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Messages - zottel

Pages: [1]
Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Firmware update
« on: January 19, 2020, 02:26:45 pm »
I just found out that changing volume on a BT device now changes the volume in Android, too. That didn't work correctly before. I hope that also means that there will be no BT stuttering anymore.

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Firmware update
« on: January 19, 2020, 02:55:24 am »
I received an update yesterday and installed it without problems. I didn't find anything that changed yet, not even the Android security patch level, so I guess it's mainly about the fix for the backdoor? No cover display update this time, either.

As nobody has written about it here yet and it's also still not mentioned on the support website, I'm beginning to feel a bit strange, though. Did anybody else receive the update, or does anybody know more about it?

I have Android build number Cosmo-9.0-Planet-01182020-V19 now.

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Odd Behavior Thread
« on: December 20, 2019, 01:21:35 am »
The adaptive display brightness regulation is using the rear camera instead of the front one, which often leads to a too dark display when the back of the Cosmo points to a dark area or I accidently put fingers over the camera.

The N is pretty easy to find once you've realized that its right edge is at the same position as the right edge of the space bar.

But still, there could be nicer key combinations, of course, especially ones where you don't have to hit three keys at the same time.

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Battery is at 47% you say?
« on: December 19, 2019, 07:13:41 am »
I've seen similar behavior with previous phone (Android 7) when the phone became cold, i.e. was in a bag or a car at around 0 °C for two hours or so. When I then tried to use it, it powered down immediately. I could then start it again, and it would work (possibly not when the battery becomes even colder, but in the cases I had, it worked). I haven't seen that with my Cosmo yet, but I think it hasn't become as cold yet, too.

Could that be your problem, too, or was it warm when it powered down? Lithium batteries don't like becoming too cold, the voltage will drop, and to the battery management system, it will seem as if the battery was empty.

Cosmo Communicator - CoDi / CODI update
« on: December 15, 2019, 12:25:00 am »
All in all, it took 9 attempts for me until the cover display update was successfully flashed. Four times, it showed an error right at the beginning after some 30s or so. For the rest of the unsuccessful attempts, it just got stuck at some point, the progress bar didn't move on anymore, but no error message appeared. This seems to have been triggered by events on the Cosmo:
  • The first time, I didn't know how flaky the flashing was and started doing other stuff on my Cosmo. The update immediately got stuck.
  • The second time, it stopped when an email came in. From then on, I used flight mode and do not disturb.
  • Not sure about the third time, but I think the "problem" may have been reaching 100% state of charge. Just to be sure, I deactivated Tasker, then.
  • The fourth time, it got stuck when I switched off the lights in the room and the display was dimmed down. So I switched off adaptive display brightness. I also took the Cosmo off the mains because I wanted to take it somewhere else with me. I don't think this had an effect, but who knows?
  • The fifth time it worked.
It seems to me that whenever something happens in the background that uses a considerable amount of CPU, flashing the cover display fails. I hope this will be improved. Right now, it's a bit like trying to burn CDs under Windows in the nineties.

Cosmo Communicator - CoDi / Media players in Cover Display
« on: December 15, 2019, 12:00:06 am »
There's two different things things about the media player on the cover display:

1: Is it possible at all to control what is playing right now? This seems to depend on the kind of notification used by the media player. Podcast Addict, e.g., uses a custom notification by default that shows a progress bar in the notification etc. With this notification, the cover display will show the media player when the Cosmo is closed, but without any podcast title or episode image, and it's not possible to pause it or do anything else. If you configure Podcast Addict to use the standard player notification, though (you may have to kill it from the app settings for the change to take effect), everything works perfectly on the cover display. (Except some glitches now and then when the cover display will only show the media player interface if you open it via the menu, but that's independent of the used apps, I guess.)

2: When swiping from left to right on the media player interface, there is a list of player app icons. The only ones present there for me are Spotify and Google Music. I've never used Google Music on this device, in fact it's deactivated, but the cover display still shows it. Podcast Addict is not shown. I guess that's where the app has to be on Planet's list in order to be shown there.

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