Author Topic: HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600  (Read 8797 times)


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HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2004, 08:23:46 am »
That\'s the location of the kernel I tried to install. I also tried to install the spectrum_0.3.4-2_arm.ipk that\'s available on that site.


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HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2004, 09:44:02 am »
I tested the card that a coworker uses, also a Socket, and it works perfectly in my 5600. My card does not work on his 5500, so it looks like I have a bad card. I will be heading to the electronics store after work today to return this one and get a new one.

Thank you for the help.



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HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2004, 12:33:20 am »
I got symbol card yesterday. It\'s strange that everybody has different experience even
though they used the same hardware and software. I\'m using sl5600 with original sharp
rom (1.32). I just plug the card and set up SSID and WEP key, then it started to work
with no problem. Entering 128K WEP key took some time but other than that, just few
clicking on the screen made it work. I\'m trying to have kismet work now.
I\'m wondering if my sharp rom has wireless extension or not. Is there any way to
figure it out? Do I need to install libcap package?


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HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2004, 12:52:56 am »
Total newbie here, just got my 5600 yesterday. I\'ve been reading all the posts on WiFi cards, and bought the Socket Low Power CF card. Now, I\'ve updated the ROM to 1.32 and I can\'t get the 5600 to recognize the card at all. I\'ve tried the driver that\'s linked on the Socket website, and I\'ve tried the Z. Anynergy ROM. Any ideas what I\'m missing?

Sorry to post such an overly discussed question, but I\'ve the threads and ideas I\'ve tried running haven\'t worked. I\'m afraid it might be a bad card, but I don\'t know how to check that. 

The install probably installed the drivers into a new 2.4.6 kernel directory eventhough you are running 2.4.18.  Try moving the 4 files (hermes.o, orinoco.o, orinoco_cs.o, spectrum_cs.o) under /lib/modules/2.4.6.???/kernel/drivers/net/wireless to the same folder structure under /lib/modules/2.4.18-rmk7-pxa3-embedix.  If this does not make sense, poke around using file manager and it should make sense.


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HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2004, 01:35:05 am »
Prun, I\'ll poke around with that. Thanks for the suggestion. So much new stuff to learn. I took the defective card back to the store and got a new one. Once I plugged it in the 5600  recognized it and I had no problems getting onto the available network.



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HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600
« Reply #20 on: February 07, 2004, 07:39:45 am »
That\'s the location of the kernel I tried to install. I also tried to install the spectrum_0.3.4-2_arm.ipk that\'s available on that site.

This is the driver that I\'m using.  It\'s available at the MyZaurus site, but you can only find it with Google.  Sharp\'s web sites suck...

WEP is definitely not working for me though.



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HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600
« Reply #21 on: February 07, 2004, 07:44:51 am »
I got symbol card yesterday. It\'s strange that everybody has different experience even
though they used the same hardware and software. I\'m using sl5600 with original sharp
rom (1.32). I just plug the card and set up SSID and WEP key, then it started to work
with no problem. Entering 128K WEP key took some time but other than that, just few
clicking on the screen made it work. I\'m trying to have kismet work now. 
I\'m wondering if my sharp rom has wireless extension or not. Is there any way to 
figure it out? Do I need to install libcap package? 

This is interesting.  With a decent file manager, look under the /lib/modules and /lib/modules.rom heirarchy and see if you can find any files like the following:


I had installed the Zynergy ROM for a brief time before restoring the Sharp ROM.  I had to manually re-install some things because not everything in the factory configuration came back.  I may have missed the wireless drivers.



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HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600
« Reply #22 on: February 07, 2004, 07:48:32 am »
The install probably installed the drivers into a new 2.4.6 kernel directory eventhough you are running 2.4.18.  Try moving the 4 files (hermes.o, orinoco.o, orinoco_cs.o, spectrum_cs.o) under /lib/modules/2.4.6.???/kernel/drivers/net/wireless to the same folder structure under /lib/modules/2.4.18-rmk7-pxa3-embedix.  If this does not make sense, poke around using file manager and it should make sense.

The install that I did moved them there, but they work anyway.  I need to read up on how and where Linux decides to load modules from.  This is *not* like FreeBSD.



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HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600
« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2004, 04:15:05 am »
This is interesting.  With a decent file manager, look under the /lib/modules and /lib/modules.rom heirarchy and see if you can find any files like the following:


I had installed the Zynergy ROM for a brief time before restoring the Sharp ROM.  I had to manually re-install some things because not everything in the factory configuration came back.  I may have missed the wireless drivers.


I couldn\'t find any of those files. I even tried \"find\" utility but there\'s no
such files. I could only find prism2_cs.o file under /lib/modules/.../pcmcia.
It\'s strange to me, too. But it works with symbol card with WEP enabled.
Here is the output from \'cardctrl ident\'

$ /sbin/cardctl  ident
Socket 0:
  product info: \"Symbol\", \"Spectrum24 LA4100 Series WLAN PC card\", \"1.00\"
  manfid: 0x026c, 0x0001
  function: 6 (network)
Socket 1:
  no product info available



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HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2004, 09:59:34 am »
I couldn\'t find any of those files. I even tried \"find\" utility but there\'s no
such files. I could only find prism2_cs.o file under /lib/modules/.../pcmcia.
It\'s strange to me, too. But it works with symbol card with WEP enabled.
Here is the output from \'cardctrl ident\'

$ /sbin/cardctl  ident
Socket 0:
  product info: \"Symbol\", \"Spectrum24 LA4100 Series WLAN PC card\", \"1.00\"
  manfid: 0x026c, 0x0001
  function: 6 (network)
Socket 1:
  no product info available


I moved the files to my SD card and it still works as well.  Using \'cat /proc/modules\' doesn\'t seem to turn up anything other than the bluetooth drivers, so possibly it\'s compiled in the kernel instead.  The wireless utilities are available (see \'ls /sbin/iw*\") though they do complain of being version 13 when the kernel is version 14 or vica versa.  I can\'t get WEP to work at all though...


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HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2004, 12:55:59 pm »
I couldn\'t find any of those files. I even tried \"find\" utility but there\'s no
such files. I could only find prism2_cs.o file under /lib/modules/.../pcmcia.
It\'s strange to me, too. But it works with symbol card with WEP enabled.
Here is the output from \'cardctrl ident\'

$ /sbin/cardctl  ident
Socket 0:
  product info: \"Symbol\", \"Spectrum24 LA4100 Series WLAN PC card\", \"1.00\"
  manfid: 0x026c, 0x0001
  function: 6 (network)
Socket 1:
  no product info available


It appears to be compiled into the \"standard preemptive kernel\" that I have installed.  

Dmesg gives the following:

orinoco.c 0.14beta1 (David Gibson <> and others)
orinoco_cs.c 0.14beta1 (David Gibson (> and others)
spectrum_cs.c 0.4.2 (Pavel Roskin <> and others)

When I uninstalled the Spectrum driver, it removed spectrum and spectrum.conf from /etc/pcmcia.  Does anyone know if they still need to be there?


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HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2004, 10:14:05 am »
Total newbie here, just got my 5600 yesterday. I\'ve been reading all the posts on WiFi cards, and bought the Socket Low Power CF card. Now, I\'ve updated the ROM to 1.32 and I can\'t get the 5600 to recognize the card at all. I\'ve tried the driver that\'s linked on the Socket website, and I\'ve tried the Z. Anynergy ROM. Any ideas what I\'m missing?

Sorry to post such an overly discussed question, but I\'ve the threads and ideas I\'ve tried running haven\'t worked. I\'m afraid it might be a bad card, but I don\'t know how to check that. 

I\'ve largely been the same path as you from ROM 1.21 to 1.32 to Zynergy and back again.  Somewhere along the way I may have lost some of the original configuration, but all is not lost.  Go back to Sharp\'s ROM 1.32 if you haven\'t already.  I haven\'t tried the original kernel though some reported it working without WEP.  Load the \'standard preemptive kernel\' that is here:

If you don\'t have spectrum and spectrum.conf files in /etc/pcmcia, you need to get them, either by unpacking from the spectrum driver ipk (aka tgz) file or install the driver, copy those 2 files to a safe place, then uninstall the driver, and copy them back.  Reboot the Zaurus, then use the Network app to establish your network profile.  You should have a working Symbol card (LA-4137) and WEP active.

If you want to find out if your existing kernel already has the drivers for the card, use the \'dmesg\' command and search for references to orinoco and spectrum.  The standard preemptive kernel (1.2) seems to have them compiled into the kernel instead of a loadable module. It won\'t work without the 2 spectrum files in /etc/pcmcia though.



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HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2004, 01:57:37 pm »
I have not had any luck at all with my Socket 6004 low-pwer cf wifi and Zaurus 5600 (Rom 1.32)...  The lights have never come on.  I\'ve configured spectrum.conf accordingly, and cardctl status say\'s its ready.

dmesg shows the orinoco drivers loaded, no errors.

Does anyone know if changing the scheme via \"cardctl scheme\" would turn on/off the lights?  anything to help me out?


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HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2004, 02:33:45 pm »
I have not had any luck at all with my Socket 6004 low-pwer cf wifi and Zaurus 5600 (Rom 1.32)...  The lights have never come on.  I\'ve configured spectrum.conf accordingly, and cardctl status say\'s its ready.

dmesg shows the orinoco drivers loaded, no errors.

Does anyone know if changing the scheme via \"cardctl scheme\" would turn on/off the lights?  anything to help me out?

No spectrum driver?

In spectrum.conf, I have:

device \"spectrum_cs\"
# class \"network\"module \"hermes\", \"orinoco\", \"spectrum_cs\"
 class \"spectrum\"modules \"hermes\", \"orinoco\", \"spectrum_cs\"

card \"LA4100 Spectrum24 CF WLAN Card\"
 manfid 0x026c, 0x0001
 bind \"spectrum_cs\"

card \"Socket Communications CF+LP WLAN Card\"
 manfid 0x0104, 0x0001
 bind \"spectrum_cs\"

and in spectrum, I have:

export WIRELESS_USE=$0
./network $*
exit $?

cardctl scheme CardResume
will turn on my lights, this will turn them off:

cardctl scheme Suspend

You might want to try the other kernel....



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HELP! - Socket wifi card locks up my 5600
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2004, 02:43:09 pm »
The Socket 6004 is a very new card.   From what i have heard here people have been having good luck with the 6000 but no word on the 6004.

Im sure a lot of people would be interested in knowing if new card works with the Z. Let us know what happens...

NOTE: Yes this post was edited, well re-written really     Due to the fact the first one made no sense... Thats what I get for posting at work  :roll: