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Messages - Rafn

Pages: [1]
Gemini PDA - Linux / Kali insted of Debian on triple boot
« on: December 07, 2018, 03:31:50 pm »
Looks promising.  What is working / not working on Kali?

Gemini PDA - Linux / ExaGear: Wine on gemini?
« on: September 20, 2018, 06:39:37 pm »
Thanks!  Will give it a try

Gemini PDA - Linux / ExaGear: Wine on gemini?
« on: September 20, 2018, 03:48:36 pm »
Has anyone tried ExaGear desktop? (

Looked promising - appears to have been used to run windows based software on the raspberry pi (  Thought I’d ask here before shelling out about $40 for the ARM8 version.

Probably AdUps firmware updater - has a history of harvesting data and has been previously seen on other MediaTek devices.

More recently:

Appears to be known APT based on Sophos.

Installed Sophos after loading x27 non-rooted, ‘Firmware update’ detected as threat/pua Andr/Xgen2-P.  No details from Sophos other than signatures.

Not detected by Kaspersky or AVG, could be a false positive, but worth further investigation.

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