Sharp ROMs / Rotation on the fly + Hancom Mobile sheet
« on: February 26, 2005, 01:33:43 am »
Hybrid Rom
Yes, a thread would be helpful. I'm trying it again.
So far everything I tried seems to work, but I only reflashed this evening.
RE rotation, try
I think you need both (Just the fix writes everything like you were looking in a mirror )
Hancom? Installs but says app not found. I guess I need to figure out sym links.
A REAL problem though, seems to be the package installer. It only lets you install to "internal 5" which quickly maxes out. There doesn't ever seem to be an option to install to ram
Update...the SD card wasn't mounted. I've now formatted + mounted it and I can install stuff to SD and CF. But Ram?
Also, with hancom apps. it still says it can't find it - but neither can I which makes playing with links a tad difficult.
Yes, a thread would be helpful. I'm trying it again.
So far everything I tried seems to work, but I only reflashed this evening.
RE rotation, try
I think you need both (Just the fix writes everything like you were looking in a mirror )
Hancom? Installs but says app not found. I guess I need to figure out sym links.
A REAL problem though, seems to be the package installer. It only lets you install to "internal 5" which quickly maxes out. There doesn't ever seem to be an option to install to ram
Update...the SD card wasn't mounted. I've now formatted + mounted it and I can install stuff to SD and CF. But Ram?
Also, with hancom apps. it still says it can't find it - but neither can I which makes playing with links a tad difficult.