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Topics - prun769

Pages: [1]
Security and Networking / Kismet / Wellenrieter Setup
« on: December 24, 2004, 02:24:49 am »
I'm a newbie to these tools so bear with me.

I am running a 5600 with the special kernel and i have both socket and ambicom wifi cards.  I am trying to get something up that will allow me to see what wireless networks are available.  From what I understand, Kismet or Wellenreiter should do the trick.

That being said, I have not had any luck getting Kismet to run, and it appears Wellenreiter is built for opie.

I get the following message when I try to startup kismet_server:

FATAL: Source 0 (Socket): Pcap support was not compiled in.

5x00 General discussions / 5600 Lock-up on reboot
« on: September 13, 2004, 10:52:57 pm »
My 5600 is locking up on reboot.  It just sits at the "INIT: version 2.78 booting" prompt.

I am running the Sharp 1.32 kernel with the cache patch.  A few days ago a had a note on the machine saying my internal flash had become fragmented, and did I want to repair it.  Foolishly, I clicked yes.

I have tried re-flashing the ROM back, and even the vanilla Sharp 1.32 ROM, but no dice.  I'd hate to have to format the internal flash, as I will lose some stuff.

Any advice?

Has anyone had any luck compiling on their Z using the jdk 1.1.8 javac?  I have it all set up using the jeode evm and the sun  For command line programs it compiles great.  When I try to compile an AWT program however, it throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when attempting to load java.awt.GridBagLayout.

Out of curiousity, I compiled it using the wintel jdk 1.1.8 and it compiled fine.  I tried both the windows and and solaris, and both give the same behavior.  I also tried including the before the jeode jars in the classpath , and the only difference is that I get a ClassCastException instead.

I've switched to jikes in the meantime, but I was wondering if anyone actually got this to work on an awt program.

5x00 Hardware / CE-BC21 Charger compatible with EA-BL08 battery?
« on: March 14, 2004, 12:57:17 pm »
I assume its compatible, but I just wanted to be sure before I give it a shot.

Linux Applications / Where to get started on buillding a custom kernel?
« on: February 23, 2004, 01:13:24 am »
Where can I get the info and downloads to get started on building my own custom kernel for my Z ?  With the devnet site down, I don\'t know where to go.  This would include kernel source, as well as the cross-compiling utils.  Basically the whole 9 yards.

I have an sl-5600, and I would like to get started with the official Sharp ROM source.

5x00 Hardware / Socket and WEP ?
« on: February 14, 2004, 12:41:28 pm »
Has anyone had any luck getting the Socket WL6000 working with WEP ?

I am running a 5600 with the standard pre-emptive kernel v1.2.  It works fine with no WEP, but can\'t connect with WEP enabled.

5x00 Hardware / HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600
« on: January 23, 2004, 04:10:38 pm »
When I try to use my socket wifi card in my 5600 it locks up on me until I remove the card from the unit.  Reboots don\'t help.  In fact, if I reboot while the card is installed, it locks up on reboot.

I am using the Sharp 1.21 ROM.  I hear the 1.32 ROM can fix my problem, but the Sharp website says the 1.32 ROM should only be flashed to a 1.00 ROM 5600.

Any help?

Is it ok to just flash the 1.32 ROM anyway?  This unit is new (just got it 3 days ago).

Sharp ROMs / Upgrading to Sharp ROM 1.32 from 1.21 on 5600
« on: January 21, 2004, 11:45:22 am »
Is it OK to upgrade the ROM to 1.32 from 1.21?  The sharp website indicates that the 1.32 ROM should only be applied to a 5600 with 1.00, but my new 5600 has ROM 1.21.

5x00 Hardware / Burning odor when playing MP3s off of a CF card
« on: January 15, 2004, 11:34:00 pm »
Has anybody ever encountered the distinct odor of burning electonics whilst playing MP3s off of a CF card?  I was playing MP3s on my 5500 and it gives off this incredible burning odor.

I have two CF cards from my digital camera that I was borrowing to use in my Z to play MP3s.  Both produced the same odor.  It didn\'t seem to occur when playing MP3s from RAM or an SD card (although I did not do any rigorous testing).

Any thoughts?  I just bought it 2 weeks ago, so I think I will send it back for another just to be safe.



General Discussion / problem with .profile
« on: January 08, 2004, 10:33:34 pm »
I am having a problem getting my changes to my .profile to work.  I am trying to add an environment variable to my .profile (in /home/root), but my changes are never reflected when a I re-run terminal (even after a reboot).

I have an SL 5500 with v. 2.38 of the Sharp ROM.


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