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Messages - obscurite

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OpenBSD / Nycbsdcon
« on: September 19, 2005, 03:45:20 pm »
On Saturday I was privileged to attend the NYCBSDCON, a day conference for BSD devs, enthusiasts, and vendors.

At the conference I encountered 3 other zaurus users. I met wormwood from here, and two other folks. Wormwood and I were running snapshots on a c3000 and c3100 respectively. The other two folks where running Opei on a c760 and sharp rom on a 5500.

The zaurus was a great conversation piece. I had plenty of folks asking me about the zaurus and oggling it. The best part is that I customized my fluxbox configuration (with wormwood's help) and read all kinds of man pages throughout the day which saved me from nodding off at inopportune moments.

There were great talks on CARP, DragonFlyBSD (presentation given on a windows laptop... ugh!), UFS, and more.

I don't really remember, but I'd say there were about 100 people there all together, but only 4 zaurus's tallied. =)


OpenBSD / Are The Snapshots Packaages For Arm
« on: September 19, 2005, 03:38:55 pm »
The base packages are in snapshots/zaurus, but the arm packages are in snapshots/packages/arm.

Are the arm packages compatible with zaurus + all other arm targets (I don't think there are any others)? Why not call it snapshots/packages/zaurus? A bit confusing... especially since I can't imagine binary packages targetted at one arm platform would work on another arm platform.


OpenBSD / Anybody Working On Wakeup?
« on: September 19, 2005, 03:34:10 pm »
I'm pretty sure apmsleep is just zzz or apm -S on openbsd, but I could be wrong. There's a thread somewhere on oesf about hardware support for a timer for wakeups, if you're curious.

General Discussion / Sd Mounting Problem
« on: September 10, 2005, 09:58:41 pm »
Semi off-topic:

I've been using a Kingmax 1GB SD card (the pink 60x model) and it works fine under linux (I can mkdosfs + fsck.msdos just fine) but I always end up with a write error when trying to do a NAND backup on it. Mac OS and Linux don't detect any errors before I attempt the backup, but after the backup the disk has plenty of errors on it. Once I reformat it it's fine again. It's almost as if the NAND backup itself is somehow corrupting the disk (maybe by not respecting a bad sector that's supposed to be off limits?).

OpenBSD / Weird Stuff That Might Have Happened To You Too?
« on: September 10, 2005, 09:55:41 pm »
Yeah, I was wondering about those "soft errors" too, but assumed they were mostly harmless. Thanks for the information!

I'm generally thrilled with OpenBSD/zaurus except that I would really need binary packages to be productive with it. As a learning tool, it's great!

C1000/3x00 General discussions / C3100 Rom Tester Available
« on: September 10, 2005, 10:33:11 am »
Thanks, actually I planned on installing it last night but had trouble with my 1GB SD card (no amount of mkdosfs or reformatting or fsck helped). My 64mb MMC was too small, sadly, and my 256mb CF card is in a camera at a relative's!

C1000/3x00 General discussions / C3100 Rom Tester Available
« on: September 10, 2005, 03:06:32 am »
I'll wipe out my c3100 and install whatever you want, as long as you help me unbrick

I only have OpenBSD on it at the moment, which I can always reinstall on a smaller partition (not using it for much besides learning OpenBSD because there are no binary packages available for 3.8 yet!).

I figure, this way I can try various ROMs and provide a community service. I don't generally hang out on IM, but you can PM me.


C1000/3x00 Hardware / Edge On Zauri
« on: September 09, 2005, 10:35:54 pm »
Thanks albertr - the dream is over. At least it's cheaper than the $80/mo I was paying for EVDO

C1000/3x00 Hardware / Edge On Zauri
« on: September 09, 2005, 05:16:09 pm »
I just signed up for unlimited t-mobile internet. I plan on using their EDGE service (just upgraded from GPRS - available in most cities in their network) with a bluetooth device tethered to my laptops, and my zaurus c3100.

Sadly, I won't be able to use a bluetooth card with OpenBSD, but I'll install Cacko or pdaXrom or a sharp rom and use it that way.

I've heard that the up/down speeds are much faster, but what about latency? GPRS t-mobile latency was typically 700 - 1100ms which was painful for SSH and other high-transaction applications.

What' the latency on EDGE like? I've seen speedtest screenshots from people's phones saying upwards of 2s !!! (afraid)

Will post when I have tethered via bluetooth. I plan on testing with my mac mini and my existing GPRS phone first to make sure my service works.

C1000/3x00 Hardware / Rom In C3100?
« on: September 09, 2005, 05:10:55 pm »
As long as you don't overwrite the rom with a NAND restore you can always reset your c3100 and boot into linux single user mode (b + d held down until login prompt comes up). To reset, remove power + battery for 60 seconds (maybe less, but 60 seconds works for me).

I had to do this myself several times during the OpenBSD install, and when my CF card caused the OpenBSD booter to not work (due to the linux boot process, supposedly).

You are safe... worst comes to worst you can always get into single user mode. Of course, if you run the OpenBSD installer, you will lose the contents of your hard drive, but if you don't care about that (don't need the japanese applications), then go ahead. There are replacements available to restore your c3100, but obviously not all applications will be restored.

OpenBSD / Anyone Know When Ports Packages Will Be Available?
« on: September 08, 2005, 08:46:00 am »
Don't worry barrg, it was just wishful thinking

Are there more snapshots ports available now? I haven't checked in a couple of days.

OpenBSD / Anyone Know When Ports Packages Will Be Available?
« on: September 07, 2005, 11:54:28 pm »

Well, i'm running a snapshot, so this is risky, but you know, it might be worth trying

OpenBSD / Anyone Know When Ports Packages Will Be Available?
« on: September 07, 2005, 10:46:52 am »
I just spent 20 hours building abiword. It runs, but the keys don't work, the input is very laggy, and it just went berzerk on me, repeating one letter over and over - I had to do a hard reset.

Please tell me packages will be availabe soooooon

OpenBSD / Anyone Know When Ports Packages Will Be Available?
« on: September 07, 2005, 10:21:26 am »
Does anyone know when 3.8 is going to go stable and when zaurus ports packages will be available so we don't have to spend 24 hours building every application?

OpenBSD / May Have Bricked 3100
« on: September 07, 2005, 10:19:17 am »
barryg is correct of course, all of this is in the INSTALL.zaurus - although when I got stuck it took me about 4 hours to realize it.

This is a repeat of what's in INSTALL.zaurus, but it might help anyway:
You can always get back to single user mode in the ROM based linux by removing the battery and power for a while, and then holding b + d while you plut it in and turn it back on (then log in as root). Once there, you can insmod zbsdmod.o and cp bsd.rd /proc/zboot. This will immediately send you into the OpenBSD installer.

Let us know how it goes!

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