Cosmo Communicator - Linux / Re: Making Linux more mobile friendly
« on: May 30, 2023, 11:53:06 am »
Though my Gem and Cosmo are long-retired due to the lack of reasonably-priced replacement batteries, your screen complaints ring a bell.
I now own a PinePhone/keyboard and have the same issues (though reversed--the icons are too large).
I just keystroked everything, from apps to wifi toggle, then printed out all the combos onto a mailing label and stuck that to the Cosmo bottom for reference. The rub with the Cosmo is that the Alt key as sole modifier doesn't work (eg: Alt + W = Libreoffice Writer). You have to combine it with Control or Shift key (if I'm remembering correctly). Gemini Gemian does not have the Alt-only issue.
I'm sure such an approach has already crossed your mind, but it's the only one I could come up with, and I already use keystroking on every Linux machine, regardless of size. It's simply faster.
I now own a PinePhone/keyboard and have the same issues (though reversed--the icons are too large).
I just keystroked everything, from apps to wifi toggle, then printed out all the combos onto a mailing label and stuck that to the Cosmo bottom for reference. The rub with the Cosmo is that the Alt key as sole modifier doesn't work (eg: Alt + W = Libreoffice Writer). You have to combine it with Control or Shift key (if I'm remembering correctly). Gemini Gemian does not have the Alt-only issue.
I'm sure such an approach has already crossed your mind, but it's the only one I could come up with, and I already use keystroking on every Linux machine, regardless of size. It's simply faster.