Thanks a lot for the tjc tutorial [Wiki] dealing with how to upgrade Sailfish from stock to EA edited on 2019-01-09. Very good job!
https://together.jolla.com/question/186471/...anet-computers/However, I need your help, because the ?Device adaptation that's results after the upgrade is rev. instead of : so the landscape mode is not working, the keyboard is incorrectly mapped (some keys are not correctly affected), ...
I run the upgrade as described in the tutorial ( ->, but :
- the two repos added with the command ssu ar adaptation-0 and -1 are located in the (user) Enabled repositories... instead of the (global) one
- the resulting adaptation1 URL? ended with armv7hl (witch seems to be correct)
- no need to delete the old repos (were well disabled and with their full URL)
To be complete, I upgraded from rev. to using the /devel:/ branch and not the /testing:/ one and the directories were fixed to sailfish_latest_%(arch) instead of sailfishos_(%release).
I did that in order the upgrade to run well (and the files are more fresh : 19/01/14 in the common directory) : because, using the /testing:/ and sailfishos_(%release) in the URL made, my GeminiPDA was unable to boot after the to upgrade.
The ?GeminiPDA is running well with the upgrade ... but it’s!
I don't remember when, but the ssu command sometimes add the a < [D] unknown:0 - “No carrier” > line in his results : I don't know if it is a problem ?
When upgrading, I am not connected to any Jolla account on the device (also, no web page opened with a Jolla login) : I don't know if it's necessary (it's seems no, regarding some posts).
I hope someone could help me, as I tried to do the upgrade many times without success (using the tar archive to restore helpfully, from debian) and I am stuck to the community version.
Thanks a lot!