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Messages - caunt

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Sharp ROMs / Rotation on the fly + Hancom Mobile sheet
« on: February 26, 2005, 01:33:43 am »
Hybrid Rom
Yes, a thread would be helpful.  I'm trying it again.
So far everything I tried seems to work, but I only reflashed this evening.
RE rotation,  try
I think you need both (Just the fix writes everything like you were looking in a mirror   )

Hancom?  Installs but says app not found.  I guess I need to figure out  sym links.

A REAL problem though, seems to be the package installer.  It only lets you install to "internal 5" which quickly maxes out.  There doesn't ever seem to be an option to install to ram

Update...the SD card wasn't mounted.  I've now formatted + mounted it and I can install stuff to SD and CF.  But Ram?  
Also, with hancom apps. it still says it can't find it - but neither can I which makes playing with links a tad difficult.

Sharp ROMs / Sorry - Still Having Trouble With Sync :(
« on: December 29, 2004, 04:36:16 pm »

Thanks!  I'll give that a try.  So far nothing I've tried works, but I'll keep trying as long as ideas come my way.

I appreciate your taking the time to give me another hint!

Sharp ROMs / Sorry - Still Having Trouble With Sync :(
« on: December 04, 2004, 09:32:24 pm »
Thank you Technojunkie. . .
not exactly what I was hoping for in a response, but it does help to know at least one other person can't see what I'm doing wrong!  

Yes, up till now I've been using manual file transfers.  I was just hoping to get the syncing part working.

Sharp ROMs / Sorry - Still Having Trouble With Sync :(
« on: November 28, 2004, 10:55:43 pm »
Ok folks,
Time to ask for help.  I spent the first week with my "new" zaurus trying out different ROMs

Well, I've pretty much settled on the Cacko (at least till OZ has a pdf reader)
Problem is that I've been trying to sync over usb for the last week and a half, pouring over the forum and other sites, and I've stilled failed to get my Z to talk to my PC.  All attempts seem to freeze my Z.  (except one install of the sharp PCTools in which QTopia desktop just told me that the version on the  Z and the PC didn't match.  (Qtopia desktop was version 1.55, qtopia on the Z is version 1.50.  I'd read that the WAS supposed to work and that maybe I had a partially uninstalled later version so I should uninstall completely, clean the registry and re-install.  I did, and now Qtopia desktop just seems to freeze my Z)

Here are the particulars:

5000d - Cacko advanced Flash Rom update 3.10 (kernel 2.4.18)
  30-0 configuration
Didn't like the recharge problem with the kernel update, so it's not installed.

1gb PNY sd card

(I've tried both the tcp/ip and the default io)

  Tcp/IP settings:
Zaurus Manager:
      hostname: zaurus
PC drivers:
   sl network adaptor enabled
   sl usb  controller showing  
PC networking settings:
   tcp/ip settings:
   subnet mask:
   dns server:  blank ... didn't know what to put
  encryption OFF
Zaurus PCLink:
   hostname: zaurus

I can ping the zaurus from the PC with this setup, but trying the qtopia desktop freezes the Z.  So does trying to use the sync software with Ko/Pi.  Haven't tried intellisync as I don't use outlook.  Don't know how to ping the PC from the Z.

Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong????

Any suggestions????


Sharp ROMs / Cacko Kernel For Sl-5500/5000d
« on: November 26, 2004, 12:26:31 am »
Hi again earthcoder,
I tried to answer you under your "Help" post, but thought I'd mention that if you still want to "throw the pda",  I wouldn't mind if you threw it my way instead of out the window     I'll even pay shipping!  

(But I'm sure you'll get it running)

Sharp ROMs / Help!
« on: November 26, 2004, 12:15:26 am »
Hi earthcoder,

I'm NOT an expert, so take what I say with a grain of salt...

but I HAVE been playing a lot with my new (ebay-style) 5000d and have flashed the rom at least a dozen times now.  (I had a lot of trouble deciding which I wanted    ).

I believe I ran into your problem a couple of times and this is what I THINK may be the problem...
the SD card is not set up how the crow rom was expecting...either you don't have it formatted to ext/2, or it's got some stuff on it from other installs that is confusing it.

Do you have data you want to keep on that Rom?  If not, I'd suggest formating the SD card from that little # prompt you were given.  There's a real nice page of instructions here:

Sharp ROMs / Please help with Hybrid ROM
« on: November 20, 2004, 12:17:28 am »
Thanks lardman,

I think I may try the OZ build again, before going back to the hybrid.  I think I'm discovering that there are things I like and things I dislike about each of my possibilities, and that I have to narrow things down to priorities.

I suspect part of my trouble with hybrid was using the wrong packages???  Some apps installed, others said they installed, but I could never find them (this was true of the advancedFM I like so well), others (I think these maybe were the wrong packages for a sharp build) said they installed but complained when I tried to run them.  I guess I'll work with hybrid again a little later.

at least I know:

 - I want a Rom that will leave me the full 30mb I have for ram
  (narrows the field to hybrid, cacko and OZ I believe)  ***most important***
 - I'm still woefully ignorant.  I need a rom where installing is not TOO difficult, or where it's common enough that I can find help on the web. (hybrid falls a bit short on the "common"part it seems)
 - I'd like PDF, the hancom apps, and most of the other neat apps I've seen so far - but I guess I may have to compromise here.
   - I like being able to remove stuff I don't want from the ROM
  (guess this narrows the field to hybrid and OZ ???)
  I like the "document"  tabs which allow you to list files instead of just giving you icons.  Is this something that can be removed from hybrid and a better one installed?  I couldn't find the appropriate package if so. ( I just gutted my hybrid install trying to find a package I could uninstall to remove the docs tab - with no real data yet, I ahve a lot of freedom   ).
 - I'd like to be able to sync easily with a windows machine.

the hybrid 1.54 version says:
" Alternative GUI systems can be installed instead of (or in addition to) Qtopia shipped with Sharp ROM, such as OPIE, Pico GUI, etc. One can boot into a different GUI just by swapping SD card!"

Does anyone know how to do this? or how one "installs" qtopia?  Hybrid doesn't come with much documentation or help now that the main site is down

Sharp ROMs / Please help with Hybrid ROM
« on: November 18, 2004, 06:43:41 pm »
"Actually OpenZaurus allows this, and works on the 5000D."

Hmmm.  The fact that I was greener than spring grass on my first install is showing!  OpenZaurus was the first ROM I tried, andI didn't notice the difference between it and cacko/Kompany in this regard. Thank you for pointing it out.

"Post some output (when you try to run these apps from the command line) and we'll see what we can do."

I already went and flashed the kompany rom, so this may take some time.  (it's pretty - but it takes up TOO much of my limited memory).   In the meantime, let me follow up on the OZ lead.  One of the reasons I let it go was that I read that a pdf reader was still unavailable.  But then I also read that the hancom apps wouldn't install normally, yet elsewhere, folks mentioned that one could use "compatibility libs" and they would work.  Could one use these compatibility libs to get the pdf2 reader to work?

And P.S.  Thank you very much for taking the time to respond!

Sharp ROMs / Please help with Hybrid ROM
« on: November 18, 2004, 11:12:12 am »
Hello folks,

I've been trying out many ROM's on my new (to me) 5000d.  Because of the very limited memory, the Hybrid ROM looks really good:
  - it installs to SD in a 30-0 configuration  AND
  - (something no other rom has) can UNinstall any programs included in the ROM, making the best possible use of the little memory I have (eg replacing the included calculator with neocalc instead of having both installed).

BUT.   many apps, though they will install, cannot  be found by the system
Some of you have gotten things to work it would appear:

"I finally found that the applications do not run because missing symbols in qtopia libs (the symbols that sharp added)."

But i'm a complete newbie to both the zaurus and linux.  Can anyone help me figure out what symbols are missing and how to fix the problem?

thanks in advance,

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / USB connect to Windows (redux)
« on: November 16, 2004, 12:23:01 pm »
Thanks Dave,

I understood this is the SharpRom forum.  My first post you noticed, was trying to get the basics down...which IP addresses where.  I understand if that's as much help as you can give me. (though I understood cacko was based on the SharpROM)
This thread just was discussing exactly the info I was struggling with at the time. (IP addresses) and I thank you very much for clearing that up for me.

Software / zipit...again anyone have it?
« on: November 15, 2004, 07:59:34 pm »
Zipit seems to have disappeared and left no traces (except 2-3  dead links on google).  any of you old hands happen to have a copy lying around?

Is there any other gui for archives around?

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / USB connect to Windows (redux)
« on: November 15, 2004, 07:23:45 pm »
i keep hoping I found the problem and won't have to bother you folks.

Oh well, I just hung it again, so here are the details: (although my connection status info on the PC tells me packets are still going back and forth occasionally)

5000d (got from ebay  been waiting since they came out till I could afford one !)
Various CF cards stolen temporarily from camera use for flashing and file transfer
1GB sd card from PNY formatted to ext2 kept permanently in the Z as HD
( has a great deal going currently, $50 taxed and shipped to CA)
Cacko 5000 - Advanced Flash ROM update 3.10 (kernel 2.4.18) 30-0

Cacko rom comes with 2 connection apps that I find:
PC link and Network.
Setting the gateway on the Z to the address of the PC still didn't remove the "connection unavailable" message in network.

PC Link allows me to choose "default IO" or "advanced TCP/IP", however it appears to be for syncing specific software only and since it keeps popping up every time I plug in the usb cable, it seems to be getting in the way and confusing things.

At any rate, trying to run anything over the connection hangs the Z..whether it be the VNC server, or the Ko/Pim sync or even (on a whim) the "sync"button on that mysterious PC Link page.

Actually, it doesn't seem limited to connection apps.  If I plug in the usb whatever app I am using seems capable of hanging the Z

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / USB connect to Windows (redux)
« on: November 15, 2004, 10:20:09 am »
Thanks Dave,

On the Z, the gateway needs to be (the IP address of the Z). I would suspect that is why you couldn't connect.

I didn't follow that... I understood the IP address of the Z was supposed to be   Maybe you meant that the gateway address on the Z need to match the IPaddress of the PC ? (which kind of makes sense - the gateway of the PC is the Z and the gateway of the Z is the PC).  Is this the case?

Thanks very much for you offer to help!!!  I'm beginning to wonder though, if I crashed and soft-booted enough to mess up my file system.   I know every time I do this, linux runs through a huge list of  errors and fixes them, but since the partition is an unjournaled ext2, is it possible I just need to wipe everything out and start over?  (after I figure out the usb stuff of course, so I won't need to do it again!)

General Discussion / terminal, basic data loading
« on: November 14, 2004, 09:50:13 pm »
Check out  the KDE pim found at

It's great, is easy to sync, and reads your ics files.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / USB connect to Windows (redux)
« on: November 14, 2004, 08:07:29 pm »
Ok, let me see if I got this straight:

 1)  install drivers to XP
 (correct installation is indicated by the following in windows device manager:
      - an entry for "SL Series (WDM) Under the "Universal Serial Bus Controllers"
      - a device labeled "SL Series (NDIS 5)" under "Network Adapters" in the Device Manager. )

 2)  Set the tcp/ip settings for the SL series network adapter in XP  to:
      - IP Address:
      - Netmask:
      - Gateway:

  3) Still in XP, still in the settings box for the SL series network adapter,
      - disable the "IEEE 802.1x authentication" on the authentication tab
      - For internet access: set allow internet connection sharing on the advanced tab (if you're NOT on a network with a DHCP server elsewhere).   If you ARE on a local network, try bridging connections.

  4) Make sure your firewall will allow communication!

I'm still rather fuzzy on what needs to be done on the Z side as it depends evidently on what you want to do, and what ROM you are using.
  For the Cacko ROM (on a 5000d), to enable syncing with, (for example) Ko/Pi:
   - the network dialog on the settings tab has no interaction
   - set the PC link option to the default IO.  

  - I don't know when the tcp/ip setting under PC link is useful.  Though I read in other places it MUST be used, that didn't seem the case for me.
   - the network settings IS of course where you set up wireless and it has the standard wireless setup options.  Wireless was completely painless on the Z with this ROM.  Pop in the card and you're good to go on an unencripted line.
     - I don't know when the network setting for LAN are useful yet.  They just say unavailable if I set them to:
       Create a service with the following settings
          IP Address:
          Gateway:   (EDIT:  If I understand Dave correctly, this should be the address of the PC)

[Sigh]  I still am not sure what's best.  I can start up things like the vnc server or the kde pim for sync, and get communication both ways. (even controlling the Z from the desktop for awhile), then suddenly the Z freezes and the only way out is a soft reset.

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