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Messages - jakfish

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Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Replacement Battery Grim Update
« on: April 09, 2022, 02:36:29 pm »
Batteries in both my Gem and Cosmo have failed and so has my search to replace them.

The final indignity was today--after finding one lone HK ebay seller vending the batteries, I bought two, then got a seller note saying the batteries had internal problems and asking me to cancel order. I don't quite understand the issue unless they simply didn't have them (I see that their listing is now gone).

Any other ideas for a seller? As they stand now, both phones are essentially useless.


Cosmo Communicator - Linux / Re: Lost Ability to Control Brightness
« on: February 14, 2022, 11:22:12 am »
Sorry to hear you have the same issue, now and then, and thank you for link's heads-up:

Code: [Select]
echo 150 > /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness
This is indeed the proper directory/command.

Much obliged,

Cosmo Communicator - Linux / Lost Ability to Control Brightness
« on: February 13, 2022, 05:20:42 pm »
In Gemian/Cosmo, my Fn-B/Fn-N shows the slider for decreasing/increasing brightness, but the device remains at full brightness.

Any ideas why this has happened? And does anyone know where the /sys/class/* directory is along with the proper terminal command for control of brightness?


Okay, a reboot restored the fn key ability. Still, I would love to know where the backlight directory lives. Tx.

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Re: Battery replacement experience
« on: February 13, 2022, 01:58:59 pm »
I purchased a Gem battery from Canadian Batteries today and was promptly refunded--they do not have them in stock.


Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / New Batteries Anywhere? (Shipped to USA)
« on: February 13, 2022, 01:42:31 pm »
I have looked high and low, esp for this part number: CS-PLX600SL but I can't find replacement batteries for Gem/Cos.

Has anybody recently purchased one?


Hello, and welcome here.

I can't answer all your queries, since I've given up trying to make the Cosmo work as a genuine phone, but I will say you're not alone with your CODI woes. IMO, CODI is essentially junk and there aren't too many users here that will disagree. I had the same faulty listing of contacts (CODI would only generate a partial listing) that you suffer and I never solved it.

Nor do I know of many users that use Gemian as their daily driver, but there are some. I now use my Cosmo as a Linux-only laptop and am pleased to do so--I do not use a SIM card with it.

Some of your display issues may be tied to the rooted aspect of your setup and perhaps others will weigh in with their experience. One thing I did use right away, and also use it with my Pixel 4a, is Nova Launcher (in the Playstore) and if I remember correctly, that will solve your 3. dilemma.

I know I was able to set myself up as Developer, some sort of tapping 7 times or something, but it can be done (though perhaps not in root, now that I think about it).

The Cosmo can function as a daily driver, it just takes work and a lowering of expectations and God knows you know your stuff (your setup is airtight) so you'll find your way, though not with CODI :)

Again, welcome,

Cosmo Communicator - CoDi / Re: CoDi resource bug shutdown dialog
« on: November 05, 2021, 05:48:19 pm »
I am very sorry hear of your troubles, but I imagine you are not alone, despite the lack of posts to your thread.

CoDi is junk, it always has been. It won't list all your contacts, it's a battery drain, it will inadvertently mute you with the wrong press of your cheek, I could go on and on, and when you look through the other threads of complaints, you'll see a plethora of weirdness that CoDi visits on its users, and everybody seems to have a different problem.

It's not a coincidence that Planet moved far away from CoDi wiith the upcoming Astro.

I now use my Cosmo as a Linux-only laptop and the first thing I did was disable CoDi.

Planet has made interesting devices, but like other niche companies, they have to sort out the issues afterward not before, which is a drag for users, and they never truly sorted out CoDi.

I hope you can find pleasure in the Cosmo despite CoDi's failures, since the phone does have unique qualities.


Cosmo Communicator - CoDi / Re: Codi broken
« on: September 02, 2021, 03:07:58 pm »
That's what I did when my Cosmo began to give up the hardware ghost. My wifi/bt disappeared, so I did a Linux-only install (CODI does little on Gemian other than drain the battery). Even when my wifi/bt mysteriously appeared again, I'm keeping the Cosmo as a PDA. Bought a Pixel 4a for an actual phone; will wait for the Astro II before switching my daily driver needs back to Planet.


Gemini PDA - Linux / Re: upgrading linux on gemini
« on: August 27, 2021, 12:50:08 pm »
@depscribe--have you seen this, for phone capability?

cam1965 is a go-to user with this stuff and he seems to have his Gem up and running, phone-wise.

I like Stretch just fine on my all-linux Gem, but I'm not using a sim card. I know geminifrench, another wizard, at least has data working on his Stretch.

So I think it can be done, though any linux phone as your daily driver could present its challenges.

I actually prefer Stretch to Buster (Buster's on my Cosmo).


Cosmo Communicator - Linux / Resize Partitions w/ No Data Loss?
« on: August 15, 2021, 01:58:24 pm »
Because my Cosmo wifi/bt died, I tried to set up a Linux-only approach. I've got Gemian in working order and now, weeks later, my wifi/bt have miraculously returned from the dead.

Even after giving Gemian all the disk space, I still have a working Android partition but with only 107mbs of extra space.

I would like to make that Android partition larger--is it possible to do so through gparted/Gemian without losing my Linux install? And if so, could someone tell me which partitions to change (my gparted shows a huge number of partitions of varying and confusing size)?


This is an interesting thread. I thought my Cosmo battery was worn-out (ordered a new one but it never showed up), but I'm not getting the drain cited here.

I run Linux-only and I've disabled CODI and I get 10 days or so of down-time before the battery drains out.

Other than a disabled CODI, my internal wifi/bt doesn't work, so that may have something to do with it, too.


Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Re: In a pickle
« on: August 12, 2021, 05:21:40 pm »
>> Short version:
To be continued. << :)

Thanks for posting back and sorry that this dilemma goes on. I'm certainly on record about my concern for Cosmo hardware, but at least I knew right away when things were broken. You're still mired in the gray, it seems.

I'm very interested to hear PC's response.


Gemini PDA - General Discussion / Re: How robust is a Gemini?
« on: August 09, 2021, 05:02:51 pm »
I bought my Gemini very early on and used it as my daily driver until I got the Cosmo. My only complaint about the Gem was its slight screen bounce while typing, which I fixed by duct-taping a piece of trimmed coat hanger on the machine' back as it lay in the hinge's slot. I still don't understand the physics of its success, but it works for years and the tape is hidden.

I use the Gem now as a pure Linux machine, and anecdotally, the Gem is much more robust than my Cosmo, whose hardware has fallen apart, piece by piece.


Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Re: In a pickle
« on: August 08, 2021, 11:23:35 am »
Wow, that is very strange. Especially since you wisely cross-referenced your SIM/signal-strength by confirming with another Cosmo, I don't understand why it would suddenly give network now. Unless it's an intermittent hardware issue. You already wiped everything so there's no software miscalculation to explore. Weird.

If it is hardware, I wonder how hard it would be to pull the necessary components from your broken Cosmo...

Do post back with your findings and fingers crossed that this issue is just a gremlin.

(I would love to see NZ sometime in my life. Ever since watching TOP OF THE LAKE :) That's some gorgeous country and hats off to NZ's Covid measures.)


Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Re: In a pickle
« on: August 05, 2021, 12:55:52 pm »
Ach, sorry to hear that. Not certain what's going on, but I use Gemian-only on my Cosmo because my wifi/bt just quit one day, gone on Android, Linux, whatever. With cam1965's help, I compiled the kernel to permit use of usb wifi adapters.

His .config file is actually set up for usb modems (and I've successfully used his .config and gotten data with a Huawei), but that's obviously Plan B for you. Since you've flashed successfully to other OSs, it sounds as if you've done due diligence, Can't imagine your tinkering with software would blow away network, even after reflash.

I guess you could truly go back to factory settings by reflashing the whole thing just for stock Android only and see if that had different results. Stock Android screamed at me about my missing bluetooth, so at least I had confirmation of hardware failure.


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