sorry to hijack the thread, but I am curious...

Why do you sell your Aigo? I'm thinking of buying one as it seems the perfect zaurus replacement.
What didn't you like about it?

For Sale / Wanted / Sell My Sl-c1000
« on: August 16, 2008, 05:48:58 pm »
Could you be more specific about price?
Also, do you accept paypal from credit card?

Debian / Aptitude
« on: April 13, 2008, 05:19:49 pm »
Quote from: Raul
Aptitude is great but I have some unresolved dependencies after dist-upgrade. I wouldn't dump synaptic just yet If I were you.
Aptitude and synaptic both use the same underlying APT system in much the same way, so it is rare that one will work where the other wouldn't.
Try running "aptitude update" again when you encounter problems. The armel repositories often lag behind the more common architectures so sometimes we have to wait...

Debian / Debain Eabi On C7x0 With Angstrom 2.6.24 Kernel
« on: April 13, 2008, 03:27:42 pm »
Quote from: WolfpacK
I have been trying to get debain working on my c860 with the new angstrom kernel (2.6.24) but had no luck   . When I try to boot from SD card in the altboot menu, it always freezes at the "Calling INIT" line after  mounting the sd card.
Has anybody been able to boot debain eabi with the new kernel on the c860? I also tried following the directions on an older post ( on booting with the 2.6.23 kernel but had no luck as well.

FWIW the new 2.6.24 kernel and altboot from Angstrom (latest r13 stable image) work very well on my C750.
If neither 2.6.24 nor 2.6.23 with the workarounds from the other thread work for you, there may be a problem with your rootfs.
Try a rootfs from Angstrom (e.g. from here) to see if this is the case.

Asus Eee PC / Any Eee Pc Owners Here?
« on: March 03, 2008, 06:38:04 am »
Quote from: AmigaFalcon
I'm waiting for ASUS to add an internal 20+GB HD and slightly higher res screen.

2GB internal storage on a laptop does not make sense to me, but it is just a matter of time before ASUS reel out the "enhanced versions" of the EEE PC. So just have to wait a little longer

I have already lost a laptop hard disk due to a bumpy train ride in Greece. Putting normal hard disks on computers that are supposed to be fully mobile is not a good idea. That is the reason older laptops had shock mounted hard drives (and the reason some laptops like the macbook have sudden motion sensors to park the hard drive heads).
Asus made the right choice on this one (well, maybe they could offer a choice but that would drive costs upwards).

Besides, the eeepc is not exactly a laptop. The role of an ultraportable is not to replace your main computer.

Debian / [done] Use Debian Official Xorg And Tslib!
« on: February 29, 2008, 03:28:46 pm »
Thank ca1eb for your answers!

I couldn't wait for the official package, so I compiled xf86-input-tslib myself (it is fun using the debian package building tools on the Z - it makes the Z feel like a "real" computer).
I installed xserver-xorg-video-fbdev, xserver-xorg-input-kbd and xserver-xorg-core and tweaked xorg.conf a bit (added a section for the touchscreen, and removed the line with the "rotate" option).
For a desktop environment I installed matchbox-desktop. It is already nicely configured, it is lightweight and I feel is a good fit for the small screen of the Z.
I added "matchbox-session" to my .xinitrc and run "startx".

And the result is cool! A real X server on the Z.

However, I have some problems:
- The Fn key is not working (in X)
- Everything is slow
- Clicking behaviour is erratic: it seems that matchbox responds to the "previous" click (I have to check if this happens with other environments)
- Rotation does not work: if I try xrandr I get the error "Failed to change the screen configuration!"

It looks promising, but right now it's not really usable. Maybe it has to do with C750 being slower compared to the pxa270 clamshells or maybe the full xserver is just too much. I 'll try other window managers (like icewm) and report...

ca1eb: could you please post your xorg.conf or any tip for the Fn key?

Debian / [done] Use Debian Official Xorg And Tslib!
« on: February 27, 2008, 07:42:49 am »

I am a bit confused:
This package is for use with xserver-xorg and xserver-xorg-video-fbdev, right?
Or is another video driver needed? (like xserver-xorg-video-vesa or xserver-xorg-video-vga)

If xf86-input-tslib is installed do we still need the packages libts, tslib-conf, tslib-calibrate (from yongun I think)?

And the last question: is it working? ;-) (I mean the "full" xorg)

Thank you for any answers, Debian on Zaurus is fun!

Quote from: danr
Are the loopback images read-only or is there support for writing to them as well?

A loopback image is just like a "normal" filesystem, so it is writable (the only limitation is that is has a fixed size).
Check out the altboot FAQ for more info.


You do not need this setup with two directories (angstrom/debian) and creating symbolic links. Altboot supports booting loopback images.
If you have the rootfs as a file ending in ".rootfs.tar.gz" in SD, then altboot (through the "Advanced" menu) can create a loopback image out of it for you. When booting, altboot sees all the images and presents you with a menu allowing to choose which one to boot. Thus, if you have a big enough SD card you can have many distributions on it without problems and workarounds.

Also, commenting out line 474 of /etc/altboot.func is not needed. The file /etc/altboot-2.6.cfg contains a variable "FSCK_IMAGES": set it to "no" to disable checking (remember to check them manually from time to time from the NAND installation though).

Edited to add info about FSCK_IMAGES

I have the same problem as kibymo

I tried it with my C750 and now I have no trouble alt-booting in Angstrom (in SD) or Debian armel, but in debian the CF cards are not recognized at all.

Edit: After looking at the output from lsmod in Angstrom, I found that modprobing (in Debian) "pxa2xx_cs" before inserting a CF card fixes the problem. (Maybe a udev rule would help?)
Thanks Dan for the original solution.

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Thinking Of Trying Angstrom
« on: February 15, 2008, 07:47:32 am »
Quote from: jpmatrix
once you've angstrom working, why not give a try to debian zaurus ?

Because Angstrom is more or less Debian   (with patches applied to make it more suitable for Zaurus and much better package granularity)
To use Debian armel you need Angstrom kernel, xserver, ts driver, zaurusd, keymap, tweaks already in Angstrom, etc.

Your work on bringing debian to zaurus is much appreciated, but please consider contributing some of your findings to Angstrom.

(Disclaimer: no affiliation at all with OE/Angstrom - also I don't want to start a flame war, just my humble opinion)

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Sd Card Very Slow Oz
« on: January 31, 2007, 05:31:14 pm »
The "async" option was indeed the solution! (actually async is the default so deleting the sync option from /etc/fstab is enough).
Stupid of me not to think of it.
Thanks everybody.

Shouldn't async be the default?

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Sd Card Very Slow Oz
« on: January 19, 2007, 01:37:48 pm »
I finally found the time today to install OZ (GPE) on my C750. I am very impressed with the result. It is evident that a lot of work has been put in this version.

I have however a problem that renders my installation almost unusable.
My SD card, a Toshiba 512 MB, is extremely slow: read speed is around  300 KB/sec and write speed is around 20 KB/sec. The card was working perfectly on older versions of OZ (and pdaxrom).
The card has one partition with the ext2 fs. I tried recreating the partition and the filesystem but I didn't see any improvement.

The card seems to be working (tested in a cardreader and also I don't see any relevant messages in dmesg output). Is there a way to improve its speed in OZ?

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Input Language
« on: March 31, 2006, 07:03:12 am »
That was it. Thanks pgas for your work. I installed the glibc packages you built, and gtkterm2 from the feed, and now I can see greek characters in the terminal (in gtkterm). Great!

Now it remains to find a way to input greek characters...
(and I think the locale-related glibc packages should be part of the official feed)

Hardware Mods / Solar Power Charger For Zaurus
« on: March 08, 2006, 04:46:57 pm »
Brando workshop sells a solar charger that works well and is cheap:

(it works for zaurus, at they have the same connectors and power demands as the PSP)

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