qx733, That segmentation fault was what happened whe I tried the driver in its original state directly in TK on my collie.
There is a modified driver for the former C series at Tetsu's site, I attach you a copy (in a reply below). I hope it works for you.
It seems that kb7sqi work and Chris testing are dealing with success.
Anyway, maybe it should be useful to set up an effort to organize the information related to sl-5500 which is messed and often difficult to find quickly at the forum.
Roms, drivers or patchs, scripts, setups...
I think our colllie deserves it. Here in Spain is still possible to find "brand new" SL-5500, with spanish localized keyboard.
I have no hacking skills, but this is a matter of sharing skills and efforts.
This is for me and state-of-the-art machine. Let's think about it.
Any suggestion?