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Messages - ScottYelich

Pages: 1 ... 65 66 [67]
Themes, Icons, and Backgrounds / web hosting ...
« on: October 16, 2003, 02:19:47 pm »
I don\'t really have much of my old abilities in place such as dns, webhosting, etc...
but I have been collecting backgrounds, etc... and when I get a little web server up,
I\'ll post a link here for backgrounds.

One thing I notice is that with sharp/cacko -- the icon font is black... so dark background
don\'t really work that well.  Also, under OZ, it\'s possible to have a different picture
under each tab (or is that opie?) ... I miss that a little.


Cxx0 General discussions / Interested in 760, but some questions first.
« on: October 16, 2003, 02:17:35 pm »
I\'m not that into media... so I can\'t really help with the vid -- but I see plenty of posts from
others who seem to have had success in that area.

As far as the screen is concerned -- the screen is not the best screen if you are in sunlight.
Even shading the device a little, if there is ample sunlight, doesn\'t seem to help.

However, indoors and out of (direct) sunlight, the screen is definitely the best screen on
a PDA/Device that I have (ever) seen.

I may not be looking close enough -- but I haven\'t seemed to either have had or noticed
any dead pixels on my 700 or 760.  Yes, my 760 has a buz in the lower left of the screen,
but it seems that they all have this, so perhaps that is just normal.

The device doesn\'t have the best speaker (uh, buzzer?), but with a headset plugged in,
that doesn\'t really matter.


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