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Topics - ianwj

Pages: [1]
Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Media Player For Opie
« on: February 18, 2005, 07:15:30 am »
I have made great progress from my last post about getting help on loading packages on Opie. Real voyage of discover here and I'm still drinking from a firehose. Despite getting my link to the feeds working and successfully instaling some apps and a couple of games, I still cannnot get XMMS to load and run. If there is one app I need/want it is an MP3 player for Opie. The feed script bombs with the following: ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies ...
libstdc++6 (>=3.4.2)
libstdc++6 (>=3.4.2)
Any help out here?

What I realy need is some form of mp3 player...


Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Loading Apps
« on: February 18, 2005, 01:17:59 am »
A newbie question... I have installed OZ on my SL5600 (poodle) and it works fine. However I need the other apps like, mail & MP3 player etc. I have downloaded opiemail package but I am struggling to understand how to get it all together from the command line. I loaded opie-mail_1.1.6-r2_arm.ipk onto my SD card and fired up the ipkg command. I got the following message:

root@poodle:/# ipkg install /mnt/card/packages/opie-mail_1.1.6-r2_arm.ipk
Installing opie-mail (1.1.6-r2) to root...
ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for opie-mail:
         oz-compat (>= 0.5) libmailwrapper1 (>= 1.1.6) libopiemm2-1 (>= 1.1.6)
An error ocurred, return value: 1.

What am I doing wrong here? What else do I need?


Pages: [1]