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Messages - BarryW

Pages: 1 ... 44 45 [46]
6000 - Tosa / WiFi bug
« on: September 02, 2004, 12:32:15 pm »
I had to give myself a static ip for work.

6000 - Tosa / AEGIS client for zaurus
« on: August 25, 2004, 11:57:56 am »
Right under the red text in the middle of the page there is a link that says "DOWNLOAD CENTER".
Click that and enter your info, they will e-mail you a download link.

6000 - Tosa / SL-6000L Wireless sync
« on: August 22, 2004, 06:07:48 pm »
Okay, doesn't look like Sharp want's us to wireless sync.  There may be a third party program that will allow it though.  Sorry.

6000 - Tosa / Thinking of getting a 6000
« on: August 22, 2004, 02:49:17 pm »
The pim software works okay for me.  I did find out that I can't hear the alarms I set in the calander program so I just about killed my Z when it was doing it's alarm thing for about an hour.  I have three dead pixels that I can see with an all black screen.  I'll let you in on a little secret, you can't see the pixels.  We were having a class at work and were talking about how lcd works.  I set my g4 powerbook's screen under a disecting microscope and we could watch the sub pixels change when I changed the background color.  When I set my Z under it I found that the sub pixels are about a half to a quarter the size of the powerbook.  So unless your eyes are better than mine, which are way better than 20/20, you probably aren't going to notice.  I can usually get a full work day out of it.  I connect to our network every now and then to check email.  Surfing will kill the battery faster though.  I don't have a usb adapter yet, but one of the guys at work does, Duffman here on the boards, usb keyboards do work, it sees a usb bluetooth adapter, but doesn't have the drivers installed.  Some other guys here on the boards have attached drives.  I use macs so I can't really connect mine to a computer, can't help you there.

6000 - Tosa / SL-6000L Wireless sync
« on: August 20, 2004, 03:31:18 am »
I havn't forgotten you, just been buisy.  Will try it out this weekend.

6000 - Tosa / SL-6000L Wireless sync
« on: August 17, 2004, 03:32:05 am »
I got it to sync to a mac wirelessly, can't do it wired....  Can't help you with wireless though.  Maby I can try it out later and see.

Mac Issues / Mail?
« on: August 09, 2004, 10:38:57 am »
I'm using, .  I basically set ut up to how I had my iPaq.  I use different wireless networks depending on where I am, home, work, schools, friends houses, and can't use my isp's info at all of them. has worked with all of my pocket pcs and my old sony clie.

Here's the error I get.  Unexpected responce from sever.

535 5.7.0  authintication failed.

Mac Issues / Mail?
« on: August 08, 2004, 11:17:45 pm »
Anybody get their Z to download/send their .mac mail?  I can download mail but not send.  Setting up my wireless connection was pretty easy.  I love the screen, makes my iPaq look like crap.  Anyway any pointers would be appreciated.

6000 - Tosa / Wifi Configuration with WEP and Apple Airport
« on: August 07, 2004, 10:54:14 am »
The cool part is they need "weak" packets to crack anything.  Most new firmware is aware of this and doesn"t send them.

6000 - Tosa / Mac users??
« on: August 07, 2004, 10:40:55 am »
Just an update, I finally got it to sync with ZMacSync over wireless.  Forgot it wasn't really a "sync" and when doing the "I can't beleve it actually worked" check I had to spend the next ten minutes deleting double entries.    

6000 - Tosa / Mac users??
« on: August 06, 2004, 04:59:29 pm »
SL-6000 ROM 1.12

6000 - Tosa / Mac users??
« on: August 06, 2004, 04:26:00 am »
I've been trying to get dbat to work so I can import my address book files from my mac to my zaurus.  No luck so far, can't find the correct file on the z.  I've done it on my iPaq when it was running familiar, so I know the program works.  Any pokes with a cattle prod in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

6000 - Tosa / disk booting
« on: June 27, 2004, 05:15:16 am »
I don't know about the Z, but I used to boot Debian on my iPaq.  Has to have the boot rom on flash but it would do a pivot root to the microdrive.  If you can do it on something that doesn't have linux installed on it by default, you should be able to do it on the zaurus.

6000 - Tosa / any new roms
« on: June 08, 2004, 06:45:31 pm »
Sorry to seem like a complete newb here, but is there any documentation about the ROM upgrade? Like what additions/changes there are? Improved speed? stability? backwards compatibility?

Coward...     :wink:

6000 - Tosa / Conversion from Palm
« on: June 04, 2004, 02:03:57 pm »
Dude, get to work!!!  

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