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Messages - cortez

Pages: 1 ... 23 24 [25]
Netherlands / Batterij opladen...?
« on: September 03, 2004, 02:29:19 pm »
Verrek, deze had ik ook gemist. Op de een of andere manier ben ik niet zo gefocused op de Nederlandstalige posts.

Ik heb trouwens hetzelfde probleem met m'n C750, ook daarvan laadt de accu niet (meer) op.

Begon bij jou ook het batterij lampje na enkele minuten te knipperen?

En is je probleem verholpen door de aanschaf van een externe oplader?


Cxx0 Hardware / Battery won't charge
« on: September 03, 2004, 08:56:20 am »

You're right, I found a similar thread on the externe board dealing with battery problems.  It indeed mentions clearing of the battery adjustment, by doing:

Service menu, Page 3/3:
Option 7 "Extras menu",
Option 6 "Normal Diag Mode",
Option 4 "Clear Adjust value".

Just done that. By doing so, the 3 bottom left values in the service menu are replaced by *** (that is Tablet, COM and phase).

After a Reset, and another 5 minutes charge, the charge LED begins flickering again, so I guess that's not it  

The thing you suggest with the multimeter is not exactly my cup of tea, I'm afraid  

Any other ideas left, before sending it back to Japan? Can anyone of you test to see if a CF can be used while on external power, and without having a battery placed?

Thanks in advance,


Cxx0 Hardware / Battery won't charge
« on: September 02, 2004, 05:35:08 pm »
I have the following problem with my C750. The battery is completely empty, and it won't charge in the Zaurus, whatever I do. After approx. 5 minutes the charge LED starts blinking.

The option "Low battery" from the D+M service menu shows:

Main battery status: L
Main Bat: 2.3V ( 121)
Thrmo: 1.6V ( 130)

I now am only able to get the machine running on external power, and by doing a D+B, followed by a ./sbin/reboot command in su-mode. After that, the Zaurus is rebooting my Cacko QT nicely and (as long as on external power) working perfectly... except for any CF card inserted, that is. Is battery power crucial for the CF-IO to work?

By the way, I always thought the Zaurus didn't do anything without a battery, but this isn't the case. Just remove the battery, do the D+B trick, and reboot... no problem.  The charge LED is blinking, in fact the same situation as currently charging my battery for more than 5 minutes. Can anyone of you check and confirm that, after removing the battery, the CF is still working?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I have to be near an outlet all the time now!  


Netherlands / Welk wifi & bluetooth kaartje kopen? En waar?
« on: August 19, 2004, 02:09:00 pm »

Het Nederlandse gedeelte lijkt inderdaad tamelijk dood te zijn... net als m'n C-750 trouwens. Staat nu al de hele middag aan de lader, maar zonder resultaat  

Enig idee iemand?


Software / Anyone tried FreePascal yet?
« on: April 27, 2004, 05:03:05 pm »
It\'s not about a language being dead or not, it\'s about being able to choose the programming language you like.
By the way, Pascal (read:Delphi) is far from being dead last time I checked :wink:

Anyway, I\'m giving it a try...

Software / Anyone tried FreePascal yet?
« on: April 27, 2004, 03:44:20 pm »
To my astonishment, I saw that FreePascal is able to compile for the Zaurus!

Look for yourself at

Wow, with Lazarus, a Delphi class library emulation, GTK+, some work on QT  and Win32 already done... looks promising!

Anyone tried it yet?

General Discussion / clamshell owners....which ROM do U use????
« on: April 15, 2004, 05:36:43 am »
pdaXrom has a lot of potential. If only I had the time to install and configure it for everyday use... In my case, this means installation of a full-featured PIM application (KO/PI is perfect, but I need an addressbook too), a webbrowser and a few addictive games. I wasn\'t able to setup my wireless connection last time I tried pdaXrom, but that would also be essential for the ocassional browsing and emailing. If only I could manage to setup a full-blown development environment, including a Java AND pascal (yes pascal) compiler. That would make my choice easier.... but for now, I keep using QT.

Netherlands / eenzaam maar toch niet alleen ???
« on: April 13, 2004, 12:58:42 pm »
Shirtpocket en andere europese verkopers zoals vragen belachelijke prijzen (trisoft EUR 839, shirtpocket EUR 861!). Ik heb mijn Z-860 via // besteld - USD 700 oftewel EUR 565, een besparing van EUR 275! Vergeet niet bij Brando de juiste net adapter (en andere toebehoren) bestellen.

Agreed, qua prijs is het aantrekkelijk om een Zaurus te importeren van buiten de EU, als je het risico durft te lopen van lastige garantie en je niet vergeet bij de prijs nog eens de importkosten op te tellen  

Software / KOrganizer / KO/Pi (KOrganizer Platform independent)
« on: March 28, 2004, 03:40:12 pm »
I have added the \"Cancel\" (Cross-out) Option for events/todos. Cancelled events are displayed stricked out. And alarms of cancelled events/todos are ignored .

Thanks man, it\'s great to have this back!

Software / Header files for DTM access.
« on: March 26, 2004, 03:28:11 am »
These files are part of the Sharp SDK. I have sent you a personal message with the two files as an attachment. Let me know if you need more.

Software / KOrganizer / KO/Pi (KOrganizer Platform independent)
« on: March 24, 2004, 03:07:37 pm »
I do not understand what you do mean with the \"cross out option\".
Can you give some more information?

Crossed out entries are displayed like <STRIKE>Feed dog</STRIKE> in HTML. Instead of deleting the entry, it is just visually marked, indicating a canceled entry, for instance a meeting.

- Cortez -

Software / KOrganizer / KO/Pi (KOrganizer Platform independent)
« on: March 19, 2004, 06:22:40 pm »
Just installed 1.6.5b and imported my Sharp calendar succesfully. The all-day event bug is fixed. A job well done, works like a charm!

Small(?) request: How hard would it be to build in a \"cross out\" option. In the Psion time, one could mark an entry as completed,
without the entry being removed from the calendar. Crossed out entries appeared with a line through them, and any
alarms for these entries were cancelled. Well, wouldn\'t that be nice?  :wink:

Software / KOrganizer / KO/Pi (KOrganizer Platform independent)
« on: March 18, 2004, 03:12:24 am »

Just installed 1.6.5a, and imported my Sharp DTM.  One problem, it seems that \"all day\" events are imported as \"two days\" events  :?
Apart from that, it\'s getting better and better. Keep up the good work!

- cortez -

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