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Messages - Dom (shymega)

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Astro Slide - Android / Re: Building LineageOS for Astro feasible?
« on: September 19, 2023, 07:49:56 pm »
My UART cable did arrive. I haven't managed to get it working on Cosmo, there's only limited output from the preloader. Suspect I need to adjust the baud rate.

And no, I only have one spare Development Cosmo. No Gemini, no Astro dev units.

I also only have access to the Astro BSP, not Cosmo or Gemini.

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Re: NO Internet
« on: September 19, 2023, 07:02:08 pm »
Glad to hear it's working. Although, of course, 4G would be better - given the 3G shut-off that many networks are racing towards...

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Re: Ringtone NOT working
« on: September 19, 2023, 07:01:45 pm »
Greg - this isn't an official forum, so calmness is imperative. No one here is paid, or obliged, to help you.

I would recommend looking at the problem methodically. You could join the Cosmo Discord for help, but on my Cosmo, I've never had this issue.

Out of curiosity, is your Cosmo's SD card partitioned as 'internal', or 'portable' storage? Normally, there's a dialogue that appears when you insert a new SD card for the first time.

I doubt this is to do with the Cosmo's software, as old as it may be.

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Re: Android v25 Firmware
« on: August 26, 2023, 11:28:31 am »
You could readback the partitions, but I would _not_ recommend it.

There are numerous partitions for Android, and it's better to use the OTA.

I haven't really noticed much of a difference, tbh. Maybe my sensor is dirty?

Hi all.

I just wanted to bring attention to a wiki I've been curating with the community. It's a Git-based wiki (it might, in the future, be merged with Planet's wiki, and worked on by both Planet & the community, who knows), and hosted on GitHub.

Contributors make changes by making PRs to this repository - - there is no other way to make contributions, except by emailing over new pages to myself, and when the PR is approved, I set up a CI script to automatically update the wiki here - - with commit history.

I appreciate the wiki isn't very 'new user' friendly, but it's the best way I could come up with for a collaborative system.

This is a duplicate post of mine, but it's relevant to this thread. The reason I cross-post is that these sort of suggestions could belong on the wiki.

Thoughts on that, and the wiki, are welcome.

OESF Wiki / Re: A grand repository of Gemini how-tos is needed
« on: August 06, 2023, 01:22:26 pm »
Hi all.

I just wanted to bring attention to a wiki I've been curating with the community. It's a Git-based wiki (it might, in the future, be merged with Planet's wiki, and worked on by both Planet & the community, who knows), and hosted on GitHub.

Contributors make changes by making PRs to this repository - - there is no other way to make contributions, except by emailing over new pages to myself, and when the PR is approved, I set up a CI script to automatically update the wiki here - - with commit history.

I appreciate the wiki isn't very 'new user' friendly, but it's the best way I could come up with for a collaborative system.

I'm also working on a web UI for reporting Planet bugs, that uses the GitHub tracker, and PostgreSQL as a backend. The idea behind that (iTrackz) is so people without GitHub can report bugs, and Planet can see a dashboard of bugs per-device, etc. It's an Actix Web application. Rust.

Thoughts on that, and the wiki, are welcome.

Astro Slide - Linux / Re: SailOS or Ubuntu Touch or Kali
« on: July 23, 2023, 06:46:28 pm »
No news.

There is a way to root - see the 'planet-devices' wiki on my Github, but no Linux or multi-boot. Make sure you unlock the bootloader before rooting.

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Re: Android v25 Firmware
« on: July 23, 2023, 06:45:20 pm »
OTA is still down. I've asked Planet if they can direct queries on Zendesk regarding software to me - but with OTA, my help is limited. All I have is v23.

I'm sure they have copies of the firmware, but they don't deal with OTA. It was only with Astro it began to be hosted by PC.

(Side note, but this is Agnostos: - a privacy-focused, cloud-native OTA application. Any thoughts on design would be welcome before I send a formal proposal to PC).

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Astro update to V07
« on: July 23, 2023, 06:33:16 pm »
In another thread I found this
Never use the `b` partition on the Astro. It's a bit odd in partition structure, but you should be using the 'a' slot - I believe 'b' acts as temporary storage for OTA updates, where the new files are written there, then copied over to the 'a' slot.
Good to know. It also means there never was a "good" partition to try to revert to anyway.

I don't think that is correct. See my writing on how the slots work within the rooting guide. We've proven that when rooting the boot image, the Astro only works properly if you'd read from the active slot.

At the time, it was correct - before the update was rolled-out, 'b', was never available, and should not have been used. But now after v07, I guess my comment is incorrect.

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Re: 3G or 4G?
« on: July 23, 2023, 06:30:55 pm »
It's likely to do with the mast. My Cosmo gets 4G fine.

Can you test with another phone?

Gemini PDA - Android / Re: Newbie Here!
« on: June 22, 2023, 01:01:02 pm »
No, it can't, unfortunately.

Even 8.1 isn't very stable.

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Flash tool download - where?
« on: June 12, 2023, 02:26:01 pm »
Even if you had the scatter file, 'userdata' - i.e., your files - wouldn't be restorable when Planet fixes the phone. It's reliant on cryptography.

Your best best is to send it off to Planet, then restore it from Googe Backup, which automatically backs up the phone. You can use 'Activity Launcher' from F-Droid to trigger that.

Sorry to say this, but I think it's best to cut your losses with regards to data, and send it back for repair.

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Flash tool download - where?
« on: June 11, 2023, 02:38:21 pm »
I don't think you'll be able to backup userdata, and restore it. You're best off using Google Backup for that

Cosmo Communicator - CoDi / Re: CoDi latest firmware help
« on: June 10, 2023, 02:21:59 pm »
Just to clarify, here's what I see from the CoDi OTA server:

Code: [Select]
$ python3
Resources URL:

So, basically, CoDi v16 works with the v14 resources (which contains translations, and graphics etc), so you can download the file from the OSPI line above - make sure to put it in internal storage, and this should work.

I hope that helps.

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