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Messages - tamarian

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Cxx0 Hardware / GSM CF Card: C860 as Cellphone
« on: October 01, 2004, 09:28:32 pm »
I use the RTM-8000 on my C760. I use it for data only, as I have no voice plan. I've heard from other users that they can use it for voice as well, but through command line AT-type commands, to dial, answser and hangup.

It's been a great help for me, for SSH and email while on the road. Hard to do with a WiFi.

EDIT: Check the How-to link posted by ZeeUser
tamarian, can you tell me if you are getting GPRS data through this device, or just regular dial-up access? such a feature would be very useful to me, but i'd hate my providers GPRS service to sit idle..!
Yes, it's GPRS data. I'm not subscribed to voice/GSM, since they offer data only plan as an option.

Cxx0 Hardware / GSM CF Card: C860 as Cellphone
« on: July 24, 2004, 09:10:54 pm »
I use the RTM-8000 on my C760. I use it for data only, as I have no voice plan. I've heard from other users that they can use it for voice as well, but through command line AT-type commands, to dial, answser and hangup.

It's been a great help for me, for SSH and email while on the road. Hard to do with a WiFi.

EDIT: Check the How-to link posted by ZeeUser

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Whatever happened to the Gentoo Zaurus project
« on: July 03, 2004, 04:01:49 pm »
There's been no news since 0.2.2 earlier in January.

Was it abandoned, or still kicking? Any plans to ad X11....

Site Suggestions, Requests, and Updates / Report error
« on: July 02, 2004, 09:54:25 pm »
It appears the "Report" post function is broken. I've just tried to report a post, and I got this error:

Mail Error!

Could not send the email
Failed at 'mail' command

Just FYI.

As to what I wanted to report, the Toronto ZUG is erroneously listed in North America West, while it should be in the North America East

Toronto / Toronto ZUG should be moved to North America East
« on: July 02, 2004, 09:50:33 pm »
The Toronto ZUG is currently listed in North America West.... which doesn't make sense, since it's in the Eastern Region......

This is probably an oversight, could we move it?

General Discussion / The Sharp Dev board is not really back
« on: June 22, 2004, 05:02:39 pm »
I can sympathize with what you're saying, but I think their business model Rather than compete with PocketPCs and Treos, go after a niche that requires little overhead and support.  As a manufacturer of "Enterprise" applications, the Zaurus now appeals to me because I can get better support and I know Sharp isn't going to obsolete too fast if they have these kinds of contracts in place.

The problem is that it doesn't have to be "either/or", and in fact it's counter productive.

Enterprise users should be worried about Linux products that does not have the support of open source developers, since, from the experience of open source projects, it's an indicator of short term support, and leads to questionable viability.

Zaurus is becoming quite unique, in that it's a company that tries hard to limit the sales of it's products, and many of us here had to work hard to import our C7xx's.

I don't think the new site actually prohibits end users from doing anything, they've just targeted it differently and are relying on this board as an end user's group.  Makes sense to me.

As a matter of fact, they'd probably love it if we all came back, and helped them revive their dead forums, from which they shut down on us for months, without any notice.

They'd be quite delusional thinking open source developers would flock to develop free software for them, if they're focusing on the proprietary products, and focus only on the closed source "enterprise" model.

From my experience, they wouldn't bother reading your email if you don't preface it by indications that this is for an "enterprise business opportunity". But once one of their enterprise customers become interested in a feature, they'll come after you asking whatever happened with that "XYZ" project you were talking about..... or how far are you into implementing this or that, and then "how can we help you speed things up...." when they were being elusive when they saw no dollar signs.

Open source works both ways, give and take, use and share... Sharp wants to take, and never give. That's fine for proprietary mode. But it doesn't work with open source projects.

General Discussion / The Sharp Dev board is not really back
« on: June 21, 2004, 09:35:25 pm »
Sorry, this was intended for the the \"general\" forum. Would a moderator please move it there? 8)

General Discussion / The Sharp Dev board is not really back
« on: June 21, 2004, 09:30:42 pm »
I was surprised to see the dev board is now back online.

From what I\'ve read there, it only to support \"enterprise\" users, but us lowly individuals are still welcome

This \"enterprise\" mentality is so backward, I just can\'t understand how they could miss the open source concepts, that it is individulas, who have an \"itch\" who make things happen, and develop software to meet their needs.

Sharp is using GNU and Linux. GNU and Linux were not not developed for the \"enterprise\", but because individuals started developing software for their own needs, Linux became very useful, and profitable, for the \"enterprise\".

Sharp is trying to do this in a backwards fashion. They want to start selling only to \"enterprise\", for obvious \"volume\" considerations. But they clearly missed the point, that it never worked that way for open source communities. Why should it work now?

They\'re basically digging their own graves. \"Enterprise\" customers will not use a propriteary platform made of open source components, they can just use existing proprietary formats such WinCE or others. There\'s no point in using Zaurus for the \"enterprise\", unless the Zaurus platform becames very popular on it\'s own first. And this cannot happen without a thriving community.

Anyway, this is just my rant, and I\'m glad the ZUG forum is picking up Sharp\'s slack and making a place for the Zaurus community.

I just need to specify phone number=*99# and AT+CGDCONT=1,\'IP\', \'sgprs\' as the additional command (where \'sgprs\' is the provider\'s network name).

Did you escape those double quotes? each \" should become \"

I got a message that \'CF card type serial device is busy\' and cannot proceed any further.

You would get this error if the previous dial attempt didn\'t exit cleanly, or something else is trying to use the card. Just pop it out, then pop it in again. Or try the cardctl resume command.

Let me know how it goes.

Software / Looking for a text editor with syntax highlighting
« on: March 14, 2004, 07:26:08 pm »
Here\'s one for the XPDA ROM:

Here\'s one for the XQT:

Then you can download the syntax files for any dev language from their official site:

Major update

1. You no longer need the serial_cs module if you are using the Qtopia ROM 1.2

2. You no longer need to create the ppp scripts, as you can enter the data directly in the network setup wizard, using the escape /  for double quotes, as shown in the attached images.

Software / Looking for a text editor with syntax highlighting
« on: March 13, 2004, 04:55:33 pm »
The best, IMHO, is nEdit. It\'s available either on pdaxrom or any rom if you install XQT.

With nEdit, you just download the format files for the programming language you write, and voila. Plus many other goodies

General Discussion / gprs on zaurus
« on: March 13, 2004, 12:20:50 pm »
How much is the Audiovx card? Thanks

They go for a round US $200, and some times you\'ll find some on eBay.

I got mine from these guys:

But it seems they changed brands, so you might want to ask them first if it\'s a co-branded Audiovox.

Convergentech also has them, but co-branded:

General Discussion / gprs on zaurus
« on: March 13, 2004, 12:09:39 pm »
Also, on the latest few Cacko ROM\'s working serial_cs
is already there so you don\'t have to download anything.

This explains why it now recognizes the card by just plugging it in, instead of depmod etc.

I need to update the how-to, to basically recommend the Qtopia 1.2 ROM, and another important thing, that the scripts are no longer needed! The initial problem was that the dial-up gui didn\'t allow quotes, but in fact it does allow them, if you escape the quotes.  So in essence, all that\'s needed is modify the serial config, to add \"uart 16550A\" and use the GUI to add the escaped sequence.  I took screen shots, just to make it easier for newbies, and will try to upload them somewhere.

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