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Messages - Noppe

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Astro Slide - Hardware / A typo in the specs...
« on: April 20, 2020, 04:39:24 am »
Quote from: Daniel W
Btw. out of curiosity, is it the 171mm length of the Cosmo, or is it rather the "girth" (depth and width), that causes issues with your phone pocket?

It's the length.  The pocket in question is on the front of my jacket, zippered about halfway along the side, which is the tall dimension of the pocket.  So with my daily driver phone (a OnePlus 3), I can just unzip, pop the phone in diagonally, then rotate it vertical and zip up. The Cosmo hits the bottom of the pocket and I can't rotate the top in.

Not a big issue for me because the Cosmo is not likely ever to be my daily driver anyway, due to lack of a full outside screen.  The Astro Slide solves that problem, and I expect it will finally be the replacement for my venerable OP3.  Maybe I'll have to get a new jacket.  The current one is pretty rough around the edges anyway.  

Astro Slide - Hardware / A typo in the specs...
« on: April 19, 2020, 09:01:03 am »
My mostly uneducated guess is that the keyboard is going to be identical to the Cosmo, and since the case design for the Astro is not complete yet, they just used the keyboard width for the device width, figuring "close enough".

Personally I wouldn't mind if the keyboard shrunk a little bit, because the Cosmo device is a bit too big for my "phone pocket" in my favourite jacket, but I'm sure those who are slightly more well endowed in the finger department than I am would appreciate it remaining the same size.  

Astro Slide - General Discussion / Astroslide
« on: March 30, 2020, 03:25:52 am »
So who's going to tell them about the name?

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / HDMI out not working
« on: March 21, 2020, 02:44:49 am »
I'm patient, and I understand that Linux support is going to lag behind Android support, but I really do hope the HDMI output is sorted on Linux, because this is my long term use case for the Cosmo.  I travel a lot (well, hopefully someday again  ) and my perfect Cosmo use case is an Android device I can carry around with me during the day, and then a Linux device in the evening when I plug it into an HDMI device wherever I'm spending the night.

Huh, nice (?) discovery.  I confirm the same problem on my rooted (and microG'd) device.  SIM comes up with with "normal boot", not present with "rooted Android" boot.  I haven't tested SIMs in my device recently, so I hadn't noticed this development.

Edit:  Oh, I notice now that "normal boot" on my device is still coming up rooted, so I expect that's still booting the Magisk'd boot.img provided by Ninji here, so the problem would appear to have something to do with the rooted image from Cosmo, not with the mere fact that the device is rooted (and microG'd).

Would be nice to hear input from people who have rooted with Cosmo's root.img and *not* installed microG.

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Did someone install Nanodroid?
« on: February 15, 2020, 12:41:48 pm »
Quote from: irukandji
I'll try with nanodroid and report back, it is still "a tad" more automated solution and I am sick to death of applying the fixes by hand each and every OTA update.

I hear you.  I'm dreading that myself.    Looking forward to a LineageOS build in the future.

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Did someone install Nanodroid?
« on: February 15, 2020, 05:23:25 am »
Not the Nanodroid approach, but I posted a microG setup procedure here.  I've been running that setup problem-free for a couple of weeks now.  Just yesterday I reset everything when installing the Linux beta and the official rooted boot.img, and can confirm that procedure works fine on the official rooted ROM as well.

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Rooting the Cosmo Communicator
« on: February 07, 2020, 01:52:28 pm »
Quote from: Zarhan
400 MB? 0x11b000000 is about 4 Gigabytes. Are you certain? I can see the scatterfile indeed have cache start at that address.

Eh, what's a factor of ten between friends?    (Yeah, you're right, sorry about my error.)

dd if=sdcard/Boot.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p30 bs=65536

I can't really speak to this process.  I've only used SP Flash Tool and fastboot for flashing the boot image.

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Rooting the Cosmo Communicator
« on: February 07, 2020, 10:27:28 am »
Quote from: Zarhan
Only thing that I'm missing that how are you actually supposed to get the extract the boot image (Step 5).
Other than that, is this accurate?

I'm a bit worried about warnings in using SP Flash Tool since there are warnings about the possibility of essentially bricking your device if you wipe the wrong partition (NVRAM) by accident. Then again, if it is required and I only use the readback function, I should be reasonably safe, right?

Your listed procedure is correct, and you're right about the problem with step 5.  You can't do that on a non-rooted device using adb.  You have to extract the boot.img using SP Flash Tool, and the scatter file you can pick up earlier in this thread.  You can then transfer the resulting file back into the booted, non-rooted device however you like, and then patch it using Magisk Manager, pull it back off the device, and then use either SP Flash Tool or fastboot to flash it.  (Unfortunately for situations like this one, fastboot is write-only, so you cannot use it to extract the image, only to write it back.)

As long as you are using SP Flash Tool only for readback (and you don't *need* to use it for writing anything here), and as long as you follow the procedure correctly (i.e. "fastboot flash boot ..."), your nvram is safe.  But it is still recommended to make a backup using SP Flash Tool.  Just use SP Flash tool to pull everything from 0x0 to 0x11b000000 (that's where cache starts) and you'll get ~400 MB of output, which you can then save for the day you accidentally trash your nvram.    (You could of course just back up the nvram partition, but since 400 MB is not a lot of data, I personally like the idea of saving the whole thing this way, because you just never know.)

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Rear camera glass cover
« on: February 07, 2020, 09:59:28 am »
Quote from: selig
However, have not yet received an answer about the advice or recommended choice of adhesive.

I strongly suspect they will say, "don't do that".     (And I haven't done anything yet.  I'll probably wait and see what reaction you get.)

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Rooting the Cosmo Communicator
« on: February 07, 2020, 02:45:10 am »
Quote from: Zarhan
- When starting to root the phone you need to unlock the bootloader. This will wipe all data. However, this is the only situation where data wipe is required - afterwards my data will stay even if I change to different firmwares.  Correct?

Correct.  You need to unlock the bootloader only once, and that is the only action that will wipe your data.  Best to do it early!  

- One thing that troubles me is that how can I get the system to remain rooted when new firmware versions arrive. The problem is that I don't want to unroot, relock bootloader (wipe data), upgrade, lock bootloader (wipe data), and root.

OTA updates don't care if your bootloader is unlocked.  If the OTA requires the untouched boot.img, you can flash the unrooted image back, apply the OTA, flash the new rooted boot.img, and be back to rooted.  You won't be touching the bootloader at all in this process, and your data are safe.

=> If there are prebuilt rooted images (either by the Community or planet), I can just apply a new FW directly. E.g. if I had a rooted V16, I could just install Ninji's rooted V19 and device would stay rooted, no data loss?

Correct, as long as you started with your bootloader already unlocked.

Essentially: If I don't want to lose my data at every OTA upgrade, do I need to always wait for community or Planet to publish pre-rooted images?

Nope, you can certainly follow the method of using SP Flash Tool or equivalent to extract the new boot.img, patch it in unrooted Cosmo userland with Magisk Manager, and then flash it back with SP Flash Tool.  Again, as long as you've got your bootloader unlocked, your data are fine.  (Although obviously when doing any of this stuff, it's a good idea to have backups.)

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Rear camera glass cover
« on: February 06, 2020, 05:32:30 am »
Quote from: selig
Given my recent experience, it might really be a good idea to make sure it doesn't come off. When looking at your photo and comparing it to mine, probably a tiny drop of superglue into the groove between glass and frame might be enough?

That is, if you make sure, that the glue stays outside of the innards of the camera unit AND if the superglue doesn't dissolve neither the glass (is it real glass?) nor the plastics surrounding it!!!

That's what I was thinking as well.  Very carefully applying glue under just that edge would be fairly easy with the microscope, and it shouldn't really need to be anything fancy like superglue, because we don't really need (or want) a super strong bond here.  Just enough to keep the glass down would be fine.  I think a pretty simple adhesive would work well.

Yes, I am using the swe/fin-keyboard and received the item about a week ago.
Probably, I should let Planet Computers know, that there seems to be a problem that affects several units of this batch, when they reply to my support request.

Not a bad idea.  I also received my Cosmo about a week ago, with the fin/swe keyboard (see what I did there? ), so we're almost certainly the same batch.

Also would be nice to know if anyone from any other batches sees this problem.

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Rear camera glass cover
« on: February 06, 2020, 04:35:39 am »
I noticed since the moment I unboxed my Cosmo that the camera glass isn't very well affixed, at least on one side.  I've pressed it back down several times and it keeps coming back up on one side.  I've been pondering sicking it under my microscope and very carefully getting a little bit of glue into that seam to hold the glass in place better.

Edit:  I notice you are in Sweden.  I'm in Finland, so assuming you have the local keyboard layout on yours, our Cosmos are quite possibly from the same batch.

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Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Poor battery life
« on: February 05, 2020, 07:36:55 am »
Quote from: TomJ
Incidentally, how does one get the battery usage graph?  It doesn't appear for me in the battery settings aas it has in previous Android devices I've used.

When you are in battery settings, hit the three dots menu in the upper right, and then "Battery usage".

Quote from: NormMonkey
If you're using `vim` within `termux`, you can return ESC functionality for vim and everything else within termux:

(specifically back-key=escape)

Ah, perfect.  Thanks!

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