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Topics - dproldan

Pages: [1]
Zaurus - pdaXrom / Looking For Transmission Ipk
« on: August 20, 2011, 07:35:26 am »

  Does anybody have the bittorrent client transmission lying around.  It was compiled by kkazakov13 but the feeds dissapeared long time ago.

   Thank you

Ubuntu / How Do You Input Function Keys?
« on: April 14, 2009, 05:25:51 am »
I need to press F10 for entering a program option (openMSX),  but I'm lost.  I've tried modifying keymaps and modmaps with no luck

  I haven't found the way either witht the zaurus keyboard or an external USB keyboard.

  Any clue?

Zaurus - pdaXrom / D-link Dcf-660w With R198
« on: June 05, 2007, 09:59:36 am »
I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what's wrong with my card,   hope you can help me.

  I have a SL-C1000 with r198 installed and Meanie's SP4 applied.
  I define all the network settings before plugging in the card as wlan0.

  when I plug it in,  it connects fine for some 30 seconds and then disconnects.  from that point,  nothing makes sense to me.
  sometimes it shows up with lspcmcia/pccardctl,  sometimes it doesn't.  

  many times,  the screen turns white until I unplug the card.  

  lsmod shows that orinoco, orinoco_cs, hermes, hostap_cs, hostap all are loaded.

  in /sys/bus/pcmcia/drivers,  there are hostap, ide_cs and orinoco subfolders.

  there are only three files in /etc/pcmcia/    shouldn't there be a lot of .opts files there?

  Here's a part of my dmesg after pluggind the card

Code: [Select]
pccard: PCMCIA card inserted into slot 0
pcmcia: registering new device pcmcia0.0
ieee80211_crypt: registered algorithm 'NULL'
hostap_cs: 0.4.4-kernel (Jouni Malinen )
hostap_cs: setting Vcc=33 (constant)
hostap_cs: setting Vcc=33 (from config)
Checking CFTABLE_ENTRY 0x01 (default 0x01)
IO window settings: cfg->io.nwin=1
io->flags = 0x0046, io.base=0x0000, len=64
hostap_cs: Registered netdevice wifi0
hostap_cs: index 0x01: Vcc 3.3, irq 137, io 0xc4820000-0xc482003f
prism2: wifi0: operating mode changed 3 -> 2
prism2_hw_init: initialized in 320 ms
wifi0: hfa384x_cmd: entry still in list? (entry=c1cdb3a0, type=0, res=0)
wifi0: hfa384x_cmd: command was not completed (res=0, entry=c1cdb3a0, type=0, cmd=0x0121, param0=0xfc00, EVSTAT=8000 INTEN=0010)
wifi0: hfa384x_set_rid: CMDCODE_ACCESS_WRITE failed (res=-110, rid=fc00, len=2)
ieee80211_crypt: registered algorithm 'WEP'
wifi0: NIC: id=0x800c v1.0.0
wifi0: PRI: id=0x15 v1.1.1
wifi0: STA: id=0x1f v1.7.4
wifi0: registered netdevice wlan0
wifi0: LinkStatus=1 (Connected)
wifi0: LinkStatus: BSSID=00:80:5a:31:7b:9b
orinoco 0.15rc3 (David Gibson , Pavel Roskin , et al)
orinoco_cs 0.15rc3 (David Gibson , Pavel Roskin , et al)
ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wifi0: link becomes ready
wifi0: invalid skb->cb magic (0x00000000, expected 0xf08a36a2)
wifi0: invalid skb->cb magic (0x00000000, expected 0xf08a36a2)
wifi0: invalid skb->cb magic (0x00000000, expected 0xf08a36a2)
wifi0: hfa384x_cmd_issue: cmd reg was busy for 5 usec
wifi0: hfa384x_cmd: entry still in list? (entry=c1cdbae0, type=0, res=0)
wifi0: hfa384x_cmd: command was not completed (res=0, entry=c1cdbae0, type=0, cmd=0x0021, param0=0xfd51, EVSTAT=8888 INTEN=8888)
wifi0: hfa384x_get_rid: CMDCODE_ACCESS failed (res=-110, rid=fd51, len=6)
pccard: card ejected from slot 0
wifi0: hfa384x_cmd: entry still in list? (entry=c1cdbae0, type=0, res=0)
wifi0: hfa384x_cmd: command was not completed (res=0, entry=c1cdbae0, type=0, cmd=0x0021, param0=0xfd51, EVSTAT=8888 INTEN=8888)
wifi0: hfa384x_get_rid: CMDCODE_ACCESS failed (res=-110, rid=fd51, len=6)
wifi0: hfa384x_cmd: entry still in list? (entry=c3e5b520, type=0, res=0)
wifi0: hfa384x_cmd: command was not completed (res=0, entry=c3e5b520, type=0, cmd=0x0002, param0=0x0000, EVSTAT=8888 INTEN=8888)
hostap_cs: Shutdown failed
wifi0: removed pending cmd_queue entry (type=1, cmd=0x0011, param0=0xf100)
wifi0: removed pending cmd_queue entry (type=0, cmd=0x0021, param0=0xfd51)
wifi0: card already removed or not configured during shutdown
wifi0: hfa384x_cmd: command was not completed (res=0, entry=c1cdbae0, type=0, cmd=0x0021, param0=0xfd51, EVSTAT=0000 INTEN=0000)
wifi0: hfa384x_get_rid: CMDCODE_ACCESS failed (res=-110, rid=fd51, len=6)

  Again,  sometimes it works fine for 15-20 minutes and suddenly the light turns off.

  I've tried to trace the problem,  but, in my ignorance,  nothing makes sense to me.



Qt/Qtopia / Network Applet Documentation
« on: July 23, 2006, 05:30:12 am »

  I have, surprisingly, been able to compile the zd1211 driver for a USB stick I have for use with Cacko on my SL-C1000.

  It works perfectly,  loading the module when I insert the stick,  and I can connect to my WEP wireless lan with a little script I wrote calling ifconfig  and iwconfig.

  The problem is that the Newtork applet in Cacko doesn't realize that a network device has been inserted,  it doesn't give me the option to tap the "connect" button.

  It shouldn't be a big problem,  but the mail application says that no connection is active,  even if I can surf the web with Opera.

  Is there some kind of documentation explaining how the network applet works?  Where does it look for a network device?  any Qtopia guru can help?

Thank you


Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Zd1211 Based Usb Wifi Stick Help
« on: July 12, 2006, 08:01:13 pm »

  I'm trying to use a ZD1211 based USB wifi adaptor in a SL-C1000 with OZ/Opie

  I have downloaded and installed the drivers,  issued a modprobe zd1211 and it shows correctly in a lsmod and in a dmesg.

  The problem is that when I plug the USB adaptor,  dmesg says:

usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using pxa27x-ohci and address 2
usb 1-2: no configuration chosen from 1 choice

  lsusb says:

Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0ace:1211
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000

  Any hint for making this work?

Thank  you

Sharp ROMs / Compiling Kernel For Cacko
« on: July 05, 2006, 03:03:19 pm »
Hello all.

  I need to compile the drivers for a ZD1211 based USB wifi dongle and I need some help.
 If this has been covered somewhere else,  plese redirect me.

  I have a SL-C1000 and am going to do this in a debian laptop.

  I'm my little understanding,  I need to:

1. -  decompress the toolchain listed in the cacko page, placing it at the root and doing a
Code: [Select]
bzcat arm-cacko-linux-gnu-2.95.3-2.2.5-hardfloat-19.50_21.09.05.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
2. - decompress the latest (for SL-C3200) sharp kernel sources,  placing the file at the root and doing a
Code: [Select]
bzcat linux-c3200-20060228-rom1_01.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
3. - decompress the patches and configuration files from the cako page, placing the file at the root and doing a
Code: [Select]
tar -zxvf cacko-1.23-kernel-2.4.20.tar.gz
4. - merge the cacko patches with the sharp sources with
Code: [Select]
cp -rf reply=yes /cacko-1.23-kernel-2.4.20/linux/* /linux/
5. - export the compiler binaries paths with
Code: [Select]
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/cross/arm/2.95.3/bin:/opt/cross/arm/2.95.3/sbin
this is a work in progress,  come back later!

C1000/3x00 Hardware / Usb Client And Host At The Same Time?
« on: June 19, 2006, 10:09:52 pm »
Would it be possible to use the internal usb port that arlbertr uses while keeping the external one as a client/host?

  Finding a way to do this,  would allow us to put usb BT dongles or a USB microdrive inside the C1000,  efectively turning it into a C3x00 of sorts.  I don't want to loose the client functionality.

C1000/3x00 Hardware / Current Consumption
« on: June 13, 2006, 02:31:28 pm »
Hi,  I made some current measurements with an ampmeter trying to find the most efficient light setting.
  These are made with a SL-C1000 running cacko 1.23. from the battery with the wiring shown it the attached picture.

 level 1: 200 mA
 level 2: 205 mA
 level 3: 215 mA
 level 4: 230 mA
 level 5: 270 mA
 level 6: 315 mA

  While boting cacko, it consumes around 320 mA.

  These are average measurements during one minute without doing anything with the zaurus.

  I decided to leave the setting at level 3 for battery use,  as the current diference isn't too big.

  I'll try to make some measurements with the powernowd utility that Albertr has released.

General Discussion / Newton Emulator On Sl-c1000
« on: June 03, 2006, 04:06:00 pm »
I got the Einstein emulator running on a SL-C1000 zaurus using OZ/gpe!  It is awfully slow at the moment,  but so cool!

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Altboot 2nd Option Doesn't Work
« on: June 03, 2006, 01:37:30 pm »
Is there any other way to boot the zaurus without having X started?


Spain / Ya Tengo Mi Akita!
« on: May 11, 2006, 07:27:37 pm »
Bueno, ya tengo esta preciosidad en mis sucias manos...  :-)

  La verdad es que estoy alucinando,  lo unico que le he hecho ha sido pasarla a ingles con lo del "locale=en",  o sea, que estoy con la ROM original,  pero se nota el potencial que tiene.

  He visto una cosa rara,  a ver si podeis mirar los que tengais un SL-Cxx00 :
- cuando pongo la pantalla en modo "tablet", la pantalla no queda plana sobre el teclado,  sino que esta un poco mas separada por el frontal que por la bisagra: foto adjunta.

 Le pasa lo mismo a las vuestras?

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