Author Topic: Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List  (Read 41782 times)


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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« on: October 22, 2005, 06:49:06 pm »
Hello all,

This is a Release Candidate, so it's not the final thing, but we would like to track down bugs, etc., before the final release.

If you find a bug, by all means post it here (and if you have a workaround, etc. please post that too), but please please please have a look on to see if the bug has already been spotted and reported (if it has, do say so in the thread) and if it hasn't, then do add a bug for it (create an account for yourself if you need to submit a bug). The majority of the devs hang-out on IRC and all read the mailing list (the bug tracker reports are sent to the mailing list), not may of them check the forums I'm afraid.


C750 OZ3.5.4 (GPE, 2.6.x kernel)
SL5500 OZ3.5.4 (Opie)
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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2005, 04:51:43 am »
So I've tested the Tosa/Opie OZ-3.5.4-RC and here's what I think of it
after a little more than one day of use, but first I should outline
what I most use my Z for lately, that is to say basically reading e-books with
opie-reader and from time to time play some games, not really anything

So here it is :

- The good :

  * It's even more beautiful, a lot of icons and the themes has been
  reworked to match the 480x640 resolution and it's just beautiful,
  looking sharp and all.

- The bad & ugly :

  * OZ just told the partitions of my ext3 formatted 2G microdrive to
  go to hell, all, disappeared but to beginning of the e-book I was
  presently reading. I noticed it when I got to the next page and was
  presented with what looked like a dump of some part of the RAM
  instead of the next chapter of 'A song of stone' by Iain Banks... I
  launched opie-advancedFM to take a look at the file with the text
  editor and before my eyes I could see all the content of the drive
  was gone :'( I ejected the HD, plugged it in my laptop to reformat
  it and fill it with my backup, so no big deal for the datas but well
  it's not something I like to see happen.
  As for the why, I can only make some guesses from how the OS was
  configured. Unlike what've done before I had activated the
  'DocTab'. Second thing I think of is the new behaviour of the OS
  that asks what to do with the drive when inserted first time, it was
  set to suspend it when inserted and when the OS resume from sleep.
  Now I've refilled the drive with the datas and plugged it back in
  the Z so at least I can continue to read the book. I changed the
  setting of the OS to activate the drive when inserted and when the
  OS resume from sleep. I'll see if it continue to think of my datas
  as crap and if it trash it again. I'll let you know if it happen
  Come to think of it I think the 'suspend drive' stuff that
  might be guilty. I've not investigated by I wonder if it unmount the
  drive before suspending it... So let's suppose the drive was
  suspended, not unmounted ; then opie-reader, when I go to the next
  page realize it's not in RAM, tries to read it from the drive and
  then *BOOM*, trying to read from the drive while it's suspended make
  a mess of it. I think about that because I saw this with my laptop
  and its external HD : once I suspended it with the external HD
  mounted and on and when I woke it up the external HD was unreadable,
  a 'ls' would print crap. No data loss but I had to unmount then
  mount the drive to get access to it...

EDIT : I've forgot to say thanks for the "kinda" release
« Last Edit: October 23, 2005, 04:53:37 am by cycojesus »
SL-6000L : kexecboot and ArmedZed (on SD) & OpenZaurus/Opie (on flash)


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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2005, 06:22:20 am »
I've only used the new card config utility briefly, and iirc it shouldn't do anything with storage media - my impression was that it's just for device cards (wifi, bluetooth, etc.).

It's possible that some corruption occured because the microdrive was shutdown before the cache was flushed to disk, though pretty much everything should be recoverable with a fsck.ext3.

Did this happen while you were using the device? (I presume so). I've never seen any issues with CF flash storage so I wonder what it is about microdrives - anyone else with a microdrive seen any problems?

C750 OZ3.5.4 (GPE, 2.6.x kernel)
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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2005, 05:10:34 am »
I've only used the new card config utility briefly, and iirc it shouldn't do anything with storage media - my impression was that it's just for device cards (wifi, bluetooth, etc.).

It's possible that some corruption occured because the microdrive was shutdown before the cache was flushed to disk, though pretty much everything should be recoverable with a fsck.ext3.

Did this happen while you were using the device? (I presume so). I've never seen any issues with CF flash storage so I wonder what it is about microdrives - anyone else with a microdrive seen any problems?

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Maybe a "Do nothing" option would be welcomed, or can it be uninstalled without screwing the OS ?

Yes I was using the Z at this time, reading a book with opie-reader. I don't know if the microdrive itself was used. So far, since I've had the microdrive everything worked well in OZ 3.5.3. I installed hdparm and add 'hdparm -S 60 /dev/hda' in some bootscripts.
SL-6000L : kexecboot and ArmedZed (on SD) & OpenZaurus/Opie (on flash)


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« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2005, 07:31:40 am »
I think there is a 'do nothing' option.

I can't say for sure though as I'm running GPE (perhaps I have Opie on my collie...)

C750 OZ3.5.4 (GPE, 2.6.x kernel)
SL5500 OZ3.5.4 (Opie)
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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2005, 10:55:05 am »
"Activate" == "Do Nothing"

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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2005, 02:40:28 am »
This is all on the C1000. I haven't gotten a chance to test anything on the 5500 yet.

OZ/Opie: Seems good.  The fonts look great.  The software provided in this release is newer than the stuff the current feeds provide and also the list of feeds isn't very complete but I imagine that's a known issue.  I didn't play with it very much since I wanted to dig into GPE...

OZ/GPE: This is showing real progress, but still has some issues.  This is the first time though that it's been far enough along (on the C1000)  that I've felt like sticking with it to try and get it running well. Some of the big issues I've run into so far:

Issue #1:
Font sizes are a little off. The size of the Application font (GTK2) and the desktop icon font is too big.  By default it is 7, I've found that 5 is about the maximum size that can be used without causing things to render strangely. By default the font for the menu in the bottom launcher bar is waaaay to small. I set it to 5, which should be decently readable. I also found the title bar font to be too small. I set it to 5 as well and upped the title bar size itself to 24 pixels to accomadate the larger font. Most of these have to be set manually in /usr/share/theme/<theme-name>/matchbox/theme.xml and theme.desktop.  There's some good docs on editing matchbox themes on the matchbox website. If there is interest in me releasing a theme that has all the right font sizes set, and can just be untarred in /usr/share/themes, then let me know.

Issue #2:
This could be user error but I haven't found a button anywhere to suspend yet. (And before anyone asks, I have tried holding the power button).  I've been suspending by opening up a root shell and running
Code: [Select]
apm --suspend which seems to work fine.  It might be handy to have that in the menu or on the desktop somewhere.  Resume with the power buttom seems to work fine as well.

Issue #3:
No feeds included by default.  I assume this is because there isn't an official openzaurus GPE feed for 3.5.4-RC.

Issue #4:
Some programs crash on load or fail to start completely.  These are:
Settings/Screen Setup
Settings/Sleep Config
(For some reason I thought there were more but I don't remember them now).  If there is anything I can do to help troubleshoot those let me know, but keep in mind I'm not really a programmer (I know a little bit of C and Java, but it's been a while).

Some other programs are just flakey or act strangely:
the backlight applet crashes when clicked
xmonobut's icon is too small and doesn't even appear until the area where it's running is clicked or refreshed (e.g. by hiding and showing the panel or moving the applet with panel manager).
There are some font size issues in the "mini browser": some fonts are tiny, some are a little big.  After zooming in a couple times the tiny fonts look ok but now the big fonts are huge.  The big fonts are mostly found in GTK type widgets like drop down boxes or buttons.  Maybe they're pulling in the default GTK font size or something?

I might post later with more as I find them.  After posting all these problems I think I should add that I'm actually really impressed with the progress and I really appreciate all the hard work you OZ/Opie/GPE developers do.  Good job guys!
Zaurus SL-C1000 - Linux 2.6.22 - Angstrom/Debian dual boot - Ambicom 802.11b - 1GB Corsair SD
Nokia N800 - 2GB PQI SD card
Zaurus SL-5500 - OZ 3.5.3/Hentges T2/Opie - 64MB Lexar SD card


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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2005, 06:05:13 am »
Most of these have to be set manually in /usr/share/theme/<theme-name>/matchbox/theme.xml and theme.desktop.

You can change most/some of this stuff using the Look & Feel applet.

It might be handy to have that in the menu or on the desktop somewhere. Resume with the power buttom seems to work fine as well.

You can add it as a shortcut to the 'taskbar', I'll have a dig around for the command.

Some programs crash on load or fail to start completely. These are:
Settings/Screen Setup
Settings/Sleep Config

Try running them from the 'Start menu' rather than from the desktop - there was a bug which was fixed in CVS, and I thought a new version of gpe-conf was being used with these fixes. Let me know if this fixes it and I'll have a word.

the backlight applet crashes when clicked

Interesting. If you start it from the command line (minilite) what error does it show after it crashes?

Which kernel is this? 2.6.x? I guess backlight control doesn't work for you. If it's a 2.6.x kernel then install bl from here:, if it's still 2.4.20 then it might still work but I may have to add the particular /dev entries to support it. Please let me know.


C750 OZ3.5.4 (GPE, 2.6.x kernel)
SL5500 OZ3.5.4 (Opie)
Nokia 770
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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2005, 11:05:06 am »
K,  I had a quick test of Collie/GPE and Collie/OPIE and here are some observations...

- I had problems with the Z, freezing up...  They maybe related to Rosetta since I was using it both times.   Openned calendar, started to create a new appointment, then went through start menu to open Rosetta trainer to check how to make a 't' and machine froze for a couple of minutes...  
- After saving rosetta DB, roestta stopped working until I logged out/in...
- Background colour of selected icon is same as text colour -> Black on Black
- Manual suspend/resume works (using button)...  didn't test auto suspend.
- Wifi worked fine with my MA701 as root (seem to remember having had troubles getting Wifi configured as regular user)

- seems snappier then before
- Calendar font is nice and small, fits well.
- Opie-console has bug were last line scrolls off bottom (this was a bug before, don't know if it was ever fixed)
- Opie-console profiles default to font DejaVu_Sans, which results in typing that has tabs between each character i.e. "l   s       -  l   a   h"...  
Workaround: using DejaVu_Sans_Mono instead works as expected
- Manual suspend/resume is very fast now
- Automatic suspend does not occur
- Wifi worked fine with my MA701
- PCMCIA launcher applet does not detect card insertions or removals...  insert submenu item does not work either.   Media is successfully automounted though.

Overall, I think Opie has improved, not that familiar with GPE so I won't comment on that guy...

I look forward to getting some new packages into the feed, so I can try to get opie-player2 to play shoutcast audio (3.5.3 packages abort after pulling down the station info).



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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2005, 11:09:10 am »
What machine is that on?

C750 OZ3.5.4 (GPE, 2.6.x kernel)
SL5500 OZ3.5.4 (Opie)
Nokia 770
Serial GPS, WCF-12, Socket Ethernet & BT, Ratoc USB
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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2005, 02:54:10 pm »
K,  I had a quick test of Collie/GPE and Collie/OPIE and here are some observations...
What machine is that on?

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A very beat-up old sl5500
« Last Edit: October 28, 2005, 02:54:49 pm by ironstorm »


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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2005, 03:30:52 pm »
- Opie-console has bug were last line scrolls off bottom (this was a bug before, don't know if it was ever fixed)

That bug which disappear after open of inputmethod?

- Opie-console profiles default to font DejaVu_Sans, which results in typing that has tabs between each character i.e. "l   s       -  l   a   h"... 
Workaround: using DejaVu_Sans_Mono instead works as expected

Hmm.. it should use DejaVu_Sans_Mono/9 by default - especially on collie where there is no separate /home/ - in OPIE 1.2.1 we changed opie-console to use that font when nothing is set.
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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2005, 05:54:22 pm »
You can change most/some of this stuff using the Look & Feel applet.
You can change application font, desktop icon font and the rxvt font in look and feel.  The rest have to be changed manually.

You can add it as a shortcut to the 'taskbar', I'll have a dig around for the command.
I'm fine with apm --suspend in an rxvt. I was merely suggesting that it might be good to have it in the final release so that you don't get a million questions from users.

Try running them from the 'Start menu' rather than from the desktop - there was a bug which was fixed in CVS, and I thought a new version of gpe-conf was being used with these fixes. Let me know if this fixes it and I'll have a word.
Tried from the menu as well. In both cases (desktop and menu) they display a window very briefly (quarter of a second maybe) and then disappear. On the command line:
Code: [Select]
root@Ryoko:~# gpe-conf screen
Segmentation fault
root@Ryoko:~# gpe-conf sleep
/home/root/ipaq-sleep.conf: No such file or directory
Segmentation fault
root@Ryoko:~# cp /etc/ipaq-sleep.conf ./
root@Ryoko:~# gpe-conf sleep
Segmentation fault

The version of gpe-conf I have is 0.1.25-r0. If there is a newer one out there I'll try it.

Interesting. If you start it from the command line (minilite) what error does it show after it crashes?
It crashes with a "Segmentation fault"

Which kernel is this? 2.6.x? I guess backlight control doesn't work for you. If it's a 2.6.x kernel then install bl from here:, if it's still 2.4.20 then it might still work but I may have to add the particular /dev entries to support it. Please let me know.

The kernel is 2.4.20, compiled on Oct 19. I tried the the bl you linked to. It crashes with a Segmentation fault.  If there is a 2.6 image for the C1000 I'm willing to test it.

Thanks for the suggestions.

-John X

Edit: Trying to get all the quote tags correct.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2005, 05:55:37 pm by JohnX »
Zaurus SL-C1000 - Linux 2.6.22 - Angstrom/Debian dual boot - Ambicom 802.11b - 1GB Corsair SD
Nokia N800 - 2GB PQI SD card
Zaurus SL-5500 - OZ 3.5.3/Hentges T2/Opie - 64MB Lexar SD card


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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2005, 08:34:43 pm »
Update: apm --suspend will suspend the device when called by root or an unprivileged user, however if called by a user the machine will not resume and will need to be "reset" by pulling and replacing the battery.
Zaurus SL-C1000 - Linux 2.6.22 - Angstrom/Debian dual boot - Ambicom 802.11b - 1GB Corsair SD
Nokia N800 - 2GB PQI SD card
Zaurus SL-5500 - OZ 3.5.3/Hentges T2/Opie - 64MB Lexar SD card


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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2005, 05:06:50 am »
I'm realy impressed of the new OZ/Opie on my Collie. The most of it is the bluetooth subsystem Great  

I had some things that was already posted:
- line behind the taskbar in the terminal
- Suspend / resume of the bluetoothcard (bug 417)

New issue I found:
Beaming contacts, todolist don't work. Opie find my computer and I can setup a PAN-network. On my computer I've started gnome-obex-server.
So I jumped into the terminal and found the problem. The obex-server om my computer is on channel 4. The command:
Code: [Select]
obextool push 4Works great   for me. The question is how can I configure that obextool have to send on channel 4?

Inserting SD-card won't work. The cardmanager says that it was an empty socket. Clicking on Insert gives "Error while ing card in socket #1". Mouting the card in the terminal works.

In /etc/pcmcia/bluetooth.conf the Billionton Bluetoothcard will bind with bt950_cs. Please change this to serial_cs with class bluetooth.

I can't beam to the Zaurus    Zaurus said "Remote device doesn't support receiving obejcts".
« Last Edit: October 29, 2005, 05:19:22 am by EdbO »
Slackware current with Dropline Gnome on the desktop
Zaurus SL-5500  {
   1 GB  and 64MB SD-card
   16 MB and 256 MB CF-card
   Sitecom (Billionton) bluetoothcard