General Discussion / Want To Use My Sl-c1000, Any Ideas?
« on: August 09, 2011, 11:06:12 pm »
I haven't used my Z for over 2 years and I'd like to put it to use again. Are there any distributions out there that will breathe some life into my Z and make it useful again?
At one time, OpenZaurus and Ångström were up and coming and very promising. Is there anything happening with these distros?
Is there any possibility of Android on the Z? I thought I heard someone was working on it but don't know what progress has been made.
I am interested in anything that will make it useful and let me tinker again. I bought an iPhone about 2 years ago and as you know, there isn't much you can tweak. Even if you jailbreak, you are still limited.
Glad the site is still around.
At one time, OpenZaurus and Ångström were up and coming and very promising. Is there anything happening with these distros?
Is there any possibility of Android on the Z? I thought I heard someone was working on it but don't know what progress has been made.
I am interested in anything that will make it useful and let me tinker again. I bought an iPhone about 2 years ago and as you know, there isn't much you can tweak. Even if you jailbreak, you are still limited.
Glad the site is still around.