i put together a all in one package. 4mb in all! For those of you who just plain don't have the time to fish around, i did the zfceu (not the actual program but the slapping together something that works. Same here. it has a readme on how to install. you can play all your nes games at 100% speed with no sound popping at all. You can play your snes games at 80 percent speed with no sound stuttering at all or maybee a few games that can push the emulator to its limits.
here is the link.
http://webpages.charter.net/cresho/for those of you who already have the emulator running and can't figure out why you are having framerate problems, it is simple. The emulator or the sdl does not disable the typematic keyrate speed of the zaurus when emulator is running. so it causes framerate drops. The answer is keyhelper. there is a line.
change the repeater to
<repeat delay="000" period="0"/>
and reboot. simple as that and no need to use my files. Your snes and nes will run 100 percent full speed.
you guys have comments about anything related to the specific ipk', reffer to the original authors please.