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Messages - zbones

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 31
Cxx0 General discussions / c860 sd slot problem
« on: September 08, 2004, 01:39:36 pm »
I recall one other person with the same problem.
IIRC he sent it back under warranty.


5x00 Hardware / 5500 charging circuit
« on: September 01, 2004, 04:09:46 am »
See the bottom of this page :-

Let us know if you get it working.


Sharp ROMs / What would you like to see in Cacko 1.22 ROM?
« on: August 26, 2004, 06:58:29 pm »
simple change,

do not map fn-5 to the euro sign.

qkonsole uses fn-5 to switch between fullscreen and window mode.

I don't use the euro sign, but I would like to use the fn-5 in qkonsole.


General Discussion / Best ROM for 5500?
« on: August 26, 2004, 06:43:43 pm »
Idon't mean to spoil your fun, but these 2 :-

CACkO Zaurus Qtopia ROM 1.21
pdaXrom version 1.0.5

will not work on a 5500, otherwise the cacko 1.21 would be my reccomendation.


Cxx0 Hardware / DIY RAM upgrade on C700
« on: August 26, 2004, 06:20:46 pm »
I was going to be brave and give it a go but even if I could understand completely what's going on I think it's just beyond me.
If my ram chip died, or perhaps it was an upgrade of a c760 to 1gb ram then I may be tempted  

But he does take his 700 up to 128mb ram, double that of the c760/c860.

You have got to have total respect for the guy!!


Cxx0 Hardware / DIY RAM upgrade on C700
« on: August 26, 2004, 03:43:38 pm »
translated through excite

No translation

and the cpu swap I mentioned earlier

translated by excite

no translation

It does seem to be all there, and very very detailed, including the info to change the kernel and other settings so it will actually use the extra ram.

The question now is with a pidgeon-english translation, are you brave enough?
I know I wouldn't have the balls to attempt it

I will give you a tip though, I think a "tip" is a "chip", but then again I could be wrong.

Good Luck, and don't blame me if you reduce your Z to a pile of smouldering stuff.


Cxx0 Hardware / DIY RAM upgrade on C700
« on: August 26, 2004, 02:48:45 pm »
That wasn't the one I found before.

The guy had also upgraded the cpu to a pxa255 from the 250.


Cxx0 Hardware / DIY RAM upgrade on C700
« on: August 26, 2004, 04:40:13 am »
I did see a japanese page telling you how to do this, loads of pictures etc.

I have tried for the past 30 mins to find it again for you, but I can't.

Not much help, but it is possible.

Sharp ROMs / Cacko Zaurus Qtopia ROM 1.21 is available!
« on: August 17, 2004, 02:34:59 pm »
actually, i am wondering how on earth Zbones found out that's the problem...
Trial and error, mixed with a bit of luck.

I figured out that configuring the card down before doing an eject works fine, so I just started hacking the scripts about a bit.

If an unlimited number of monkeys on an unlimited number of keyboards given an unlimited amount of time, can reproduce the complete works of shakespear then one monkey on one keyboard, could eventually stumble across the secret to fixing a blue monkey card.  

PS, with the advent of the internet we now know that the original statement is untrue.
An unlimited number of monkeys on an unlimited number of keyboards simply produce an unlimited number of "make money fast" emails and fake v!agra adverts  


Sharp ROMs / Bad first experience
« on: August 08, 2004, 06:30:03 am »

All you have to do to fix the hang on eject with the bluemonkey card is to edit /etc/pcmcia/bluetooth

change line 59 from

hciconfig $2 down


hciconfig hci0 down

and save it.

(i am a smith too   )

UK / Welcome to UK users
« on: August 04, 2004, 06:34:08 am »
Hi I am in Leeds.
Have a look at this

Typical, right on my doorstep too, and I can't go.


Thanks for the headsup anyway, and welcome to the zug.


Software / slrn (newsreader)
« on: August 04, 2004, 05:45:19 am »
Glad you got it working and good luck with the Japanese fonts.

I cannot help you wih that one I am afraid.

Software / slrn (newsreader)
« on: August 02, 2004, 04:41:49 am »
I thought you could, although I didn't try it.

There was a big thread on this board about 6 months ago regarding slrn.

I'm in a rusj at the moment, if you can't find it I will post a link for you.

Software / slrn (newsreader)
« on: July 29, 2004, 03:58:38 am »
The latest version is in the download section on this site.

It was compiled with slrnpull for offline newsreading.

Works fine on my 760, even allows you to post.


Sharp ROMs / Cacko Kernel & 3.13 ROM -> Still IrDA problems!
« on: July 27, 2004, 04:31:17 am »
I would still like to know what people think of the blue monkey BT card and how they have found it with SonyEricsson phones.
The Blue Monkey card works fine with my t610.


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