Author Topic: CURRENT PSION 5mx OWNER NEEDS ADVICE  (Read 9960 times)


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« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2004, 11:26:47 am »
\"How nice would it be to be able to check both the SL-6000L and SL-C860 in a store and see for myself....\"

I had exactly the same thought as I  naively went the tottenham court road (a street that has a number of computer/electronics stores) expecting to haggle over a C860.  

You can use the C860 in \"tablet\" form. As for official support, your 5mx is no longer \"officially supported\" by Psion. So it\'s not a new think. As far as the hardware is running, sky\'s the limit.
SL-C860|CackoQT 1.2.2 or pdaxrom 1.1.0|256CF Maxell|512 SD Lexar|Aircable BT|Piel Frama Case


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« Reply #31 on: June 01, 2004, 12:33:05 pm »
Larman, I agree about OPL. It\'s not so far from Python (even if Python is far behind).

I do hope you\'re joking ! OPL was a total nightmare right from the start... Its only redeeming virtues were that it was embedded in ROM, thus letting you program on the Psion itself (good for looong meetings  ), and that it had crude but effective primitives for the EPOC user interface. So yes, people like me with no C++ knowledge could get going on the platform.

Apart from that, OPL code had all the appeal and long-term manageability of a 15-year-old BASIC dialect, and not a very advanced one at that : meaning, not much. And let\'s not talk (yet again) of Psion support for the OPL programmer community, the OPX mess, staying power, and whatnot.

I truly admire those few heroes who developed king-sized OPL apps in the S5\'s heyday. Having myself spent a lot of time on a small and utilitarian app (an expense recorder, which I still use  ) and seen it through a couple of revs, all I can say is that it takes a lot more dedication and tenacity than I\'m ever likely to muster. Especially as sooner or later, when the darned screen ribbon fails, all that will be left of the effort will be memories of sweat and tears and a few thousand lines of legacy code that will never serve any other purpose.

Simply put, having Python on this midget machine, along with a choice of decent code editors (which EPOC never had), feels like a dream : now I can reuse my (admittedly amateurish) experience on Windows and Unix machines to program on the Z, instead of painfully learning yet another framework for code that will die with the platform.

The apple-to-oranges comparison of OPL and Python is so laughable on so many levels that I won\'t start yet another flame war about that. OTOH, I\'m very aware that coding GUI apps with Python and the QTopia port of PyQT is probably harder initially than with OPL for simple things (although surely more productive for larger projects once you\'re on top of the learning curve). And with the somewhat proprietary nature of Sharp\'s version of QTopia, there is always the risk that code may be partly locked-in to the platform and need porting/refactoring down the line.

I don\'t know for sure, and I\'m not likely to try (except out of curiosity), because I don\'t have to. For the sort of simple-minded  apps I need or want to make (this time for fun  ), it is much simpler to run a custom web app server on the Z (very easy to do in Python) and use Opera or Netfront as the UI. This way I can code and test wherever convenient (on the Z or not). And if/when someday I need/want to run that on whichever next-generation Linux PDA, a Windows PC or even a Unix box, there\'ll be exactly nothing to do except copying some files... I\'ve already done this for a couple of regular desktop apps, and to me the magic of the Z platform is that it works exactly the same..

Sorry for the (partly OT) rant people, Christophe -whom I agree with much of the time - just touched a raw nerve there somewhere


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« Reply #32 on: June 01, 2004, 02:07:47 pm »
ShirtPocket are the company in the UK, in the States, it\'s The Kompany and Dynamism(?). Perhaps someone from the US can elaborate further.  

Just curious... if you buy the Zaurus from \"The Kompany\", do they include some of their applications with it?
Tony Olsen
Zaurus SL-C860 QTopia
2 GB Static CF
1 GB MMC (although it isn't working yet)
My Quest: To get an x86 emulator working on my Zaurus and to have my Zaurus replace my laptop as my MAIN computer
Publically available Videos for the default Zaurus SL-C860 video player


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« Reply #33 on: June 01, 2004, 02:14:12 pm »
4. Battery life. 10 hours promised but in reality less. Rechargeable battery used , so one has to keep it charged otherwise data may be lost !

Data may be lost?  The data is flash... I thought it doesn\'t need power to sustain the data.  Am I wrong here?
Tony Olsen
Zaurus SL-C860 QTopia
2 GB Static CF
1 GB MMC (although it isn't working yet)
My Quest: To get an x86 emulator working on my Zaurus and to have my Zaurus replace my laptop as my MAIN computer
Publically available Videos for the default Zaurus SL-C860 video player


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« Reply #34 on: June 01, 2004, 02:53:51 pm »
and how did the psion people react to your post? You should really give the 860 a try. The keyboard is better, the battery is better and you can see more with the VGA screen.  

VGA is a MUST!  Even with VGA, some applications have to \"crunch\" a little, but I can now VNC remote control a desktop in VGA mode without having to scroll to see the whole screen.  And, with the 1/2 scale pixel resampling option which my VNC viewer supports, I can view desktops with a resolution up to 1280x960... WITHOUT HAVING TO SCROLL!!  

VGA is also needed for many of the games ported over to the Zaurus, such as WarCraft II.  Some of these games still work in 320x240, but not very functionally (you miss half of the game... and you die easily.

KDE Koffice and PIM

KOffice... never heard of it.  Does it support Microsoft formats?  How does it compare to Hancom, StarOffice/OpenOffice, and others?  How does the KDE environment compare to QTopia?  Pro\'s / Con\'s?  Is it pretty slow?

2. Multi-functional software. I want to be able to organised my life on it (PDA), program on it (Java, C++) and not be restricted by some corporate managers decision as to what I can run, place, do with my device.  

It sounds like you\'re talking about Windows\' Group Policies.  I hate having those group policies there...  I don\'t have full control over my own development machine at work... so I flushed WinXP and upgraded to Win98SE   Now I have the controll back and I\'m happy again.   All the while I\'m slowly getting my SL-C860 laptop ready to replace everything else...   Someday day (mark my words) my C860 WILL BE MY MAIN COMPUTER!!  Bwuhahaha!!

It has been a steep learning curve for Linux but I\'m willing to make that investment.

Me too...
Tony Olsen
Zaurus SL-C860 QTopia
2 GB Static CF
1 GB MMC (although it isn't working yet)
My Quest: To get an x86 emulator working on my Zaurus and to have my Zaurus replace my laptop as my MAIN computer
Publically available Videos for the default Zaurus SL-C860 video player


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« Reply #35 on: June 01, 2004, 03:15:01 pm »
He\'s talking about a 5500.  The 5500 would loose data if the internal battery went dead.  All Z designed after the 5500 would not loose data (unless it is in memory ie an open spreadsheet) with the loss of power.

Data may be lost?  The data is flash... I thought it doesn\'t need power to sustain the data.  Am I wrong here?
I'm now an iphone user and use my zaurii as serial terminals, perl and shell scripting and when I need 640x480 screens

sl-c3100/pda cacko 1.23 | sl-6000l/needs battery | sl-c760/server pdaxrom rc12 | Former sl-5500/tkcrom owner (sister's birthday gift)


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« Reply #36 on: June 01, 2004, 03:24:47 pm »
You can no longer buy Zs from the Kompany (they took out the drop down menu to purchase it).  TheKompany\'s policy was to transfer any of their software licenses from your 5x00 Z to the clamshell.  This policy only applied to buying one of their devices.


ShirtPocket are the company in the UK, in the States, it\'s The Kompany and Dynamism(?). Perhaps someone from the US can elaborate further.  

Just curious... if you buy the Zaurus from \"The Kompany\", do they include some of their applications with it?
I'm now an iphone user and use my zaurii as serial terminals, perl and shell scripting and when I need 640x480 screens

sl-c3100/pda cacko 1.23 | sl-6000l/needs battery | sl-c760/server pdaxrom rc12 | Former sl-5500/tkcrom owner (sister's birthday gift)


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« Reply #37 on: June 01, 2004, 03:50:51 pm »
fpp what should I do? Answer to your post or just accept what you write? Did you give me the freedom to choose?
You are not the only one to use this kind of answer. Are you from the \"Dark Side Group\" too? Same scool?

So here is my point: OPL is an easy procedural basic language easy to learn by anyone. It is easy so it\'s like Python but it\'s not object driven and lack text features so it\'s far from Python. I like to compare chicken and pig. You should try too.


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« Reply #38 on: June 01, 2004, 04:16:58 pm »
Boy, if you want to choose between a SL-6000 and a SL-C860 then test them both. Nothing is better than your own value judgment.

Everyone here have their opinion. Make your own decision with direct testing and if possible during more than a week.


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« Reply #39 on: June 01, 2004, 05:59:16 pm »
fpp what should I do? Answer to your post or just accept what you write? Did you give me the freedom to choose?
You are not the only one to use this kind of answer. Are you from the \"Dark Side Group\" too? Same scool?

This is paranoid mumbo-jumbo pure and simple, without meaning nor relation to the topic at hand. Does it ever occur to you that even when following up on one of your posts, people may actually respond for the benefit and feedback of all readers ? That\'s what forums are for. Else we would use private mail.

So here is my point: OPL is an easy procedural basic language easy to learn by anyone. It is easy so it\'s like Python but it\'s not object driven and lack text features so it\'s far from Python. I like to compare chicken and pig. You should try too.

Thanks for your advice. Here\'s mine : instead of posing as a cryptic guru, you should try to make your point clear at first try once in a while. As in, proof-reading what you wrote before posting it and making sure that\'s really what you meant...

To me, your sentence quoted above means \"OPL is far [behind] Python\", which is such an evidence that I would never have blown my fuse on that. On the other hand, the (only) sentence in the original post I was answering reads :

\"Larman, I agree about OPL. It\'s not so far from Python (even if Python is far behind).\"

Not the same, uh ? So which is it ?

My contributions may not be as deeply philosophical as yours, but at least I try to respect potential readers by taking my time to word them, checking them over a couple of times, and trying to make it clear why I\'m writing them. Also, it makes it harder to turn the tables a couple of pages down the thread by claiming you were misunderstood. That\'s for politicians.

And yes, I know such values are much outdated. But you can\'t learn old dogs like me new tricks, like con artistry or the dark side of Ze Force, Hrrr, Hrrr...


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« Reply #40 on: June 02, 2004, 04:09:54 am »
Please read your previous post again and find all sentenses matching this: \"I think this, you are wrong and I would like to not talk about it\".

Thanks for your advice. Here\'s mine : instead of posing as a cryptic guru, you should try to make your point clear at first try once in a while. As in, proof-reading what you wrote before posting it and making sure that\'s really what you meant...

Yes I agree. I need to think more so no troll can pick a sentense and begin a flame war. (this is not for you, see what follow).

To me, your sentence quoted above means \"OPL is far [behind] Python\", which is such an evidence that I would never have blown my fuse on that. On the other hand, the (only) sentence in the original post I was answering reads :

\"Larman, I agree about OPL. It\'s not so far from Python (even if Python is far behind).\"

My god. Oh my god!!!!! I used an english dictionary for \"behind\". It mean \"derrière\" in french and I wanted to say ahead (\"devant\", the opposite). I have to rewrite this post. I now understand your point. fpp I apologize. I completely appologize.  :cry: Really.

I still remember the english book using the \"behind\" word and I have misunderstood it. As I say in another thread, I should go back to primary scool. Sorry again. I will shut up during 2 months to appologize (until august at least). Perhaps more because I\'m not constructing anything when I contribute but distroy instead.


Sorry again everyone too (those kind of post pollute threads).


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« Reply #41 on: June 02, 2004, 04:57:18 am »
My god. Oh my god!!!!! I used an english dictionary for \"behind\". It mean \"derrière\" in french and I wanted to say ahead (\"devant\", the opposite). I have to rewrite this post. I now understand your point. fpp I apologize. I completely appologize.  :cry: Really. I still remember the english book using the \"behind\" word and I have misunderstood it. As I say in another thread, I should go back to primary scool.  

Ah, so it\'s a \'bona fide\' mistake then ? I wasn\'t sure, but so much the better - these things happen, and we\'re agreed after all. Unfortunately wars have been fought (actual ones, not flame wars) and people have died because of poor choices of words. Thus we must all be careful even in the small things, especially us bunch of foreigners conducting virtual discussions in various dialects of a \'lingua franca\'. English is not my mother language either, so it requires extra effort (as you know I\'m also French, born in France and living there).

Sorry again. I will shut up during 2 months to appologize (until august at least). Perhaps more because I\'m not constructing anything when I contribute but distroy instead.

Oh come on, don\'t overdo it now ! I couldn\'t shut up for two months and I\'m not sure if you could either, or why you should... and anyway, that\'s not what we want ! :-)